Miwako Sato is playing beyond normal today, no way, if the prisoner commits suicide, she and Takagi have to finish the calf, if the prisoner is murdered, she and Takagi still have to bear the fault of dereliction of duty, but there is still a chance to make up for it.

What's more, the train has already entered the Tokyo circle, how can there be a simple suicide within their jurisdiction of Tokyo?

Murderer and police: Who to look down on?

But if it is really his murder, the murderer should have a lot of blood on his body when he fled the scene, which will definitely attract the attention of passengers.

When Takagi took the prisoner to the bathroom, Maori Kogoro and they kept an eye on the door of the carriage, only to see Takagi wading back, which means that the murderer escaped from the other direction.

Maori Kogoro and they sit in the 13th and final workshop, and if the murderer has escaped to the other 12 workshops, it will be troublesome to find.

"But how did the murderer convey the message to the deceased?" Takagi Wataru was a little puzzled, "Before this, Officer Sato and I were guarding the deceased's side step by step, and no one had contact with the deceased at all, how did the murderer give such complex instructions to the deceased?"

"In fact, just hint at him to go to the bathroom, as long as he gets to the bathroom, he can naturally find the next instructions." Miwako Sato analyzed, "The question now is, what method did the murderer use to avoid Takagi's attention and hint that the deceased went to the bathroom?"

Just when the two police officers were at a loss, Tuchuan suddenly said: "It's a newspaper!" "

Huh?" Wataru Takagi and Miwako Sato froze slightly.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the deceased's left hand hanging on the ground and said, "Look at the deceased's palm, there are still pencil characters printed on the newspaper!" Maori

Kogoro looked at the deceased's left hand, Conan's brain was just blocking there, and he raised his hand and punched down a large bag.

"It hurts!" Conan almost bit his tongue, and before he could hold his head, he was thrown in front of Maori Kogoro by Maori Kogoro, "Xiaolan, show me this energetic little ghost!"

Maori Lan held poor Conan and stood in the doorway.

Takagi raised the deceased's left hand, and sure enough, he found the printed lead characters in the palm of the deceased's hand, and the large word "anesthetic" was clearly visible.

Rabbikawa held his chin and said, "If I'm not mistaken, I also saw these two words in the newspaper that Uncle Maori bought on the platform, which is the report in the Nippon Sports newspaper about the murder of Ray Katis last night. Wataru

Takagi and Miwako Sato looked at each other, they had not given the deceased a newspaper, then this newspaper could only be left by the murderer.

Rabbit Chuan continued: "It is likely that the murderer stabbed the knife into the body of the deceased through the newspaper, and then pulled the knife out and threw it on the ground so that the blood of the deceased would not splash on his body, and then he just had to dispose of the newspaper."

"In addition, because the headline of the daily sports newspaper is "World Cup hero arrested", the English for World Cup is World Cup, and its acronym is W.C for bathroom, so the murderer should have used this newspaper to imply that the deceased went to the bathroom."

"In other words, as long as the murderer passes by Officer Takagi and glances at the newspaper to the deceased, he can conceal Officer Takagi's eyes and secretly convey information, so the person holding a daily sports newspaper passing by Officer Takagi is the murderer!"

It is estimated that Ray Cartis never dreamed that his murder case would become the decisive evidence in the next case.

This is called the good reincarnation of the heavenly way, who will the heavens spare!

Rabbit Chuan said in one breath, he just wants to leave the door of the bathroom now, the toilet is mixed with the smell of blood, vomiting, it is really good.

"So that's the case, it's worthy of being Detective Rabbitchuan!" Miwako Sato was excited, it was so good that she could atone for her sins!

Miwako Sato immediately turned back to Takagi and said, "Takagi, do you remember someone who passed by you and held a newspaper?"

"I remember that after Officer Sato left, about two or three people walked down the aisle next to us.

When Miwako Sato saw the drama, she immediately asked, "Do you remember who it was?"

Takagi scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly: "This, I can't remember who it was, maybe someone was holding the newspaper."

"I know!" Now it's Conan's turn, "There were three of them, and they were holding horse racing newspapers, canned coffee, and sports newspapers, and the sports newspaper was a slender, knitted hat, about 30 years old.

Miwako Sato bent down and said to Dora Conan, "Then can you still recognize him?"

Conan nodded and took Wataru Takagi and Miwako Sato to catch the murderer.

Rabbit Chuan yawned, met the salesman sister pushing the snack cart, and bought a can of Coke by the way to wake up.

Because Rabbit Chuan ruled out two wrong answers for them at once, they did not choose one of the three, but directly found the murderer Akira Akashi.

Akira Akashi confessed to his crime... That's impossible!

The murderer not only pleaded not guilty, but he also took out a daily sports newspaper from his backpack and loudly retorted: "Because I bought a newspaper on the platform and convicted me, you guys are too much!"

Miwako Sato was stunned and said, "Stripe, sliver?!" Akashi

Akira quickly covered his mouth and changed his words: "Ahem! Slip of the tongue, I want to say that your lord police officer, you don't have to convict me because I happened to buy a newspaper on the platform, I really wronged me! "

Huh? This newspaper of my uncle is different from the newspaper that Uncle Kogoro bought! Conan held up the two newspapers and said, "You see, although it is the same day's newspaper, the words of the headlines are different."

Mao Lilan took a closer look and said in surprise: "Huh? Why did Dad's newspaper headline read "World Cup heroes arrested" and another newspaper headline "World Cup heroes under investigation"?

Miwako Sato explains, "Because the newspapers inside the station are different from those sold in the shops outside, the newspapers in the station are delivered late, so we can update the news content in a timely manner when major events occur."

"That is to say, Mr. Shi bought two newspapers, one used during the murder, and the other to cope with the police investigation." Akashi

Akira quickly denied: "No, no, no, I only bought a newspaper, I remembered it wrong, I bought it in a store!"

Tuchuan smiled and said: "Don't be in a hurry to deny it, I think you are too obvious because you are holding the newspaper to swagger through the market, and I am afraid that when the police investigate afterwards, I will not be able to take out the newspaper to arouse the suspicion of the police, so I specially bought two copies of the same newspaper inside and outside the platform."

"But even if you don't admit it, it doesn't matter, I think another newspaper must still be on this train, even if you tear it up and throw it in the toilet, as long as the police search carefully, you will definitely find the newspaper stained with your fingerprints and full of the blood of the dead!"

Miwako Sato clapped her hands and suddenly realized: "Yes, shinkansen trains cannot open windows, open flames are prohibited except in smoking areas, as long as the newspaper is still on the train, we will definitely be able to search for it!"

Akashi's heart sank, it's over!

At this time, the radio in the car suddenly sounded the arrival announcement, and Akira Akashi panicked, turned around and ran.

Conan shouted: "Brother Rabbitchuan, borrow me a Coke can!" "

Rabbit Chuan's hands are empty, fortunately he drank quickly, otherwise it would be wasted.

Conan put the can on the ground, crouched down on one knee, activated his strength, got up and raised his foot, followed by a kick in the air... Wait, kick the air?!!

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