Although Conan picked up his spirits and played with Rabbit River with Heiji Hattori for a while, so many things happened that Conan was not in the mood to take the VIP ticket that Katis gave him to watch the football game without Katis.

Maori Kogoro waved his hand and prepared to return to Tokyo with the children, after all, the head of Hattori and his wife are still sick, so it is not too difficult to disturb them, and the children will have to go to school tomorrow!

After lunch at Hattori's house, Hattori Shizuka personally sent them outside the door and said embarrassedly: "Mr. Mori, I'm really sorry, this time we didn't recruit well."

Maori Kogoro laughed and said, "Wherever, we disturbed." Officer

Otaki drove a bus over, dropped Maori Kogoro and Hattori Heiji and their group off at Osaka Station and turned around and returned to the Osaka Prefectural Police.

The Osaka Prefectural Police still have a bunch of things, especially that Ray Katis, although he committed a case in his country, but he himself is a foreigner, and he killed a foreigner, the key is that these two people are not small, and then they have to fight with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, what a trouble!

Officer Otaki felt like his head was going bald.

While waiting for the car, Morilan saw the overwhelming newspaper reports about the Ray Cartis incident and worriedly called Kudo Shinichi, who must be the same as Conan now.

Seeing this, Conan, who was chatting with Rabbit Chuan, immediately jumped to his feet and said, "Ah, brother Rabbit Chuan, I'm going to go to the toilet!"

Rabbit Chuan snorted.

"I'll go with him!" Hattori Heiji picked up Conan and ran, afraid that Rabbit River would chase him.

Rabbit Chuan watched them leave and said to himself: "Well, I didn't say I was going with you..."

Mao Lilan dialed the phone and asked cautiously: "Hello?" Shinichi, how are you doing?

Kudo Shinichi replied, "Well, you mean to say something about Ray Katis, right?" I've seen the morning news, it's really unbelievable, even now I still can't believe it..." "

Shinichi..." Morilan didn't know how to comfort him, "By the way, Shinichi, there is one more thing, I, I have asked him..."

Maori Lan was a little unable to speak, Kudo Shinichi directly said for her: "I know, you helped me get a jersey signed by Katis, right?"

Mao Lilan asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

Kudo Shinichi glanced at the man next to him and said, "Oh, Hattori told me. Mao

Lilan immediately asked, "Oh? It turns out that you still call Hattori regularly?

"It's a coincidence!" Kudo Shinichi laughed, "It's the case of the 3K Hotel last night, and I occasionally hit it." After

buying a bento, Maori Kogoro passed by his daughter, paused for a moment, turned around and said, "How about buying another newspaper?"

"To Uncle, I'll buy it for you!" Toyama and Ha shoved the newspaper into Maori Kogoro's hands, and then pushed Maori Kogoro to sit next to Rabbitugawa, no one could disturb her little sister in love.

Kudo Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Xiaoran, I'm sorry, but you can help me keep it before I go back!" Although a lot of unpleasant things have happened, Katis on the court will always be my hero, and that will not change, thank you, Xiaolan. Mao

Lilan blushed and snorted, and suddenly pink bubbles filled the sky, and Distant Mountain and Ye unconsciously came over.

In fact, as early as when Ray Katis decided to turn himself in, Kudo Shinichi was already relieved, but he was still a little embarrassed.

Conan saw that the time was almost up, and the train was about to enter the station, and quickly said: "Xiaolan, there is still something on my side, so I will hang up first!" Mao

Lilan suddenly woke up from the pink bubble and shouted, "Wait a minute, Shinichi!

Kudo Shinichi asked, "Huh?" What's the matter with you? Mao

Lilan clenched his mobile phone with a red face, his heart pounding, and suddenly remembered Suzuki Sonoko's words: "Xiaolan, don't you want to know if Shinichi means that to you?"

Kudo Shinichi urged, "What the hell is going on?"

Mao Lilan took a deep breath, plucked up his courage, and said, "I, I want to ask you... You..." Yuanshan

and Ye saw that the situation was very good, and silently cheered up the little sister with their eyes, come on, Xiaolan! Say it quickly!

And Rabbit Chuan is staring at the watch, silently counting down five and four in his heart....

Mao Lilan puffed up and said, "Do you have anything to me..."

Woo-woo -

the train sped by, and with a pop the door opened, and Maori Lan and the distant mountains and leaves standing in front of the door were messy in the wind.

The station broadcast: "Platform 26 arrives at the Nozomi train to Tokyo at 14:56..."

Rabbikawa pushes Maori Kogoro next to him, pretending to read a newspaper, and says, "Uncle Māori, our train is coming." Maori

Kogoro immediately looked up from the newspaper and shouted, "Xiaolan, stop talking, get ready to get in the car!"

Before Maori Lan could react, Kudo Shinichi on the other side of the phone said quickly: "Your car has arrived, right?" Then I'll call you again when I have time!

Mao Lilan said blankly, "Okay." "

No way, she has used all her strength in that sentence just now, and now she can't hold anything in her head.

"Wait a minute!" Yuanshan and Ye looked like they wanted to blow up the Shinkansen, grabbed the phone and said, "Wait a minute, Xiaolan hasn't finished talking yet!" Feed? He is already hanging. "

Yuanshan and Ye are confused, what is the situation, she almost knocked on sugar when she hit the most critical, how did it end?

Hattori Heiji came over and asked, "Kazuha, what happened?"

Toyama and Ye stared at their phones, frowned, and said, "Xiaolan is calling Kudo, and just when he talks about the wonderful part, he hangs up." "

Rabbit Chuan is speechless and dead, hey, don't say that his brother is hanging up, it's just that the phone is hung up!"

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