Looking at Conan's overall situation, the cases that have the greatest impact on Conan are definitely these three cases.

First of all, there is the famous piano sonata Moonlight Murder.

Before this, Conan's favorite thing to do was to publish the murderer's methods step by step through reasoning, and enjoy the thrill after the murderer was finally revealed.

However, after Conan reasoned out the murderer, this time the murderer chose to commit suicide.

This made Conan realize that although he found the murderer, he did not prevent her from committing suicide, so what is the difference between his approach and that of the murderer?

Although because of the whim of Rabbit River, Conan has one less chance to sublimate his life, but it doesn't matter, such a murderer kills for revenge, and finally commits suicide, next door Kaneda is all over the place, and few survive.

All of them are carrying a deep hatred of the sea of blood, enduring humiliation and bearing the burden for many years, and are bound to pay the blood debts of the enemy, and if there is no positive manager, they will never choose to kill people to solve the problem.

Rabbit Chuan decided to borrow a case with Kaneda another day to make up for this lesson for the old brother.

And the second is Akemi Miyano's billion-dollar robbery.

At first, it was just a simple search commission, and although Conan found the client strange, because it was only a small case of finding people, he did not take the case to heart at all.

But Conan doesn't know that the search is just the tip of the iceberg, and under the iceberg there is a bigger billion-dollar robbery, and the black-clad organization he has been looking for.

However, when Conan deduces the truth, it is too late, and Akemi Miyano dies tragically under the gun of Gin Wine.

Conan has always regretted that if he had taken that strange search commission seriously in the first place, perhaps Akemi Miyano would not have died.

Although, in fact, Akemi Miyano is not only not dead, but is still a traveling sister, but, shh, let's play by ourselves quietly, don't tell Conan.

Eat a lot, grow a wisdom, let him remember for a long time, the case is not big or small, do not pick the fat and thin.

The last one is today, when your favorite person is suspected, and even all the signs indicate that he is the real murderer, what will you choose?

Is it to debunk him? Or shield him?

Shinichi Kudo... Washing machine Ou ~ Ni ~ sauce ~

Rabbit Chuan rubbed his arms, oh mother, goosebumps fell off the ground, it was really numb.

Hattori Heiji looked at Rabbit River with an inexplicable look and asked, "What's wrong with you?" Is it cold?

Rabbit Chuan said casually: "It's nothing, I just think that Miss Xiaolan asked for the new brother's signed jersey, as well as Conan's tickets for tomorrow's ball game, Gee, it's a pity!" "

Huh?" Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, "Do you want to say that the murderer is Ray Katis?!"

"Whether from the point of view of the motive for the murder or the method of killing, those three foreigners are the most suspicious!" "People on our side prefer potassium cyanide and fishing line, and Ray Cartis' room is directly opposite the stairs, and he is the closest to the crime scene and easy to manipulate." Hattori

thought for a moment and said, "You are right, Mike Nord fabricated their scandal, and Ray Katis did have a motive for murder."

"No way!" Conan rushed over and said, "Although Mike Nord fabricated the scandal of Ray Cartis, Ray has won the case and proved his innocence, and he has no reason to hurt that reporter!"

Rabbit Chuan said to Conan: "Little friend, you are too naïve, just the so-called rumor-mongering a mouth, refuting rumors and breaking your legs, even if Ray Cartis wins the lawsuit, but some of the impact is never irreversible."

Conan affirmed: "I believe that Ray is definitely not that kind of person, and the murderer must be someone else." Hattori

looked at Conan stunned, Kudo is so strange today.

Hattori Heiji and Conan left back and forth, acting separately, and Conan was determined to find the so-called true murderer and prove the innocence of the idol.

Rabbit Chuan helplessly spread his hands, sure enough, feelings and absolute rationality are incompatible, no matter how rational people are usually, in the face of feelings, they will inevitably waver, this is the weakness of human nature, but also the light of human nature.

Rabbit Chuan suddenly heard Officer Otaki's roar behind him: "What did you say?!" How can you let them leave casually?

The officer who came to report explained: "The assistants around the three foreigners were difficult to entangle, and they also said that there was something to talk about when their lawyer came."

Rabbit Chuan came over and asked, "Officer Otaki, what happened?"

Officer Otaki calmed down and said, "Those three foreigners have gone back to the room, the key is that Ray Katis also changed a set of clothes."

Rabbit Chuan asked, "What about the clothes he changed?"

Officer Otaki looked at his subordinates, and the officer replied, "It seems that he was taken away by his assistant."

Officer Otaki had a hunch that there must be something wrong with the outfit, and ordered: "You take a few people to keep an eye on Ray Cutis's assistant, and you must find an opportunity to get the suit back." "


The police on one side took active action, and the detective team returned to the scene of the crime on the other side.

Hattori Heiji went to check Ray Katis's room this time, just like Rabbit Chuan said, Ray Cutis's room is facing the stairs, now the hotel is not officially open, the elevator is in a state of shutdown, and the murderer can only take the stairs.

Hattori Heiji walked into the room and did not find the mechanism to turn on the lights and open the curtains, and it was about 3 seconds between Ray Cartis turning on the light switch and they heard the gunshots, was it possible for him...

"No way!" Conan leaned against Ray Cartis' door frame and said, "Ray Cutis has always had a problem with his left knee joint, it is impossible to run upstairs to kill in three seconds, and Mike Nord has just completed foot ligament surgery, and Ricka Barre is too far away, in terms of time, none of the three of them can be the murderer."

"Kudo, you're so weird today!" Hattori Heiji stared at Conan with doubtful eyes, "If it were you, you must be very active in cracking the suspect's alibi, what happened today?"

"Yes, yes?" Conan weakly turned around and pulled open the cupboard on the other side, "I'm looking for it, but you see that there are no mechanisms in the room, only mops and brooms." Hattori

asked strangely, "It's strange, how can there be a mop in a hotel room?" "

Uh..." Conan choked.

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked down at the long mop lever and then at the light switch on the wall.

Hattori Heiji patted Conan on the shoulder and said, "Hey, Kudo, it's impossible for anyone else, but if it's Ray Cutis, it's something only he can do..."

Conan's face changed drastically, and he retorted loudly, "Absolutely impossible! Hattori

Heiji yelled, "Kudo, are you shielding him now?"

"No..." Conan lowered his head and turned to cling to the doorframe, torn between emotion and reason.

Conan left a sentence: "I will prove to you, Ray Cartis is not that kind of person, he is absolutely innocent." "Just run.

Hattori Heiji looked at Conan's departing back, frowned, and muttered, "Kudo, didn't you say that all impossibility was eliminated, and the rest of the things, no matter how unwilling you want to believe, but that is the truth, have you forgotten, Kudo..."

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