As soon as Rabbit Chuan hung up the phone, he heard the doorbell ringing outside, but he didn't remember that there was a guest coming to the house today, that is, an uninvited guest.

Rabbit Chuan got up and walked slowly to open the door.

Every time I have to open the door, another day, no, tomorrow I will ask Dr. Agasa to change the door to a remote control and install another monitor.

Rabbit Chuan opened the door, and the uninvited guest outside the door really surprised Rabbit Chuan.

"Lawyer Kuroda?" Rabbit Chuan asked strangely, "Why are you here?"

Rabbit Chuan turned around and asked Lawyer Kuroda to hurry through the door, noticing that Haihara on the opposite side did not go out with Conan today to harm the rice flower citizens, but the two of them are so far away, there should be no problem, right?

In the Agasa Mansion, Haihara Mourning suddenly became full of excitement, and immediately turned back in fear, no one, what's going on? Is it going to catch a cold?

Lawyer Kuroda sat on the sofa and pulled out a document from his briefcase, a familiar set of operations that made Rabbit Chuan seem to see the legacy.

"White Rabbit Pharmaceutical?" In Rabbitchuan's hand was a company transfer agreement, "What does this mean?" "

Could it be that Karasuma Renya is cold?

So, he can finally inherit the inheritance again?

Rabbit Chuan's eyes lit up, blurted out, and asked, "Legacy?"

"No, no, no, no!" Lawyer Kuroda quickly denied, "It's the boss, it's the old master who gave it to you, this should have been distributed to the young master's family property, if the young master hadn't run away from home back then."

Rabbit Chuan looked like he suddenly realized, but said on his mouth: "But he still left, and I'm not my family now, so the family property should have nothing to do with me, right?"

Although Rabbit Chuan said so, he still remembered it in his heart, after all, when the evil Ben family was wiped out, the remaining corners and corners were not all his.

Lawyer Kuroda said hesitantly, "Well... After all, it is a family, as the saying goes, break bones and connect tendons, in short, you can know by looking at the name of the company, the boss still thinks about you.

Rabbit Chuan sneered and said, "Well, remembering huh? Alas, I am indeed worried, but the pharmaceutical factory, what does it have to do with my father's farming?

"Of course there is... Well? Lawyer Kuroda was stunned, "Farmer? Who said that the young master farmed the land?

Rabbit Chuan blinked innocently and asked tentatively, "Don't farm?" Planting watermelons? "

Lawyer Kuroda opened his mouth, how mouthless is the groove! My little young master!

Rabbit Chuan read the agreement at a glance, did not find any traps, pure white business, is it really a simple to send money?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

But Rabbit Chuan still couldn't figure it out, why did the organization suddenly send such a thing?

Lawyer Kuroda reorganized his language and replied, "The boss heard that you recently encountered two explosions and were accidentally injured and hospitalized, and I am very distressed! Rabbit

Chuan's mind quickly turned into a big truth: BOSS heard that you encountered a bomb on the bus, Belmod was present but did not protect you, after that, Gin Jiu put a bomb on the twin towers skyscraper, I don't know why you were there again, although Bourbon kid saved you, but the boss is afraid of your revenge, send you something to suppress the shock, dissipate the anger, don't worry about them.

Rabbit Chuan rolled his eyes, saying that there are only these two bottles of real wine in the winery, so what does he have to calculate, forget it, sign it directly!

However, even if Rabbit Chuan signed it, in fact, the company is still in the hands of the organization.

Because the agreement is marked, Rabbit Chuan can only get the decision-making power of the company when he becomes an adult, and before that, the company is represented by his parents, and Rabbit Chuan can only sit and take money.

The company's proceeds will be transferred to Rabbitakawa personal account at the end of the year, and Kuroda has opened an account for Rabbitakawa at the Swiss Bank, which is said to be the safest and most confidential bank in the world.

Rabbit Chuan strongly opposes, no, it can't be by year, it must come quarterly!

Rabbit River also symbolically asked Kuroda's lawyer what the White Rabbit Pharmaceutical product had.

Kuroda lawyer said that they are all high-end health care products, and we are taking the sales route of luxury brands.

This one...... Rabbit River has never heard of it!

I don't know why, Rabbitikawa has a feeling, if he asks Kuroda now, what are the future benefits of this company?

Lawyer Kuroda may say to him, "It probably depends on the attitude of Gin Jiu to make up for it." "

Gin Wine: .

. Rabbit Chuan suddenly wanted to ask, is this really a serious company?

Forget it, regardless of whether the company is serious now, Rabbit Chuan feels that he should find something serious for the company to do, don't go bankrupt at that time, and put his company in.

Rabbit Chuan gave a suggestion to Kuroda's lawyer, saying, "Let's do the cosmeceutical business!" The future must be very profitable! "

Rabbit Chuan can remember that the cosmeceuticals here are very good, and in the circle of friends back then, for a while they were all overseas purchases, a small bottle of 1,800, and some of them were tens of thousands!"

"Cosmeceuticals? Okay, no problem, I'll go back and let them look into it. Lawyer Kuroda replied.

Lawyer Kuroda doesn't know much about cosmeceuticals, but it doesn't matter, it's cosmetics, someone understands!

In this world, no one knows cosmetics better than the Thousand-Faced Witch.

And Belmode is also a Hollywood actress, an absolute goddess of frozen age, and when the time comes, let Chris Wynyard be a free spokesperson, and the right is that she will make up for it and ensure that she makes a lot of money.

Belmode: .

Hey, wake up, wake up!

What does her Belmode's frozen age have to do with cosmetics? She is completely relying on A medicine!!

Also endorsement, or you simply mix A medicine in cosmeceuticals!

Not to mention, the proposal of the little young master Rabbit River is very professional and counterpartial, Kuroda dares to pack tickets, in this world, no one knows how to maintain eternal youth better than the organization!

Once the cosmeceuticals of White Rabbit Pharmaceutical were sold, it was simply popular all over the world, and the goddess of frozen age, Chris Wynyard, personally tested and effective, the key is that it is really good!

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but sigh, women's money, it's really easy to earn!

Rabbit River rushed to lunchtime to see off lawyer Kuroda.

It is necessary to calculate the time well and not be seen by the gray plains.

Rabbit Chuan stopped by for lunch, and when he got home, he received another call.

Rabbit Chuan asked, "Hello? I'm Rabbitikawa and oh, it's Hattori, what's going on? Going to Osaka? Oh, I see. "

Rabbit Chuan hung up the phone, it's over, Conan, he's really going to collapse!

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