"This outfit is very much like our family, my father is a mystery novelist, I am the female detective Baroness of the Night, and my brother is a new high school detective." Kudo Yukiko said.

"Then one, two, three is a junior high school detective!" Maori Lan echoed.

"What a little detective, at best, he is an errand-running young detective team imp next to Detective Holmes." Kudo Shinichi teased.

Rabbit Chuan one, two, three, one glance at the past, not preaching righteousness, hiding from leisure, still ridiculing people here, what kind of old brother is this!

Hmph, wait a year and see who is the little ghost of the Young Detective Corps running errands.

The salesman on the side of Rabbit River asked, "Is there no other color for this outfit?"

"Sorry, this detective suit is only black in one color, and the crystal decoration on each suit is unique." The outfit you are wearing is a mysterious amethyst, which symbolizes the unique mystical wisdom to point the only direction in the night. "

This way." Rabbit River One Two Three was a little disappointed.

"If Ichigosan-chan doesn't like this outfit, let's look at the other clothes."

"Aunt Yukiko, that outfit looks good too!"

"No, no, this is good." Rabbit River one, two, three sweat.

Black is good, dirt resistant!

Unbeknownst to Rabbitikawa Kazuki, this outfit became his signature outfit for the next year as his debut in Conan's Memories line.

After all, in the early days, the supporting roles did not have clothes to change.

Kudo Yukiko clapped her hands and suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Do you want Xin-chan to also come with the same clothes as one, two, three, and sauce, it's a brother outfit."

"No more, Mom!" Kudo Shinichi hurried to stop it, how could the war burn to him.

"What's not to need, it's hard to come here, of course, buy a few more sets of clothes!" Kudo Yukiko looked at her watch and exclaimed, "It's not good, how come it's already this time." "

What's wrong?" Kudo Shinichi also looked at his watch, "There's still plenty of time."

"I made an appointment with the person who helped me get the tickets, and they said they would take me backstage if I arrived an hour before the show... Time flies so fast when shopping for clothes that I don't even pay attention to the time. "

Kudo Shinichi and Rabbikawa One, Two, Three are speechless, it's a real doll dress-up game for fun!

Kudo Shinichi silently calculated in his heart, "There is still time, if we start from here now, at the highest safe speed in New York, we will arrive an hour earlier."

"Then let's go, really, I want to match Shin-chan with a set of clothes!"

Kudo Yukiko is a little playful, isn't it just to have children, I finally met each other, and I haven't had enough fun.

Alas, children are not as fun as when they were young, and it would be better if they were always small.

And Kudo Shinichi's side was relieved fiercely, great, finally escaped the bad luck.

Rabbit River One Two Three is really tired, physically and mentally exhausted, last night because of the jet lag and the review of today's actions did not sleep much, and in the afternoon with the two women to go shopping is a little...

"That's what Sherlock Holmes said then..."

"Shh—Shinichi, you make a little noise, you see One, Two, Three are asleep."

Maori Lan pointed to Rabbit River One, Two, Three, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

"This imp definitely didn't sleep last night."

Kudo Shin tried to poke him in the face with one hand, and Morilan snapped his hand away.

"Don't wake him up."

"Don't worry, this little devil has always been very familiar with sleeping, and thunder can't wake him up."

"This way!" Kudo Yukiko suddenly interjected, "Then I will be relieved." Kudo

Shinichi saw Kudo Yukiko's eager expression and had a sense of foreboding.

"You two sit tight, I'm going to take a little bit of a ride!" Kudo Yukiko stepped on the accelerator to the end.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!! Wait a minute——! "

In the wail, this 'Miss England' is like a silver lightning bolt speeding over the Kruling Bridge in Manhattan....

Not good! How did I fall asleep! Rabbit Chuan rubbed his eyes and woke up to hear someone talking.

"I should really thank God..." Is

it Miss Xiaolan who spoke? The plot develops to...

Rabbit River One-Two-Three quietly poked his head out from behind Kudo Yukiko and just happened to see Sharon. The sad smile on Wynyard's face.

"Is there really a God in this world? If it really exists..."

"Then wouldn't everyone in the world who is desperately trying to live their lives not suffer misfortune?"

"Yes, angels never smile at me..." "

Not once..."

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