"To sum up, the long life mother is Shimabukuro Junhui pretending to be, then Shimabukuro Junhui has enough time to commit the crime, and after that, I saw that she was going to act alone and followed directly, and when she set fire, I arrested her..."

Conan suddenly shouted to interrupt Rabbit Chuan's reasoning, "You caught up with you yourself?!" Yourself!!

"Uh..." Rabbit Chuan blinked, summed up, and changed his tone from the heart, "I... When I went to the bathroom and came back, I accidentally found someone setting fire... Hahahaha..." Conan

stared at his brother dissatisfied, his brother was stable when he was a child, and he hid behind Officer Matsuda every time he reasoned, how did he feel that this child was a little floaty recently?

What else does Conan want to say, Hattori Heiji quickly pressed Conan's brain, brother, don't say it, think about who is floating now?

Rabbit Chuan rolled his eyes, quickly changed the topic, and ridiculed: "By the way, Conan, do you know that when Brother Heiji and Sister Kazuha were hanging on the cliff, they held hands..."

Hattori Heiji's face was red, and he retorted seriously: "Hey, don't talk nonsense!" I'm just saving people. "

Hattori!" Mao Lilan suddenly ran over and said, "Show me your wounds." "

Huh?" Hattori Heiji was a little confused, "Why do you want to see this?"

Mao Lilan looked lovingly pleased, and said with a ripple in his heart: "What for, let me see the love wound that Ye left on your hand, boom!" "

Ugh!" Yuanshan and Ye instantly blushed shyly, and helplessly pulled the girlfriend who kowtowed on the head, "Don't, don't say it, Xiaolan..."

Hattori Heiji looked calm, raised his left hand and stretched out in front of their eyes, and said: "You said that, I woke up in the morning and found that it was already fine, and even the blood scab was cut off by me." Mao

Lilan calmed down, a little disappointed.

Far Mountain and Ye Gu were not shy, stepped forward and grabbed Hattori Heiji's left hand, repeatedly confirmed, but the result was that she did not find the wound, she muttered unwillingly: "How is it so fast, I already knew that I would pierce deeper." "

Rabbit Chuan can't bear to look directly, a woman in love really has an IQ that is not online, sister, you stabbed your right hand! ! !

"And Sister Ye... Not! As soon as Rabbit Chuan was about to speak, Hattori Heiji immediately covered his mouth and said, "Brother, go back and buy you a game console." "

Rabbit Chuan gave him a blank look, he didn't even want an assist, he really deserved to be single!

When the girls left here, Conan squeezed his eyebrows at Heiji Hattori, looked at Heiji's right hand in his trouser pocket, and teased with a bad smile: "Brother Heiji, it's a wound of love!" Hattori

Heiji said angrily, "Less verbose, what kind of love wound?"

Rabbit Chuan asked tentatively, "Then what are you...?" Hattori

Heiji's face was hot, and he said proudly: "This is the proof of a brother in life and death, how can I leave my good brother behind and live alone?" "

Rabbit Chuan and Conan are silent, this fool, there is no salvation....

Back in Tokyo, Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha flew back to Osaka overnight.

Don't ask why?

I asked because I have school tomorrow.

Don't ask why it's only a few days of winter vacation, why will school start tomorrow?

Because time is like a white horse passing through the gap, fleeting....

Well, Rabbit Chuan just wanted to say that he didn't even know when the winter vacation was, or when he listened to Hattori Heiji on the ship, he reacted, oh, he said, how every day these days, it turned out to be a winter vacation!

As for the winter vacation homework, I don't remember, let's talk about it tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow will be the summer vacation again?

Well, although the day after tomorrow is not a summer vacation, the day after tomorrow does have a holiday.

On the same day, Dr. Agasa took the children to camp again.

Probably Rabbitakawa always muttered in Dr. Agasa's ear, and every time he camped near Yonehanamachi, he encountered accidents, so Dr. Agasa decided to camp farther away this time.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the overwhelming news about the neon's tallest twin towers skyscraper about to open for business, it seems that the campsite chosen by Dr. Agasa this time is indeed quite far away.

But even so, Rabbit Chuan did not go camping with Conan this time, because Miss Xiaolan commissioned him to investigate Uncle Maori's affair... She is a student at Maori Uncle University.

Alas, it was all Suzuki Sonoko's bad idea, the cause was that Mao Lilan found out that her scruffy father actually went to the beauty salon, not only shaved his face, did a hairstyle, but also ordered a new suit, old cucumber painted green, there must be a problem!

In the case of a fruitless carpet search, Maori Lan angrily hammered the table and directly pressed for questioning, and Maori Kogoro confessed and lenient.

It turned out that the younger sister of Maori Kogoro University invited him to visit his newly built twin towers, and the key is that this student is still unmarried.

Fire prevention, theft and anti-student sister, Suzuki Sonoko pulled Rabbit River together to fight for his girlfriend, in front of the "children", forgive that junior sister will not have any unexpected thoughts.

In this way, Maori Kogoro's original solo date with the beautiful senior sister has now become a play with the children.

Maori Kogoro looked unloved, and said, "You guys are not allowed to disturb the work of adults when you get there, remember?" "Good

!" Maori Lan is very interested, as long as it is not Dad secretly engaged in an affair, everything is negotiable.

Sonoko Suzuki pointed out the window and said excitedly, "Wow! Xiaolan, look, over there is the tallest two-tower skyscraper in neon!

"Really, it's so tall!" Maori Lan looked over.

Suzuki Sonoko sighed and said, "Alas, I really want to build such a tall building, but unfortunately we can't build it in the city." "

Rabbit Chuan doesn't think there is anything good, well, no matter how high the building is, it is not a life to be bombed in the end."

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