Everyone present was in awe of the Celestial Statue, this case was simply outrageous, could it really be said that this was the curse of the Celestial Statue?

Even Conan felt incredible, could it be that this murderer would move instantly? Or do you say... Is the Celestial Statue really angry?

The post-mortem examination results of the Shizuoka Prefectural Police showed that the cause of death of the deceased was the short knife inserted in the chest, which killed him by one stab, and the time of death was not long ago, which corresponds to the time when the deceased disappeared in the carriage.

Conan wandered around the scene and suddenly found a log cabin at the bottom of the mountain, and smoke was still smoking in the chimney next to the cabin.

Conan turned to look at Honori Domoto and asked, "Uncle Hozen, what is the log cabin down there for?"

Domoto said, "Oh, that's a temporary rest room for construction workers, which we expect to be demolished tomorrow." "

That..." Conan still wanted to ask something, Maori Kogoro picked Conan up and threw it aside, "While playing, don't get in the way of adults."

Conan walked to the side, just in front of Rabbit Chuan, and said suspiciously: "Huh? Brother Rabbitchuan, why did you come up?

Rabbit Chuan glanced down the mountain and said casually: "I walked around after lunch, and then walked up." "

To be honest, Rabbit Chuan looked at the winding mountain trail, and suddenly regretted coming, how should he go down such a long mountain trail?

Officer Yokogou speculated: "To put it simply, Mr. Domoto was attacked by an unknown person in the aerial cable car, and then disappeared, and a note was posted on the window.

"From the perspective of the motive for the killing, who can benefit more from the death of Mr. Domoto Eizo, this person may be the murderer."

Domoto said with a pale face: "If you want to talk about inheritance, it is the three of us brothers and sisters."

Domoto Junpei retorted: "No, the eldest brother should have the right of first refusal, and when your father dies, you can smoothly inherit Domoto Tourism Company."

Domoto roared angrily, "Chunping!

Domoto said stupidly: "Big brother, aren't you happy?" When Dad dies, there will be no one to dictate your work.

Domoto Hō stared at his silly sister and broke the news: "Hmph, don't just talk about me, you two can't get rid of the suspicion."

"The two of us?" Domoto was stunned, "Do you mean me and Mr. Aoyagi?"

"What does this have to do with me?" Aoyagi Tetsuya was also stunned, how could this invasion and hinder the family be involved in him again?

Domoto Ho did not hide it, and said directly: "You are bent on creating a scandal in the Domoto family, and you called to blackmail my father with that incident before, but I guess I didn't pay attention to you at all, so you killed him to vent your anger."

"Big brother, wait a minute!" Domoto Rina sounded a little wrong, and turned to question Tetsuya Aoyagi, "You shouldn't be threatening my father with that, right?" I just ran away from home because I couldn't get used to my dad's approach, how can you do that!

Aoyagi Tetsu also disdained, turned his head and snorted, if it weren't for digging up news, who would accompany this naïve silly lady to play!

Officer Yokogochi asked Tetsuya Aoyagi what was going on.

Tetsuya Aoyagi told all about the fact that people had died in this tunnel, and said that he called Domoto Eizo before, not to blackmail, but just to dig up a big news, and it was Domoto Eizo who made himself weak, so he thought he was blackmailing.

Domoto Rina understood this, and said angrily: "It turns out that you approached me for this matter?" It's so much, how can there be people like you in this world!

"I see that you just failed to blackmail, so you became angry and killed my father!" Domoto Junpei hurriedly returned the charge to Tetsuya Aoyanagi, but he didn't expect that it was all this time, and his old sister still elbowed out.

"Hmph, second brother, you still dare to say something else!" Domoto began to beat his brother and said, "You failed to open a company, borrowed money from your father several times, and your father didn't give it to you, I think you are the one who is embarrassed and angry." "

Rabbit River is also an eye-opener, but it's really a family with nuclear harmony!

On the other hand, Maori Kogoro pointed the finger at two reporters from the East Poster Agency, who were obviously opponents of Domoto Tourism Company, so why did they take the first cable car?

Machida Osamu said that he did not want to either, and the vice president of Domoto Tourism Company specially invited them.

Now the contradiction comes back to Domoto, who explains that the reason for this is to influence these opponents and let them experience the beauty of the aerial cable car for themselves.

Māori Kogoro again checked with the person standing at the entrance of the cable car to see if anyone had escaped the cable car.

Ayaka Yoshino stood up and said, "It's impossible because the ropeway is locked from the inside, and there are two keys to the door, and the keys have always been kept in my hands." Maori

Kogoro felt that the delicate Yoshino Ayaka could not defeat the tall and mighty Domoto Eizo, and moved the person to the palm of the statue of Tengo.

Conan also stood up and said, "I didn't hear the sound of Karakara opening the door.

Officer Henggou exclaimed, "That... Let's not talk about the murderer, how did the deceased Domoto Eizo get out! Everyone

looked at each other, an autumn breeze blew, Mao Lilan looked back, and I don't know when the treasure of the originally kind and kind Heavenly Venerable became a little hideous.

Officer Henggou suggested, "In short, please go to the starting station at the foot of the mountain first, and wait until you get there."

Domoto Ho took the lead and faltered, even Officer Yokogochi and Maori Kogoro noticed that this person was not quite right, and Domoto Ho must be deliberately hiding something.

Conan felt that Domoto Ho was not deliberately hiding it, and he looked like he wanted to say something but was still hesitating.

Conan walked to Rabbit Chuan's side and asked, "Brother Rabbit, what do you think?" "

Hmm... I look so high here! Rabbit Chuan looked at the hundreds of steps down the mountain and felt dizzy.

Conan: "..."

Dingdong, your brother is not mobile enough, it seems that this case can not count on the elder brother."

Maori Kogoro walked up to Rabbit River and muttered, "So, how did you kid come up?" "

Just... Swoosh! Rabbit Chuan gestured, "Haha, I don't know how to come up." Officer

Henggou ran over and asked, "What's wrong, Detective Māori?" Maori

Kogoro explained: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just that this kid can't go on."

The enthusiastic Henggou police officer also knew about this and said: "This is not simple, I have an extra stretcher over there, how about I ask my subordinates to carry this child down together?"

Rabbikawa and Mori Kogoro looked along Officer Yokogo's arm and saw Eizo Domoto lying on the lineup.

Rabbit Chuan turned his head back stiffly and said seriously: "Thank you, but you don't have to!" In

the end, it was Maori Kogoro who carried, coughed, and carried Rabbit River down the mountain.

Uncle Maori is still very useful at critical moments!

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