Takagi took the order cheerfully, turned his head to look at Officer Sato, and said hesitantly: "But what about Officer Sato's side?" Miwako

Sato patted Wataru Takagi on the back, pushed the person to Shiratori Renzaburo's car, and said: "Don't worry, I'm just sending an insider related to the case to the police station, not escorting the prisoner, I can do it alone, you and Officer Shiratori hurry up to hunt down the arsonist."

"Oh yes!" Wataru Takagi began to check his equipment, "My police manual and pistol... Huh? What about my handcuffs?

Takagi was shocked, rummaged through all the pockets on his body, but couldn't find it, he suddenly thought: "Oops! I forgot my handcuffs on my desk in the office!

Shiratori Renzaburo urged on the side, "What are you going to do?" There's no time to go back and pick it up now.

Takagi replied, "Ah, let's go!"

Miwako Sato asked, "Are you okay?"

Takagi said stupidly: "It's okay, in case of a situation, there is still Officer Shiratori here!" And the morning divination column said that I was lucky to have good luck today, just to catch an arsonist, it must be no problem... Officer Sato? "

Miwako Sato seemed to be caught in a minefield of memories when she heard this, on the day her father had an accident, she said this sentence before leaving, and also forgot to bring handcuffs, but unfortunately due to a car accident....

"Officer Sato? Officer Sato...," Miwako Sato's ears sounded Takagi Wataru's call, "What's wrong with you?" "

Huh? I'm fine. Miwako Sato came back to her senses and grabbed Takagi Wataru, "Takagi, wait a minute, you use this pair of handcuffs today."

Miwako Sato put an old pair of handcuffs in Takagi Wataru's hand, and Takagi Wataru said strangely: "Why are these handcuffs rusty?"

Miwako Sato explained, "This is my father's handcuffs, and my previous deputy handcuffs were broken, so I am using this handcuff now, and I will lend it to you as a talisman."

"Is this an amulet?" Takagi smiled hard, "But Officer Sato, isn't your father already killed in the line of duty?"

Miwako Sato showed a kind smile and said, "It's just borrowing you to use it, where did you get so much nonsense!"

"Takagi! Hurry up and go! Shiratori Renzaburo sat on the car with his legs cocked, his face as if he was pickled in a vinegar jar.

Rabbit Chuan and Conan they eat melons at close range, Rabbit Chuan really didn't expect that Takagi Wataru who finally hugged the beauty back, and now he is actually a straight man? Officer Shiratori lost so unjustly!

However, although Officer Shiratori lost unjustly, it was not miserable.

After all, who would have thought that Officer White Bird actually took the domineering president, looking for Bai Yueguang, who was shocked by his childhood glimpse, and found a stand-in who looked exactly like Bai Yueguang, but finally returned to the right track and hugged the beauty back.

Rabbit Chuan shook his head, it was too long, and his brain almost ran out of oxygen.

Conan looked up to see Rabbit Chuan shaking his head with his eyes closed, and inadvertently saw Shuji Shikano walking towards the middle of the road, when a large truck was speeding towards him.

Conan shouted, "Be careful! Mr. Shikano! "

Uncle Shikano!"


Miwako Sato and Shuji Shikano's old classmates shouted, but Shuji Shikano, who was standing in the middle of the road, was indifferent.

The strange thing is that this big truck is about to hit people, but it has no intention of slowing down, this driver is too tortured!

Conan was desperate to die, looking around for something with big eyes, trying to kick the truck back with the power of death.

Rabbit Chuan fixed his eyes on it, this truck is a little familiar, and sure enough, something is strange.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of Rabbit Chuan's eyes, what is this thing?

Groove! It's Wataru Takagi!

Takagi ran up and pushed Shuji Shikano aside with a swoop, but he threw himself in place, and the truck was close at hand.

Rabbit Chuan was flabbergasted, this is not okay! Immediately yelled at Conan: "Conan, kick quickly!" Conan

twisted Foot Lijian, raised his foot and kicked the thing that Rabbit Chuan threw at the large truck, hitting the truck driver behind the windshield.

The truck driver shook his hands in fright, hurriedly hit the steering wheel, and subconsciously applied the brakes, but it was too late, and Takagi was still knocked two meters away.

"Takagi ——!" Miwako Sato let out a mournful wail.

"Officer Takagi!" Rabbit River helped Shiratori Renzaburo and ran over with him.

Rabbit Chuan hurriedly checked the situation of Takagi Waku, his arms and legs are there, his eyes, nose and mouth are not damaged, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all fine, except for this brain melon blood is a little scary, others... Not a big problem.

However, Rabbit Chuan still secretly fed Takagi a little Qing's attribute of healing inflammation, he was afraid that the big truck would rob the civilian man and deliberately kill people.

Takagi Wataru pillowed on Miwako Sato's leg, the faint golden flame seemed to give him a soft light filter, Takagi Wataru said weakly: "Officer Sato, you must arrest "Cho Siro"... "

Takagi! Takagi! You can't sleep! Tears blurred Miwako Sato's eyes, "Wake up! Takagi ——!

"It's all my fault...," Shuji Shikano knelt on the side and wept bitterly, "Damn it should be me!" I should have died 18 years ago...

At that time, Shikano Shuji felt that life was hopeless and discouraged, so he rushed to the big truck to find his own short-sightedness, Sato Miwako's father rushed to save Shikano Shuji, but Sato Miwako's father was taken to another world forever by the big truck.

"Officer Takagi..." Ayumi and several others also gathered around, tears streaming from their eyes.

"Officer Takagi..." Conan was in a deep mood.

Haibara turned his head to the side and said, "I know that a person like him... Not long-lived. "Good people don't live long.

Shiratori Renzaburo walked to Miwako Sato's side and comforted: "Officer Sato, you have to cheer up a little, Takagi he must ..."

Rabbit Chuan covered the yellow gem on the neckline and said, "Which of you is going to make an emergency call?" "

Uh..." The atmosphere was simply suffocatingly awkward.

Miwako Sato was embarrassed, and Shiratori Renzaburo turned his head and picked up the phone.

Miwako Sato reached out to test Takagi Wataru's breathing.

Hey? There is really still qi, and the breathing is steady, the pulse is strong, the heartbeat is strong, it seems... No problem?

It's not a big problem, Takagi Wataru is just a stroke of luck, red hair is hot, and he has suffered a bloody disaster, and then the red crime peach blossom.

Miwako Sato called out Takagi again.



Takagi sat up abruptly, and the others were frightened.

Wataru Takagi was a little confused, how did he fall asleep on the road, was it because he stayed up late playing games last night... No, he seems to have been hit by a big truck, and then Officer Sato's knee pillow ...

With a pop, a nosebleed spurted out of Takagi Wataru's nasal cavity, and Takagi fell to the ground again.

"What's going on here?" Miwako Sato was completely confused.

Rabbit Chuan said calmly: "Probably the truck knocked out the water in his head, the problem is not big, just spray it out." "

Ahhh... This..." Everyone looked stunned, isn't it a big problem?

The ambulance arrived in time, and the emergency doctor surrounded Takagi.

Miwako Sato hurriedly asked, "Doctor, how is he doing?" The

emergency doctor replied: "Minor abrasions, not a big problem... Hey? This kid's foot was knocked out? "

Huh?" Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he was surrounded by doctors, and quickly pounced, "Wait, what are you going to do?" Don't come over!!

Conan stared at Rabbit Chuan's feet and suddenly remembered something, what did he just kick?

It's Rabbitakawa feet!

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