Rabbit River sits in Officer Shiratori's car, and Officer Takagi drives him and Officer Shiratori behind Officer Sato.

Although the car is Officer Shiratori's private car, who makes Officer Takagi have a lower rank than Officer Shiratori, he must take the initiative to take on the job of a driver.

Officer Shiratori was still thinking about Officer Sato's words, and chanted alone, "Special day... It's just

the opposite of the birthday..." Rabbit Chuan lay on the backrest of the front seat and said to the two Hanhan: "Stupid, the opposite of the birthday, isn't it... Anniversary! "

Uh Officer Takagi was scared half to death, and the car drove directly out of an S-shape.

Rabbit Chuan fastened his seat belt this time, this stupid Takagi, the car skills are really terrible!

Officer Sato parked his car on the side of the road, held a yellow chrysanthemum on the side of the road, then squatted in front of the chrysanthemum, closed his eyes, clasped his hands together and began to pray.

Rabbit Chuan leaned against the railing, watching the scene with the juvenile detective team and two police officers.

"By the way, I remembered!" Officer Shiratori suddenly remembered, "Today is the death day of Officer Sato's father, Sato Police, yes, that's right, Sato Police was killed in the line of duty 18 years ago today!"

Officer Takagi was taken aback and asked, "Huh?" Are you sure?

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Officer Takagi and looked at the other suitors, Officer Shiratori even remembered the death date of Officer Sato's father, although he didn't remember it just now, he must have inquired, from this point of view, Officer Shiratori was a complete victory!

Officer Shiratori said with a solemn expression: "Well, 18 years ago today, he was hit by a truck at this intersection while chasing bank robbers.

"Unfortunately it rained heavily that day and the ambulance came too late... I heard from the police department that he died in the ambulance, accompanied by his family, and the case is called..."

Conan put his hands in his pockets and continued, "Because the police officer who was hit by the truck kept calling the mysterious name to the escaped prisoners, it was named the "Sorrow Incident".

"At that time, the police launched a large-scale investigation, but the murderer has not yet been found, and the prosecution period has passed three years ago."

Officer Takagi and Officer Shiratori stared at Conan.

Conan scratched his head in embarrassment, raised a smile and said, "Uncle Kogoro told me about this!" Ha ha!

Tuchuan leaned against the railing and said: "No, although the criminal prosecution period for homicide is 15 years, the civil law prosecution period for robbery is 20 years, as long as the murderer is caught within two years, the money can be recovered, although this money is not much, only 550 million." "

It's really incredible, other people's robbery of banks is 1 billion 1 billion robbery, how can this still grab a fraction?!"

Officer Takagi tried to join the conversation, saying: "I have also seen the report of this case on TV, the prisoner planned carefully, the only clue is the less than 10 seconds of video taken by the bank monitor, after the police officer in charge of the case was killed, the case reached an impasse..."

Officer Takagi's expression was a little dazed, and he said dryly: "I didn't expect the police officer who died in the line of duty... He is the father of Officer Sato.

"This is destiny!" Officer Sato walked over calmly, "Everyone only remembers the name of the mastermind of the incident, but few people remember the police officer who died in the line of duty for the case. Officer

Takagi was suddenly at a loss, but that might be his future husband!

"Officer Sato..." Takagi panicked and wanted to say something.

Officer Sato smiled relievedly, "But our job is not to make people remember us, this is what my father said." The

juvenile detective team asked Officer Sato about the details of the case, and they also wanted to help the beautiful police officer sister find her father's killer.

But the robbers were fully armed, wearing masks, hats, and raincoats, and no passers-by or truck drivers saw the robbers, or even could not tell whether they were men or women.

The only clues to the whole case are the images captured by the bank monitor, the back of the gangster wearing a raincoat and the name "Sorrow".

Officer Sato added: "There are also three katakana "カソオ (KanO)" written by my father on the criminal police manual, which are clues that only the police officer in charge of the case knows, and the police officer asked me and my mother many times if they knew what these three words meant.

Officer Takagi asked stupidly, "And then?"

Officer Sato sighed and said, "But neither my mother nor I know what this means, I have been staring at these three words since I was a child, thinking that if someone can solve this mystery and arrest "Cho Siro", I am willing to do anything for him and fulfill all his wishes!"

"All ... Aspiration? Officer Takagi and Officer Shiratori had Sato wearing a wedding dress in their minds, and tears almost flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Genta asked, "Can I want 1,000 eel rice?"

Ayumi said excitedly, "I'm going to Disneyland!"

Mitsuhiko said excitedly: "I want tickets for the International Space Station!"

Haibara said with a mournful face, "I want Prada's latest leather bag."

Conan followed, "Can I ask for a ticket to this World Cup?" "

Helpless Officer Sato is surrounded by a group of juvenile detectives.

"But, you can..." A drop of cold sweat fell on Officer Sato's cheeks, and the reality of the child now was really terrifying.

Officer Sato turned to look at Rabbit River and asked, "What does Detective Rabbit River think?" "

Me?" Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment and said, "I want the world... No, just make peace with rice flowers! "

Officer Sato: ... I wanted to ask about the case.

Can you be realistic?

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