Prosperous collection, troubled gold, this broken egg is really expensive!

Rabbit Chuan covered his chest and blurted out a sentence of "so expensive".

The people present were all discerning, and they wanted to say, "The gems you wear are so expensive!" The

knowledgeable Scottin even knew that a gem unique to the Yiduli mafia was only circulated in the inner world.

Skobin was jealous, she originally wanted to find an opportunity to get rid of this kid who almost ruined her good deeds, but thinking that this kid might be the little young master of that family, it was likely to attract the retaliation of the family behind this kid, so she could only temporarily endure the killing intent.

The atmosphere in the reception room was a bit tense.

Suzuki Sonoko did not take this little thing to heart, and casually said to his girlfriend: "It's okay, that little mirror is originally very loose, often dropped, and it feels as if it was pressed later." Hearing

Suzuki Sonoko's words, Conan thoughtfully fiddled with the small mirror, and suddenly Conan found that the small mirror could reflect shadows under the light.

Conan immediately thought that this was not an ordinary mirror, and turned back to Secretary Nishino and said, "Mr. Nishino, please turn off the light." "

Oh, okay." Secretary Nishino did not hesitate to obey Conan's command and raised his hand to press the power switch on the wall.

"Little ghost, what are you going to do again!" Maori Kogoro punched the air.

The room was dark, Conan turned on the flashlight to shine on the small mirror, the mirror reflected the light spot hit the wall, and everyone was surprised to find that a castle was projected in the light spot.

Natsumi Kasaka immediately recognized that this was not her family's castle, and she turned back to the butler to confirm, "Mr. Sawabe, this seems to be our family's castle, right?"

Natsumi Kasaka's butler said with great certainty, "That's right, this is the young lady's castle in Yokosuka.

Natsumi Kasaka said, "This castle was built by my great-grandfather, and my grandmother has been managing it ever since.

Maori Kogoro speculated, "Miss Kasaka, I think both eggs were made by your great-grandfather." When the war broke out, he returned to seclusion with your great-grandmother, who sold some of the gems set on the eggs to build the castle, after which he hid one of the eggs and the information in the other.

Natsumi Kasaka heard the reasoning of Detective Mori Kogoro and suddenly remembered that there was something else.

Natsumi Kasaka pulled out an ancient key from her bag and asked, "Actually, together with the drawings, there is this key that I don't know where to open, Mr. Mori, is this related to the whereabouts of the other egg?"

"Of course it matters!" Maori Kogoro said resolutely, "This must be the key to somewhere where that egg is hidden!"

The Russian ambassador chanted: "There is another dream egg with precious stones..." The

art dealer said in surprise: "If there really is that egg, it must be worth more than 1 billion, or even more than 1.5 billion!" Conan

looked at the gem Easter egg on the design drawings, is this egg Kidd's goal?

Rabbit Chuan felt that the atmosphere in the room became more tense, and these uninvited guests each had a ghost in their hearts, and their eyes were all aimed at the other egg.

When Natsumi Kasaka invited Maori Kogoro to go to the castle to find Easter eggs, the other guests offered to accompany them.

Natsumi Kasaka didn't think much about it, and directly agreed, and said happily: "Okay, you can all come, let's come together!" Leaving

the reception room, Rabbit Chuan and Conan go to Mauryland's room to visit Kidd's dropped dove.

The pigeon hurt its wing, and Maori Lan changed the pigeon's dressing and rebandaged the wound, saying to the pigeon: "Okay, when the wound is healed, you can fly."

Rabbit Chuan suggested, "I'll put the pigeon to sleep so it doesn't hurt!" "

Rabbit Chuan first pressed the pigeon, gently pressed its head under the wings, then turned it over belly up on the table, gently rubbed it on the abdomen a few times, and finally slowly let go of the pigeon, the pigeon was stiff and motionless lying on the table, taking advantage of this time to boil the pot of hot water, you can pluck the hair and get off the pot.

Pigeon soup, roasted pigeons, stewed pigeons, three-cup pigeons....

"That's awesome!" Mauriland applauded, "The pigeons are really being put to sleep!"

Conan complained: "The pigeon is not asleep at all, it just feels threatened and does not dare to move, which stimulates a physiological suspended animation response, that is, it is playing dead." Conan

poked the pigeon's stomach and directly woke the pigeon awake, and the pigeon fluttered its injured wings, so frightened that he flew back to his nest and shivered.

Pigeons: It wants to stay away from these two bear children!

Looking at the injured pigeon, Maori Lan suddenly sighed and said: "Hattori had a car accident, but it was only a slight abrasion, but Kidd... I'm afraid that the fierce Dorji is less.

Rabbit Chuan leaned on the sofa, poked the pigeon's little braincase and said: "Sister Xiaolan, don't worry, the strange thief Kidd is not a little person who will die easily." "

Bang – there was a knock on the door.

"Here it comes!" Mao Lilan walked quickly to the door, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw a camera in her face, "Huh?

"Nice expression, oh, I took it!" The photographer named Hanchuan Ryu teased, and then held the camera and left.

Confused Maori Lan and Conan, what the hell is he doing? Inexplicable!

Rabbit-Chuan: I'm looking for death!

Morilan watched Hankawa Ryu leave, just in time to meet Suzuki Sonoko who came to play with her, accompanied by Natsumi Kasaka and Secretary Nishino.

Mao Lilan hurriedly ushered them into the room, and Secretary Nishino saw the pigeons whistling on the sofa, his face suddenly changed, and he made an excuse and left in a hurry.

"Haha, I understand, he must have seen so many beautiful women in the house, all shy!" Sonoko Suzuki took Conan's hand and said, "Let's go, let's go and invite another beautiful woman over!" Suzuki

Sonoko and Conan invited Pu Siqinglan over, Conan accidentally saw a picture frame with a name written on Pu Siqinglan's room, and before he could see the name, Pu Siqinglan buttoned up the photo.

The four girls on the ship gathered in the Maori Lan room for a tea party, and Rabbit Chuan and Conan watched.

Natsumi Kasaka said that she had lived in Paris before, so it was strange to speak in Japanese.

"I REMEMBER HEARING A STRANGE JAPANESE PHRASE 'BA RU SHI KU KA TTA BE KA' WHEN I WAS A KID, AND I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WAS ASKING, 'DID BACHEL BUY MEAT?'" , but I don't remember knowing a man named Bashel, but this sentence has always been in my head, haha, it's strange!

Conan was also a little familiar when he heard this, as if he had heard someone say it not long ago.

Natsumi Kasaka looked at Conan, and Conan's attention was focused on Natsumi Kasaka's eyes, and said, "Huh? Miss Natsumi's eyes were gray.

Natsumi Kasaka smiled and said, "I think it's probably my great-grandmother, who inherited my Russian screw!"

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "Speaking of which, Miss Qinglan's eyes are also gray!"

Everyone's attention focused on Pu Siqinglan's eyes, and Pu Siqinglan unhurriedly played with her plastic Chinese.

Rabbit River also finally heard the phrase Suzuki meatballs, no, not meatballs, but fish balls.

Pu Siqinglan should have worked hard after playing the Chinese, but she learned a dumb Chinese, and she couldn't read pinyin at all, and pronounced the pinyin yuan of "yuan" as yu and an, which actually said Suzuki Yuanko.

Okay, not too outrageous, fish balls are always better than meatballs, but... Hahahaha!

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