Rabbit Chuan just wanted to say something, but when he heard the Chamu police say the word "dawn girl", he was suddenly stunned.

Wait a minute, isn't a girl a Virgo, isn't Virgo in August and September?

He thought about it carefully, when he went to Ogasawara to see dolphins two days ago, it was still October, although he didn't see it directly killed Yokohama in the end, why did he jump back to August today?

Rabbit Chuan touched the gemstone on his chest, he felt that the cornerstone of this world seemed to have been eaten in vain, and he didn't feel how much stable time and space had?

It's not right for Rabbit Chuan to think about it again, he really feels from the bottom of his heart that the time in this world has stabilized a lot in the past two days, so why is time jumping again and again... Well?

Rabbit Chuan suddenly found a blind spot, in this world, only Rabbit Chuan himself knows that Ke Xue time is unstable, in other words, as long as the cornerstone of the world stabilizes Rabbit Chuan's cognition, isn't it stable time?

To put it bluntly, isn't this just fooling! The big flicker met the second flicker, it's all flickering!

Rabbit Chuan: Co-author, I blame the unstable time and space of this world, because I don't believe that the date of this world is correct, so it's all over if I fool me?

Or is this broken stone and its persimmon single-handedly pinched, and also intends to directly solve the person who raised the question? God, what a broken stone is this!

The cornerstone of the world... Forgot, this thing has no consciousness and can't cry out for injustice.

In fact, there is no harm in this, in the past, Rabbit Chuan had to think carefully to know the date, but now as long as the brain can subconsciously say a reasonable date of Kexue, in the future, when chatting with others, there is no need to worry about accidentally saying the wrong date.

For example, if Heiji Hattori and Rabbikawa are talking about the case that happened in Osaka after the New Year and the case he came to Tokyo two months ago, today is August 22nd.

Rabbit Chuan no longer had to sum up several times in his heart, which time was earlier years ago and two months ago, he could subconsciously blurt out that two months ago was earlier, because two months ago was December!

Two months ago it was December, three days ago it was October 9th, and today is August 22nd.

"Ouch!" Rabbit Chuan felt a pain in his cheeks, and raised his hand to slap the claws off his face, "What are you doing!"

"What are you thinking?" Didn't speak for half a day. Hattori took his hand back.

Rabbit Chuan looked back and saw that Uncle Maori and the police officers were gone, and asked, "Where have all of them gone?" Hattori

Heiji said, "The uncles over there at the Metropolitan Police Department took the eggs away and said they were looking for a place to hide, and Uncle Suzuki saw that the time was still early, so he said that he would treat us to the pavilion to eat kaiseki food, and I was impatient to eat something that was troublesome and unfilling."

Suzuki Sonoko also complained: "That is to say, if you go to eat that kind of troublesome thing with many rules, you might as well go to a food stall, and maybe you can meet handsome guys in Osaka!" "

Garden!" Mao Lilan pulled his excited girlfriend and whispered next to her and reminded, "Think of Mr. Kyogoku, you already have Mr. Kyogoku!"

Suzuki Sonoko said very self-consciously: "Oh, don't worry, I'm just talking, besides, how can a handsome guy invite me to dinner!"

Toyama and Ye said to Moriran, "The last time you came to Osaka, you happened to encounter a case, and this time I will be the tour guide." Xiaolan and Yuanzi, where you want to play, I will show you the way.

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "You're in trouble, Kazuha."

"That's wonderful!" Suzuki Sonoko picked up his bag and walked out, not forgetting to greet the boys behind him, "Let's go, it's still early, and before three o'clock in the morning, we'll come back to see Lord Kidd!"

Rabbit Chuan followed them away in confusion, and before leaving, Rabbit Chuan did not forget to glance back at the bugging device on the pigeon's paw parked outside the window... No matter, play and go.

The first stop of this trip to Osaka is the Namba Budukuri Shrine, one of the top shrines in Japan, which is said to be a very good place to sign.

Namba Budukuri Shrine is actually the Rong Shrine, and the shrine is dedicated to the smiling god who holds a fishing rod in one hand and a snapper in the other, and is in charge of the fishing industry, also known as Ebisu or Fukushin, which is the God of Wealth here!

They have already passed by the gate of the God of Wealth, and Rabbit Chuan should also enter and stroll around, suck in the wealth well, and the new year will be full of fortune!

Ebisu: ... Let's believe in Ke Xue, feudal superstition is unacceptable!

Rabbit River followed everyone into the shrine, of course Ebisu could not be here, but the strong power of faith almost blinded Rabbitikawa eyes.

Rabbit Chuan narrowed his eyes, he could actually collect the power of faith in the Ke Xue world, is this the charm of the God of Wealth? What a envy!

"Wow, I won the draw!" Maori Lan exclaimed in surprise, "It says 'Those who wait will reunite with their lovers.'

Suzuki Sonoko leaned over and said, "Isn't that Shinichi?"

Toyama and Ye smiled and said, "Just right, let me meet the legendary Kudo too!"

Conan was speechless, how could he see it, and he couldn't say that Kudo Shinichi himself was here.

Rabbit River walked around the shrine, but did not find a jelly that could suck money, walked back and saw Conan and asked, "Conan, what kind of ticket did you just draw?"

"I haven't seen it yet." Conan pulled out the signature from his pocket, he had no interest in this thing, he didn't believe it at all.

Conan opened the signature, and the result was not bad or bad was a small ji "The storm is approaching, although the family house is destroyed, the skin is not damaged".

It is worthy of being a shrine with strong faith power, and the divination results are really accurate, but it is not a castle burned, and the owner of the house is safe and sound, although it is someone else's castle.

Rabbit Chuan noticed the results of the following divination matters, and Conan also noticed it, slightly startled, "Travel: The secret will be exposed, it is not feasible."

Hattori Heiji glanced at it and said, "Hee-hee, the signature here is very effective, you have to be careful, work... Oops! Conan

took advantage of Rabbitchuan's lack of attention, and secretly stepped on Hattori Heiji, and said with a smile on his face: "Brother Heiji, be careful!" "

Conan's forehead is about to burst with bruises, if he reveals his identity one day, it will definitely be because of this Hattori Heiji!"

Rabbit Chuan pretended to be behind his ears, it seems that this time Miss Xiaolan is going to doubt the true identity of the old brother again, a new test is coming, this time instead of making multiple choice questions, it is changed to judgment questions.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the last line "Exam: Do your best to obey fate", okay, it's none of his business, just just leave it to fate!

Rabbit Chuan solemnly patted Conan's shoulder and said, "Exam, come on!" "

Leaving Namba Budukuri Shrine, the girls said that they were going to visit the Namba New World Shopping Street, and Hattori Heiji said that he was going to take the boys and the three women to part ways, and he would rather go to kaiseki cuisine than accompany this group of women to go shopping!

Rabbit Chuan yawned and proposed that he wanted to go back to the hotel to rest, but he really couldn't move, he wanted to go back to the hotel to watch TV and play games!

The driver arranged by Suzuki Sonoko first sent Rabbit River back to Suzuki's hotel, and this time it was finally not a police car.

Rabbikawa was sitting in the Suzuki family's luxury car, and the car happened to pass by Tsutenkaku.

Rabbit Chuan straightened up sharply, and he suddenly remembered something, he didn't seem to have found a chance to say the correct answer to the teaser letter.

"Forget it, it's not important, it's not a big problem."

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