"Hello this officer, I'm Toru Amuro." Amuro controlled his expression and said with a smile.

"Oh, hello." Matsuda Jinpei's tone was normal, he wore sunglasses, and outsiders could not see the excitement in his eyes.

Matsuda used to wear sunglasses to be handsome, but now because he can see Kenji Hagiwara, he is afraid that his colleagues will notice that he is always staring at the air and send him to the heart treatment room.

Several of them had already expected that after graduating from the Zhufu Jingguang Police Academy, they would not say goodbye, and since then they have disappeared in the police, they must have gone on some dangerous secret missions, such as undercover.

Therefore, we must be cautious when meeting each other again, as long as the other party does not take the initiative to say hello, then they must pretend that they do not know each other.

Matsuda Jin calmed his emotions and said as if he were a stranger: "Hello, I am the police officer who came to take notes for you, Matsuda Jinpei. Matsuda

Jinpei had a lot of things to say in his heart, but now there are many people, and it is not the time to talk.

Rabbit Chuan looked at these two friends who had not seen each other for many years with interest, performing the stranger who met for the first time in front of him, don't say, this acting skill is not much better than Conan?

Matsuda Jinpei raised his head and glanced at the shadow of Kenji Hagiwara, Rabbit River had seen the graduation photos of the police academy of the five of them, no wonder this little rabbit cub would find Amuro Toru to go with him.

Matsuda Jinpei directly turned around and walked into the reception room and said, "Alas, the interrogation room of the search class is occupied, and Detective Rabbit River is not an outsider, let's take notes here!"

Rabbit Chuan nodded, yes, everyone is not an outsider, he has been watching TV in this guest room longer than Matsuda Jinpei watched!

"Mr. Amuro, come in too!" Matsuda Jinpei said to Amuro Toru, "You and Detective Rabbit River came together, and I just asked together, and I can save a little time." "

Matsuda Jinpei is afraid that Amuro Toru will wander around the Metropolitan Police Department, and it will not be good if he encounters their former classmates and accidentally reveals his identity.

Hurry up and finish the transcript, leave the Metropolitan Police Department quickly, don't let anything happen!

But when Matsuda was ready, a phone call came in.

None of the people present were outsiders, so Matsuda Jinpei directly picked up the phone and said, "Hey, I'm Matsuda Jinpei... Well?

Matsuda Jinpei looked at Rabbit Chuan with a complicated expression, Rabbit Chuan realized it, took the phone and said: "Hey, chaotic steps, what's wrong?"

Rabbit Chuan picked up the phone and walked out the door, closing the door smoothly, leaving space for Er, who had not been seen for a long time... Three old classmates.

Matsuda Jinpei quietly confirmed to Kenji Hagiwara, who returned a reassuring gesture to confirm that there was no surveillance around.

"You guy!" Matsuda Jinpei stood up excitedly, couldn't help but punch Zero in the chest, sat back in the chair before Zero hit back, cocked Erlang's legs, and said, "Say, what have you done all these years?" Seeing

Matsuda Jinpei looking like a prisoner, Jiugani Zero laughed, grinning and trying to beat Matsuda Jinpei, but his eyes were full of smiles.

Falling Valley Zero and Matsuda Jinpei had a little fight, even the kind of clothes that were not wrinkled, just like returning to their police academy era, but others, Falling Valley Zero can't say, Matsuda Jinpei said that he understood, isn't it secret work!

"Be careful with me!" Matsuda Jinpei said thousands of words, gathered into one sentence, "To come back alive, zero."

Zero lightly knocked his friend's chest and said with a smile: "Got it, Matsuda Police Department."

Matsuda Jinping and Zero Valley, or rather Amuro, sat back in their respective seats and began to take notes seriously.


"Toru Amuro."


" "Kind of a detective."

"What's your relationship with that little bunny?"

"Well," Amuro said with a smile, "I'm his delivery man." "

What?" Matsuda Jinpei didn't understand a little, "Forget it, the last question, do you know the murder that happened in the dusk mansion last night?"

"I know, something happened." Amuro closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose to refresh, just stayed up all night, he was so tired, it seemed that he would continue to exercise!

"That's right!" Amuro suddenly wanted to ask a question, "Are Officer Matsuda and Detective Rabbit River familiar?" "

Ripe!" Matsuda Jinpei nodded helplessly, "It's ripe!"

Rabbit Chuan walked out of the conference room, partly because he wanted to leave space for the police academy team to talk to each other, and partly because the content of the call was not audible.

"Complaint! Complaints! Random adults want to complain!!

Rabbit Chuan covered the handset of the phone, held down the noise, protected his ears, and said in the microphone: "You are quiet, I am in the Metropolitan Police Department!"

"Did you commit a crime?" Edogawa was shocked, "No, you ran into a case?" Hahaha, you also have today!

"What are you laughing at!" Rabbit River suddenly found that the laughter of this Edogawa random walk was quite low, "I can encounter cases every day, this is called daily." "

Day, cough!" Edogawa almost didn't mention it in one breath, "I almost forgot, I told you, I encountered 3 homicides and two robberies this morning, and one attempted homicide, all of which killed our detective agency, and your world is too unsafe!" "

Ahem! This frequency is a bit abnormal. Rabbit Chuan was a little embarrassed, "probably because of the rejection of the world, you are equivalent to a transplanted heart, and you still need to adapt to it for a while, I think as long as this rejection period passes, it will change back to normal frequency."

Edogawa walked around and asked directly, "What is the normal frequency?"

"One day... Once? Rabbit's tone was full of uncertainty, and he hesitated for a moment and said, "But there are also cases of once in several days." "For example, special chapters and theatrical versions.

"However, your side is Yokohama, not Tokyo's rice flower town should not be too frequent... Right?

After that, Rabbit Chuan hung up the phone with a weak heart, and he suddenly remembered that Yokohama seems to be on the edge of Tokyo, and it is also known as Tokyo's satellite city, but it should not be infected, right?

Edogawa walked randomly: "Hello? Feed! "

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