Today, it is Kunikita who accompanies Edogawa out of the chaotic walk, and he will take care of Mr. Random Bu for the president, and he must not let Mr. Random Step go missing.

Edogawa walked down the road and hummed a song, and today he completed the task assigned by the president, who rewarded him with two portions of Shichifukui's spring-limited cherry blossom red bean steamed buns.

Random adults want to buy four red bean steamed buns, then divide the steamed buns in half, eat the sweet red bean paste themselves, and then feed the non-sweet steamed buns to the cats and cats.

In this way, he can not only eat 4 servings of red bean paste in one bite, but also cannot disobey the president's order, because he only eats 1/2 of the 4 dim sum, isn't that two dim sum!

Random adults are so smart!

But when Edogawa just walked into Nanifu Residence, he immediately rounded his eyes and shouted: "Kunikita, it's not good!" My snack was snatched away!

Kunikita closed his notebook alone, stepped forward and asked the saleswoman, "Excuse me, is there still a cherry blossom red bean steamed bun limited to today's spring day?" The

salesman said embarrassedly: "I'm very sorry, but today's limited snacks have been sold out."

"My red bean steamed buns..." Edogawa walked around pale, and he had a bad premonition.

Seeing that this was not good, Kunikita looked at his notebook and immediately comforted Edogawa and said: "Mr. Random Walk, there is a confectionery shop that buys Daifuku on the street next door, and their creamy red bean Daifuku is very famous, so let's buy that red bean Daifuku!"

Edogawa walked in a hurry and said weakly: "Eh~ I have to walk another street!"

"Come on, Mr. Random Steps!" Kunikita walked alone to cheer up Edogawa, "The next street is very close!"

In order to eat the snack, Edogawa followed Kunikita alone, muttering, "But I always have a sense of foreboding." Sure

enough, the creamy red bean Daifuku from the dim sum shop on the next street was also bought!

"This is definitely not a coincidence, someone must be working against me!" Edogawa took out the black-framed glasses in his pocket and put them on them, "Abnormal ability, super thrust!"

"So that's the case..." Edogawa closed his eyes and opened them again full of fighting spirit, "Then let's compare it, let's see who of us can catch whom?"

Edogawa walked out of the confectionery shop and greeted Kunikita alone: "Hurry up, Kunikita, let's go to the next one!" "

Mr. Random Walk?" Kunikita looked puzzled alone, didn't Mr. Random Walk say that he couldn't walk? Where is this going? And Mr. Random Walk, he... Finding the way?

Of course, Edogawa didn't recognize the way, but he had already deduced where that person would appear next, and only by getting there earlier than that person could he eat snacks today!

"Damn it! Obviously don't like dessert, obviously don't like red bean paste, obviously like matcha, why grab red beans with adults who walk around! Edogawa, who ran three in a row, couldn't help but roar, "And his physical strength is too good!" Isn't he a brainstormer, how can he run so fast!

"That... Are you Mr. Edogawa Random Walk? The waiter at the cake shop said, "A gentleman ordered matcha red bean rolls for you."

Edogawa slammed his head to the side and snorted, "Hmph! Random adults will not succumb to the evil forces!

After less than two seconds, Jiang Chuan turned around and secretly glanced at this matcha red bean roll, which was enough to startle his jaw.

"Cult! This is definitely a cult! Edogawa called the waiter and asked, "Why is the matcha red bean roll not red bean paste, and the cake roll is covered with half a kilogram of matcha powder?" The

waiter said respectfully, "I'm very sorry, but our matcha red bean roll is made of red beans and matcha sauce is filling." And now it is very popular matcha powder challenge, if you don't spray the powder when you eat matcha red bean roll in the first bite, we will give you a free order and give you a lifetime membership card.

"Damn it!" Edogawa knew that he was provoking himself, "But it's really hateful!" Hmph, I'm going to get real! "

Because you can't waste food, Edogawa scrambled this matcha red bean roll... It is estimated that it is a matcha red bean roll, which gave Kunikita a lone step, and he had to go the next way by himself.

Kunikita hesitated and said, "Uh... Mr. Random Walk, are you really okay alone? "

Don't worry, Kunikita, the number one detective in the world is sure that that person is definitely a delicate brainpower." Edogawa said resolutely, "If Kunikita had been by my side, he would never have appeared, in that case, we don't know how many more circles we have to accompany him." At

this time, Rabbit Chuan passed by a sporting goods specialty store, and he saw an unusually familiar item and bought one.

Of course, Kunikita Dubu believes in his own famous detective, and Mr. Random Step's judgment is never wrong, but he does not believe in his own famous detective's self-care ability, he is mainly afraid that Mr. Random Walk will not find a home!

"I'm leaving!" Edogawa walked out of the cake shop without forgetting to tell Kunikita to walk alone, "Don't come out of me until you finish eating the matcha roll!" "

What can Kunikita do alone?

Kunikita alone can only swallow matcha rolls that can choke people to death, and he wants to chase them out when he gets up.

"Sir, please wait a minute!" The waitress at the cake shop called out to Kunikita to walk alone, and brought a plate of matcha red bean rolls and said, "That gentleman ordered a total of 20 matcha red bean rolls, you see..." Kunikita

sat back in his seat alone, Mr. Random Walk, did you even expect this?

Of course, Edogawa expected it, otherwise he would not have run so fast.

Edogawa hates matcha because matcha is not sweet at all, but the president said that you can't waste food, so Kunikita-kun, this big responsibility falls on you!

Throwing off the country Kida alone, Edogawa finally caught up with Rabbit, or in other words, Rabbit River finally dared to face the famous detective who came alone.

Rabbitagawa "First meeting, Mr. Edogawa Random Walk." "

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