Rabbit Chuan did not know what happened in the Dusk Mansion, and his consciousness at this time was swimming between the pages of the "book", which is colloquially known as the Quantum Sea.

However, after all, it was Rabbit Chuan who personally used the power of the witch to make the night of the Dusk Mansion into a cat box game, and personally formulated the rules of the game, and he could roughly predict what would happen.

Dusk Night is a speculative game that is considered the start of the game once the player enters the Dusk Mansion, where it is automatically saved and set as the initial point.

There are three conditions to complete the game.

First, players need to solve the puzzle of the Dusk Mansion and find the 10 tons of gold hidden inside the mansion.

Secondly, homicide is bound to occur during the treasure hunt, and the player needs to find the murderer and make the murderer confess through reasoning.

Finally, to leave the Dusk Mansion alive, the game has hidden rules, which will be immediately cleared by the servants if someone triggers them.

The game has two modes, the simple mode is magic killing, believe in the existence of magic and witches, it is the witch who commits the murder in the Dusk Mansion, and the murder method is that the witch kills with magic, and finally uses magic to defeat the magic and judge the witch.

In the setting of Rabbit River, magic is the power of the heart, the power of belief, as long as you believe in magic, you can use magic, love and sin can be quantified as magic.

Sin is the seven original sins, and the magic of love can work miracles.

But more specific settings, Rabbit River is rotten.

Please, eight players in total, six detectives, a monster thief, and a maoriland, which one here seems to use magic?

The monster thief Kidd may be a BUG, he has magic there, but the problem is not big, just he can definitely not get 6 detectives with one monster thief.

Hardmode is all about finding the mastermind behind the game and defeating or convincing the mastermind behind it to break the reincarnation.

And Amuro Toru and Ishihara Aki, as the game's NPCs, can use teleportation magic, can also use magic to transform weapons, maintain the progress of the game when necessary, and become the big boss of the guard in the final stage, preventing the player from finding Rabbit.

Before the end of the game, the player will repeat the night of dusk, in the game the pain is zero, the memory of death is cleared, and after death, it will be revived at the initial point until the ending.

Rabbit Chuan believes that with Conan there, he will definitely not turn on the simple mode, and he will definitely be able to use Ke Xue to play true ending.

But by then, Rabbit Chuan must have returned, and by the way, give the old brother a surprise!

In fact, Rabbit Chuan doesn't want to spend a lot of time to close Conan's small black room, what if the three views of their Kexue pillar are broken?

But Rabbit River can't help it, the novels of their world's Edogawa random steps are disappearing, and at this rate, maybe tomorrow, Edogawa random steps will disappear completely, and it will have a huge impact on the existence of Edogawa Conan.

Rabbit River stored Edogawa's short story collection in the Dusk Mansion, sealed "Tonight's Twilight Mansion Night" in the witch's cat box world, and wrote down the rules by hand to continuously cycle the cycle of reincarnation to maintain the existence of Edogawa Conan.

At the same time, it is also just in case, if Edogawa wants to bring his family and friends group with him and lock up Conan, this can also reduce the risk of the Psychic against Ko Xue's aura.

And Rabbit River himself also sleeps in the cat box, using his consciousness to travel through the sea of the world to find Edogawa and walk wildly.

It's all already at this juncture, Rabbit Chuan doesn't pick it, just bumped into a bad world before, and plans to fool their family world consciousness, then... Edogawa is messing around, take it!

Rabbit River shuttles through the quantum sea between the pages, where each page represents a parallel world.

Rabbit Chuan originally thought that things would be very simple, just looking for a dark page in a blank book, but he was careless, how can there be more than a black page in the book! There are so many of them that I can't even count them!

Fortunately, Rabbit River also has the power of the miracle witch, which amplifies the possibility of being infinitely close to "0" to 100%, and the essence of power is to kill other possibilities encountered and repeat it infinitely until the miracle you want happens.

"Book" seems to realize Rabbit Chuan's malicious idea, and hurriedly opens the door of convenience, or spare it, it can't withstand the toss now.

Rabbit Chuan opened his eyes, and in front of him was the world of Bunno, this long-lost feeling of seeing the world with his eyes... Great, he entered an all-human body this time!

Rabbit River breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately this world has a body that can withstand his consciousness, otherwise he can only pretend to be a system to fool Edogawa into wandering.

Rabbit Chuan stood up and suddenly found that the biggest difference between this body and himself was that it had one more leg and one eye, but this altitude... It's too kind!

"Forget it, this is already very high, the reality of the Central Plains is only four feet seven inches, the teacher of the Central Plains of Wen Lian is one meter four, and the loss of Wen Lian seems to be only one meter two..."

"What do you guy think!" Who is four feet seven inches! Who one meter four! Who is one meter two! Lao Tzu is still growing!!"

"No, who are you!!

Rabbit Chuan knocks on the braincase, it's so noisy!

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