Rabbit Chuan did not go to the hospital to visit Conan today, and from tomorrow it will be a three-day Didan High School Garden Festival, and the haunted house of Rabbit Chuan's class is still in the final stages of completion.

Yes, now the haunted house is still being finished, according to Rabbit River's plan, this haunted house can be arranged in seven days, and the students in charge of playing ghosts in the remaining three days can also rehearse, correct the script, practice on the field or something.

As the saying goes, the plan can't catch up with the change, and when the change comes, the plan may all fail.

In short, in the case that Rabbit Chuan did not understand what happened, the grinding rubbed until the last day, and the last day made do with it!

As soon as he returned home, Rabbit Chuan received a call from Mao Lilan, and Miss Xiaolan told him not to worry too much, Conan would be discharged from the hospital in two days.

Rabbit Chuan said a word of congratulations, cared about Conan as usual, and hung up the phone.

Rabbit Chuan sighed, since Conan was hospitalized, Sister Xiaolan has been reporting Conan's injuries to him, and comforting him from time to time not to worry too much about Conan, even if Rabbit Chuan is just ordinary to care about Conan's injuries.

No matter how you look at it, Miss Xiaoran has already concluded in her heart that Conan is his old brother Kudo Shinichi.

Dr. Agasa also saw this, so he called Hattori Heiji yesterday, hoping that Hattori would persuade Conan to continue to hide.

It's a pity that Hattori and Kudo Shinichi are together, and after Hattori's analysis, Conan broke the jar and decided not to play, and he was going to have a showdown.

Rabbit Chuan stood in front of the window and saw Dr. Agasa's beetle slowly moving away, and it was Haibara's turn to perform the real technique!

"Ah, don't worry, the new brother is already fine, and the doctor said that he will be discharged from the hospital in two days." Rabbit Chuan said into the phone, "If you are not worried, you can come back to see him in person in the next two days." "

Huh? Don't worry about exposure, I think the new brother will call you personally tomorrow, he needs your help very much now, Aunt Yukiko.

Rabbit Chuan finally did not forget to explain: "By the way, please don't tell Shinichi brother what I already know, I don't want him to worry about me, because the more you know, the more dangerous it is, it's just right for me to remain ignorant like this, which is also what Shinichi Brother wants..." Rabbit

Chuan hung up the phone, and after Conan was out of danger, he would report Conan's condition to the Kudo couple every day.

When Kudo and his wife learned that their son was injured, they were worried, but because of their status, they could not return to Japan to take care of their son in person.

Kudo Yukiko wanted to return to take care of Conan as Fumiyo Edogawa, but was persuaded by Kudo Yusaku.

The identities of Edogawa Conan and Edogawa Fumiyo are like mirrors, and the more traces they leave behind, the easier it is to be fragmented.

Especially in a densely populated and orderly place like a hospital, Edogawa Fumiyo not only impresses the medical staff, but also leaves a signature on the visitor, which is too easy to expose.

Soyuki and Rabbit River were by Conan's side, and Kudo and his wife stabilized their mentality.

At this time, Conan... Kudo Shinichi's mind, Dr. Agasa's advice, Haihara's admonition, parents' advice, and Hattori's words today flashed one by one.

"You should

know very well that we must not let anyone discover our identity

..." "Underestimating a girl will suffer a big loss

..." "She is waiting, waiting for you to tell her in person

..." Finally, it was Xiaolan who said to him with eyes full of sadness and melancholy: "Don't leave me alone..."

Conan was relieved, or... Tell her....

With a click in his ears, Conan turned his head, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at him.

Is that! Ash, gray plain!

Haibara raised his pistol and pointed it at Conan, and said expressionlessly: "I'm really sorry, there seems to be cold black blood lying in my body." "

What?" Conan doesn't know why.

"Don't you understand yet?" Haibara said calmly, "Our identities have been exposed.

Conan was terrified.

Haibara continued: "It was the time I met them at the Cup Hotel, I never dreamed that in addition to Pisk, another member of the organization was also in the venue. He reported to the organization about my small size, and just this morning they found my hiding place.

Haibara sneered and said, "I thought I would be killed by them, but they said that as long as I was willing to return to the organization and continue to study APTX4869 for them, they could act as if nothing had happened."

Conan calmed down, he understood, "So, you're here now to kill me, the one who knew the existence of the organization?"

"Yes, this is the style of the organization, leaving no traces, cutting grass and roots!" Haibara also told Conan, "Not only you, your parents, but also that Osaka high school detective, everyone who knows about the existence of the organization will disappear tomorrow."

"In addition, Dr. Agasa was also taken hostage by them, fortunately he still has some value, but I tried my best to save him, as for you..."

"I can only let you go first, waiting in heaven to meet your parents and friends!"

In Conan's terrified eyes, Haibara did not hesitate to pull the trigger.


Bright red roses bloomed in front of Conan's eyes.

Conan heard Haibara's mournful voice again: "If this is the case, what should you do?" "

Huh?" Conan's mind was just frightened, "What the hell are you here for?" "

I'm here to give you a vaccination." Haibara pulled out the rose on the muzzle and put it in the cup, "If you emotionally tell her about the organization, she will undoubtedly become one of the targets that the organization will purge."

Conan exclaimed, "She? You mean Xiaolan?

"That's right, I think she guessed it!" Haibara affirmed, "And you plan to tell her everything now, so that you can also relax." A

drop of cold sweat fell on Conan's cheeks, all guessed by Haibara.

But now, Conan's original idea was shot by Haihara, if he could, he didn't want to joke with Xiaolan's life, even if there was a slightest possibility, he didn't want to put Xiaolan in danger.

But now that he has reached this field, what can he do?

"Now you have three options." Haibara stretched out three fingers, "The first one don't say anything, continue to play the fool; The second is to tell her the truth despite the organization's threats, and the third is..." The

next morning, Rabbikawa received a call from Kudo Yukiko to return to Japan, and it seems that the old brother still chose the third option.

Originally, Rabbit Chuan felt that it didn't matter if he told Miss Xiaolan the truth directly.

But in these ten days, Rabbitikawa coldly watched the mode of getting along between Miss Koran and Conan (Kudo Shinichi version)....

God, Sister Xiaolan's eyes are glued to Conan, and the two look at each other with affection, they don't look at it!

As Suzuki Sonoko said, it's really numb, and the blind can't see that there is a problem between these two!

One is a 17-year-old young girl, the other is a 7-year-old boy, if the gender is reversed, it is estimated that the nurse can directly call the police!

I didn't see it, Maori Kogoro has not run to the hospital recently, it is estimated that he is a little suspicious of life, his own daughter... It doesn't seem to suffer either.

Rabbit Chuan also only dared to visit Conan alone by preparing a haunted house, otherwise he would not find something, sorry for his reputation.

Therefore, the Rabbit River matter is not mixed, let it go with the flow!

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