How to relieve worries, only to get rich!

Well, there are still worries, and they haven't really been solved, but there are also quick riches.

Rabbit Chuan thought that he should have a little kinship with the big boss of the black-clothed organization, Karasuma Renye, and he should not worry about the black-clothed organization attacking him for the time being.

At least now the Black-clad Organization is not hostile to him, and even wants to borrow his wisdom to solve this mystery that Karasuma Renye has not solved for nearly a century.

It's weird! It is clear that the entire Dusk Mansion is made of gold, but Karasuma Renye has not found a single piece of gold in his entire life, did he really not think about violent decryption?

Moreover, before dying, Karasuma Renye also summoned people of insight from all walks of life to come to the mansion to decrypt, and even forcibly locked people in the mansion, didn't these people think of smashing the wall to escape from prison?

So, what is it that blinds them and mistakes gold bricks for stones?

Rabbikawa picked up the information brought by Kuroda's lawyer and the contract book, which clearly stated that the Dusk Mansion belonged to Karasuma Renye forty years ago, as well as the tragedy of that year, and the rumors of the treasure in the Dusk Mansion.

Rabbit River kept looking at it and found a shocking secret, this dusk mansion originally belonged to the Usami family, that is, the property of Rabbit-Kawa's cheap grandfather's family.

This dusk mansion was built by the Usami family more than a hundred years ago, and after the Usami family gradually declined, Karasuma Renye acquired the Usami family's property and adopted the younger son of the Usami family.

This youngest son of the Usami family is Rabbitagawa's grandfather, who was raised by Karasuma Renye and eventually joined the Karasuma family.

And the reason why Karasuma Renye adopted the young son of the Usami family was because Karasuma Renye's sister once married into the Usami family, and this dusk mansion was specially built by the head of the Usami family for Karasuma Renye's sister.

The head of the Usami family once told Karasuma Renye's sister that he hid the countless treasures of the Usami family in the Dusk Mansion, so Karasuma Renye firmly believed that there must be treasure in this Dusk Mansion.

Seeing this, Rabbit River suspected that their Usami family was killed by Karasuma Renye!

No, this may be the truth!

But Rabbitikawa didn't understand, why did Kuroda's lawyer show him this?

Rabbit Chuan thinks that he is also a well-known detective, and Kuroda's lawyer is not afraid that after seeing this thing, he will hold a grudge against Karasuma Renye?

Wait, Rabbit Chuan sat up sharply from the sofa, isn't this Kuroda lawyer from the Black Organization? So who the hell is he?

Rabbit Chuan thought of a possibility, Kuroda's lawyer was not Karasuma Renye's person, but his cheap grandfather's person, and that cheap grandfather and Karasuma Renye were not in the same group!

But Karasuma Renye is still the grandfather of Rabbitakawa Cheap Grandma by generation, and the older brother of Rabbitikawa Grandpa's grandmother.

And Grandpa Rabbit River has already entered the Karasuma family, even if Rabbit Chuan recognizes his ancestors and returns to the sect, he will return to the Karasuma family, heck, this relationship is really messy enough.

Rabbit Chuan pasted the information on his face, regardless of whether he was Karasuma Renye or Grandpa Cheap, now that the Dusk Mansion was in his hands, no one would want to take the gold that belonged to him!

Lawyer Kuroda is right, he is a descendant of the Usami family and the Karasuma family, and it is the inheritance of this inheritance that he will return to the original owner.

Renye Karasuma: ......

Cheap Grandpa: ......

Legacy fart, they're not dead yet!

"What a common man today! What a joy!

Rabbit Chuan hummed and put the contract book in his treasure chest, which also contained all kinds of treasures sent by the monsters, and now there is another golden house!

"Huh? The House of Gold? Kanaya Zojiao? Rabbit Chuan suddenly realized, "That's how it is!" Back then, the dusk mansion that the head of the Usami family gave to Karasuma Renye's sister was the meaning of Kanaya Zangjiao! "

It's a pity that such a beautiful dusk mansion was defiled by Karasuma Renye's old immortal!

But before that, Rabbit Chuan now has a very important matter to solve, that is, how to stop the group of detectives from going to his mansion to decrypt?

That detective hunter Okami Zhuzen has always had an eye on the Dusk Mansion, and he sneaked in to investigate before buying the Dusk Mansion.

However, this person is easier to solve, as long as the monsters look at the point.

And Rabbit Chuan will definitely not sell the mansion, and if Dashang Zhushan dares to break in, he can directly call the police to arrest him!

The difficult thing is that old woman, the blood sea has a deep hatred!

In this world of Ke Xue, no one can stop a person from digging the truth for revenge, and digging the truth will inevitably provoke Conan, Conan will definitely reveal the truth when he comes, and finally the secret of the Dusk Mansion is the Golden Mansion will be exposed to the sun.

With such a big golden house, Rabbit Chuan is afraid of thieves stealing and thieves, and even more afraid that the black-clothed organization will worry about him.

At that time, as long as Rabbit Chuan dies, won't Rabbit Chuan's inheritance return to some people?

Rabbit Chuan doesn't believe that those people really have family affection for him, so what to do?

Rabbit Chuan planned to find time to visit the Dusk Mansion in the past two days, if he guessed correctly, if the truth of the Golden House was that....

Even if Conan solves the puzzle this time, it will definitely be impossible to find the treasure!

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