Hattori Heiji's mother, Shizuka Hattori, is talking and laughing with Maori Kogoro, quietly testing Maori Kogoro's personality.

Rabbit Chuan suddenly shook his head, huh? He seems to have accidentally saved the life of Hattori's mother's friend.

Originally, Hattori Heiji would be shot tonight and rushed to the hospital for rescue, and the Maori family got into an ambulance, and finally stayed in the hospital for one night, and the dinner fell through.

Later, Hattori Shizuka, worried that Heiji would be deceived by Tokyo detectives, Hattori Shizuka and his friend collaborated to design a search event, and then went to Tokyo alone as a stranger to test Maori Kogoro, who thought that this friend would try and die.

The Hattori House is a stately Japanese-style garden mansion, a traditional dry stone quicksand garden, a historic wooden house with feet crunching on the floor of the corridor.

This creaky floor is deliberately installed in the hope of preventing intruders from sneaking in silently.

Rabbit River was not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the courtyard, and after a busy day, he could finally sleep peacefully.

Alas, he obviously came on vacation, why did he solve the case again, but fortunately, everything that should have been eaten, this trip is not for nothing.

To be honest, there is generally a reason for the development of the express delivery industry and online shopping here.

It only takes three hours to travel from Tokyo to Osaka by shinkansen, and it will only take two hours after the future speed increase, and if you have anything you want, it is much faster to buy it yourself than by courier, and the courier fee is not much different from the ticket price.

Rabbitagawa lived alone in a guest room, lay on a tatami mattress, and slowly closed his eyes.

Rabbit Chuan's consciousness floated to the edge of the world, and the world consciousness of the bad world was still pulling its own world consciousness to pull the calf, and had begun to cut the land and pay reparations.

The bad world endures the pain and wants to give them a piece of land.

World Awareness: !!

Rabbit River: ???

World Awareness: And this good thing?

He has long taken a fancy to that land, not only is it full of energy, but the locals have little contact with the outside world, which is suitable for importing into the world of Ke Xue!

Rabbit Chuan held down Ke Xue's consciousness.


If there is nothing to offer, it is either a traitor or a thief, and the weasel is not safe to pay tribute to the chicken for the New Year!

Don't think that this sugar-coated shell will break through his defenses!

World Awareness: Sugar-coated and shells back!

Rabbitikawa: ... Get lost!

In case it's not shells, it's!

On that land, there is so much black mud left behind that he is blind?

Rabbit Chuan educates the world consciousness, you should hang up in time when you encounter a scam call in the future, don't always think that you are smart, maybe you can make money from scammers.

The bad world is constantly entangled, and even hugged, Rabbit goosebumps fell to the ground, oh, he is now ideological, there are no goosebumps.

This bad world is full of bad water and black mud, and who knows what the hell he is thinking.

Soon, though....

The corners of Rabbit Chuan's mouth secretly rose, the bad world continued to hehe, Rabbit Chuan Lang's heart was like iron, and he resolutely disagreed with the bad world entering his door.

Suddenly, the bad world snorted, hoarse and miserable

, at the same time, Rabbit Chuan's body left in reality was surrounded by black mud, and when Rabbit Chuan's body was about to be submerged, a crescent moon silver light swept across the thousand armies.

A dark blue figure appeared next to Rabbit Chuan's body, the man looked up and laughed, but the crescent moon in his eyes was as merciless as a sword and shadow.

"Hahaha, take people's money and eliminate disasters with people."

The knife in the man's hand appeared in the cold moonlight, and with a gentle wave, the black mud was cut in two, and the black mud that had no time to dodge turned into white paper that was cut in half and slowly landed on the ground.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the back of the bad world fleeing in a hurry, thoughtful.

World Awareness: ??? What happened?

The world consciousness that knows everything after knowing everything: Muggle! After finishing the calf thing, I want to steal my cub!

With a piece of broken land, I want to exchange his family reincarnation, that bad thing is afraid that I don't want to eat Peach!!

Rabbit Chuan calms the world consciousness that jumps up and down, preventing him from cutting off the passage to the bad world.

World consciousness does not understand: why?

"If you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves." Passively beating is not Rabbit Chuan's style, "A certain grandfather of mine once said, people do not offend me, I do not offend; If anyone offends me, cut the grass and remove the roots! "

World Consciousness: That doesn't seem to be the exact thing, does it?

Rabbit Chuan's return to his body was extremely smooth, although this body lacked a leg and an eye, his consciousness was very coherent, as if it was specially prepared for him, and it was no wonder that the world consciousness let him wear it into this body.

The world consciousness is silent, there are thousands of suitable bodies, only this one is the best to recognize!

It's good that Rabbit Chuan doesn't know the bastard thoughts of world consciousness, otherwise ... No, Rabbit Chuan originally knew, he thought it was the price at the time, but later found that the homohomology rate of the body was quite high, and finally smart was mistaken by cleverness.

When Rabbikawa opened his eyes, the man dressed in a dark blue hunting suit and yellow tassels on his head, with three moons in his eyes, was sitting under the porch drinking tea to the moon.

The tassel on the man's head swayed slightly, smiled slightly, and said, "Gui'an, His Royal Highness the God of Wisdom, is approaching in the Lower Three Days Moon Sect." "

Guian..." Rabbit Chuan looked at the hot tea in the other party's hand in a trance, where did this come from?

No, no, no, where did this man's knife come from?

The Sanriyue Sect stood up and saluted, saying, "There are many blade patterns in forging, so it is called Sanri Yue, well, as one of the five swords in the world, it is said to be the most beautiful blade." The body was born at the end of the 11th century, which means that it is an old grandfather. Hahaha, Duoduo advised, His Highness Rabbitchuan.

"No, no, no! Let's talk about the problem of knives first, knives! Rabbit Chuan was not tempted by the beauty of the most beautiful blade at all, and he now wanted to know more about how this knife came about.

Rabbit Chuan knew in his heart that the history reflected in the world of Kogaku was not enough to give birth to the swords of the Heian period, so after meeting Kitsunosuke, he also went to the Tokyo National Museum for a circle, and sure enough, those swords were just ordinary sword embryos.

Therefore, Rabbit River always thought that the Sword Fu God would cross here with the sword embryo made by the government of time.

Rabbit Chuan never expected that this Three-Day Moon Sect Near Split Spirit actually chose to descend on the Ontology God!!

I already knew that the Three Days Moon Sect would come to the essence of this world, and the Three Days Moon Sect would not be able to return to the government of the time!

Moreover, the most important thing is that the Tokyo National Museum lost its national treasure, Mikazuki Munen, and must not be crazy in the near future?

Director of the Tokyo National Museum: We haven't seen any big winds and waves, isn't it just throwing a national treasure-level sword, what is this?

Big deal, let's show something else, such as corpses, the corpses of the administrators of the Tokyo National Museum, the corpses of the director of the Tokyo National Museum.

Who cares about a knife that can't be used in a display case!

Rabbit Chuan covered his chest for Mikazuki Munen, pierced his heart, Tokyo National Museum!

"Because a friend under once said." The Three Days Moon Sect used his big sleeves to hide his sly smile, "Life still needs some shock, if it is all unexpected things, the heart will die before the body, hahaha!" "

Rabbit Chuan's heartache, what a fart, smelly old man!

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