Before Hattori Heiji could think about it, Yu Guang saw a woman with a panicked look in the crowd, which was obviously a problem!

Although he is young, Hattori Heiji is an old churros in the detective class of high school students, and he knows that the murderer will definitely linger at the scene of the murder.

A person with a look like this is obviously one of the suspects, and then as long as you find the second and third suspects, and after some evidence and reasoning, finally choose one of the three and close the case!

Unfortunately, Hattori Heiji guessed wrong this time, and the aunt not only did not obediently stay to cooperate with the investigation, but also drove away directly with a cigarette.

"That lady, please wait a minute!" Hattori Heiji was confused by the car exhaust and stared blankly at the car far away, "... Ran away?

"It's okay, I've already written down the license plate number of that car myself." Conan calmly stood beside Hattori Heiji and looked very experienced, "Compared to this, you first tell me what happened to "that incident"?

Rabbitikawa was more concerned about the police car in front of him than that incident, and he remembered that Hattori Heiji had said that this was a new car for the East Kowloon Agency, and this happened to be the jurisdiction of the East Kowloon Agency.

Tuchuan saw that he received the police call and quickly rushed to the East Jiu Bureau, and his face was really difficult to say!

Rabbit River sighed, it is worthy of a trip of death, even a police car can be turned into an accident car!

Fortunately, this is the home of Osaka, but a corpse fell down and smashed a big hole in the front car cover, and the repair can still be used, if it is in the rice flower, it is estimated that it will be directly bombed, and this car can be heroic.

The smashed police car was directly detained as the scene of the crime, and Hattori Heiji had to take a group of people with the police officers to the East Kowloon Police Station to sit, of course, it was still a police car.

While taking a break from taking notes, Hattori began to talk about the recent series of killings in Osaka.

"The first victim Hidetoshi Nagao was the store manager of a convenience store, the second victim was the proprietress of the Kishiguchi Multigenerational Izakaya owner, the man who just fell was the third victim, and Kazuto Anno was a taxi driver."

"All three victims were stabbed through their wallets with knives and into the chest of the deceased, but they had actually been strangled with ropes by the killers before that."

"Wallet?" Conan catches the point, why use a knife through the wallet?

Yuanshan and Ye guessed: "Could it be robbery and murder?"

"It's not such a simple case." Hattori Heiji denied Toyama and Hazuha's speculation, "Although the wallet has traces of destruction, the coins and bank cards inside have not been lost.

"Is it a vendetta?" Conan speculated that this kind of killing with a very ritualistic technique, the motive for the crime is most likely a vendetta.

"I don't know either, because so far, the police have not found the connection and commonality of these three people." Hattori said helplessly, "Although all three people live in Osaka, the police have not yet found the overlap of their life trajectories." "

Heiji, there you have it!" Officer Sakata shouted happily.

"Who?" Rabbit Chuan asked in confusion.

"Woohoo!" The heating at the East Kowloon Police Station was so warm, Rabbit Chuan just squinted, and was woken up by this person.

Officer Sakata stopped in fright, and the kid looked at his eyes, how could he see that he was a little hairy in his heart.

Officer Sakata cheered himself up in his heart, but what is there to be afraid of as a child, and now it is important.

"The common ground of the victims has been found!" Officer Sakata excitedly said to Hattori Heiji, "Come and see this, this is a video I borrowed from the TV station!" Saying

that, Officer Sakata put the video tape in his hand into the projector.

The video is about the bribery scandal of Sotaro Goji, a member of the parliament six years ago, and it was his secretary general who took the blame for the lawmaker at that time.

And this secretary general tail is the first victim of this serial killing.

"So, what does this video have to do with this serial murder case?" Hattori asked puzzled.

"Look at this man!" Officer Sakata paused the video, pointed to the driver captured in the video, and said, "This driver is the victim just now, who was the driver of a township councilor four years ago." "

Hattori Heiji and Conan lay on the TV and looked closely, and sure enough, this person was the deceased who had just fallen from the building.

Hattori Heiji thought, "The first victim was the secretary of the councillor of the township, and the third victim was the councilor's driver.

Officer Sakata said, "Because considering this possibility, the seniors of the headquarters have now gone to the township councilor."

"But..." Maori Kogoro thought the form was not optimistic, "this person hates the police, and I see it for nothing."

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other, anyway, since they had found the clue, they couldn't let it go for nothing.

Hattori Heiji turned to Officer Sakata and said, "Officer Sakata, let's go to the township councillor to join in the fun!"

"You boy, don't make a mess for the police!" Maori Kogoro is determined not to go, he is here for vacation, not for overtime!

"Don't worry, wrap it around me!" Hattori turned the brim of his baseball cap to the front, "I will definitely arrest the murderer who ruined your trip to Osaka!"

Toyama and Ye asked worriedly, "Heiji! Did you bring an amulet?

"I'll take it with me, don't worry." Hattori Heiji explained by the way, "Kazuha, you take them to my house first, and I'll see you later!" "

Rabbit Chuan looked at Hattori Heiji's face full of spring breeze, big belly, light steps, and almost floating into the sky!

Bah! Excuse! It's all excuses!

This Osaka black chicken just wants to drop them and solve the case by himself!

He also stuffed Conan into his clothes and took him away, when he was blind, and there was a good one!

Toyama and Ye looked at the back of Hattori Heiji leaving, and there was always a bad premonition in their hearts.

Mao Lilan saw that Yuanshan and Ye were depressed, and said to her: "What is that talisman?" Yuanshan

and Ye Ban said with a face: "That's the talisman I gave him, it's very magical, there are only two of this talisman in the world!"

"Why are there only two?" As soon as Maori Lan heard it, he knew that there was definitely a little secret in it.

"Didn't I say before that I was handcuffed together with Heiji as a child." Speaking of this, Toyama and Ye smiled unconsciously, "So, I secretly put that fragment into the amulet given to Heiji.

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "That's right! Yuanshan

and Ye Gang wanted to nod, paused, and said with a straight face: "This has nothing to do with you!"

"Uh... It's also..." Mao Lilan was stunned, this girl seems to be still misunderstanding her?

Toyama and Ye secretly pinched a cold sweat, hateful, this Tokyo woman laughed so cutely, she almost fell for it!

It's so cunning, she must be trying to win the approval of her childhood plum and get her to agree to her peaceful relationship!

Damn it! She would never give Heiji to such a lovely woman... Although she is cute, but in short, she just can't!!

Rabbit-Chuan: ......

Rabbit Chuan hugged his poor self, Hattori and Conan were gone, why did he still eat the dog food of these two pairs of childhood sweethearts, hateful!

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