Rabbit Chuan rubbed his temples, alas, headache, he was actually attacked by inexplicable black mud!

Rabbit River just wants to find the Imperial Library hidden in the gap in time and space, and asks the alchemist to reincarnate an Edogawa for him in case of emergency, why is he maliciously entangled by other worlds.

And Rabbit Chuan just passed by the outside of that world with consciousness, and was inexplicably attacked by that world, which is really too much!!

Rabbit Chuan now gave up looking for the Imperial Library for the time being, and he heard that there was also a Heavenly Kingdom Publishing House, which was a gathering place for literary heroes after death, and where dead literary heroes would continue to dig pits.

Rabbikawa thought to himself that if Edogawa disappeared from history, he would ask Ghost Lantern to authorize the world to reprint his books.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if there is Edogawa random walking, because what is important is not Edogawa random walking himself, but Edogawa random walking book.

As long as Rabbit River puts Edogawa's books and Conan Doyle's books on the bookshelf at home, it is done, and there can be Edogawa Conan again!

In fact, it was not only Rabbit Chuan who was attacked by that world, but even the world consciousness of the Ke Xue world was also attacked.

However, because of the existence of the God of Wisdom, the order of the world has been stabilized, and the recipe of world consciousness has also become broader, absorbing and digesting many world fragments.

It's still a good metaphysical world, and the energy is high! I used to be hungry and didn't dare to eat it, for fear of upsetting the balance of the world, but now I can pick some scraps to eat, well, it's so fragrant!

Therefore, the current world consciousness is no longer the world consciousness that was once shattered, and he can now harden with other worlds.

He wants to fight the bad world and protect the brave of his own rebirth!

When accepting the reincarnation of another world, the world consciousness specially inquired about the predecessors, and now it is not popular to be bitter reincarnated, and it is necessary to be kind to its own reincarnation.

For example, if a certain reincarnation of a slime wants a great sage, then give him a great sage, and our world consciousness is not missing.

For another example, a reincarnated person wants an ordinary life, and the ability only wants the average, then give her the average, doesn't it mean that she wants one-half, our Supreme God's ability is cut in half, and the life is finished!

The world is conscious!

Thinking that one's own home is the world of Kexue's reasoning, then directly give the reincarnation the supreme wisdom of this world.

If there are reincarnations in other worlds, our family must also have them!

The world of Ke Xue is not bad, don't want a great sage, don't want one-half, if you want to give, give it all, so directly become the god of wisdom!

While Rabbit Chuan silently resisted the world's malice, the Ke Xue world and the bad world fought fiercely.

Ke Xue World: Definitely find a field for your own reincarnation!

Bad World: Come on! Sample, see I don't eat you!!

Ke Xue World: What to do, this bad world seems to be a little delicious!!

Rabbit-Chuan: Eat a fart! The horse is all black mud!! What about your brain!!

Ke Xue World: Here you go.

Rabbit-Chuan: ......

Rabbit Chuan was so tired that he almost fell for that bad world consciousness.

Rabbit Chuan understood why he was attacked by that world, and this horse was touching porcelain!!

That bad world is almost finished, and he is looking for a catcher, and just when he passes there, that world deliberately provokes trouble and fights with their stupid guys.

If the bad world wins, it will definitely swallow up the Ke Xue world, and the two worlds will merge and complement each other; If their stupid world wins, they may eat the bad world for a while, and the result is that the two worlds merge.

Who wants to merge with the black mud world! This bad world is such a chicken thief!!

Bad World: Gee! Almost succeeded, blame this god of wisdom, call him more black mud in the first place!

Rabbit Chuan opened his eyes, and a big black face blocked in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll see if you have a fever, you just fell asleep again." Hattori Heiji withdrew the hand placed on Rabbitakawa forehead, "I don't have a fever, is it a cold?"

"Hmph, I'm not sick, I'm just saving the world!" Rabbit Chuan began to eat noodles, overconsumed, and he was starving to death.

Hattori Heiji and Conan froze, this kid is really middle... Lively!

However, when they saw Rabbit Chuan pick up his chopsticks and start eating udon noodles, they were completely relieved, and it was not a big problem to be able to eat well.

Hattori Heiji led everyone to eat Osaka's authentic fox udon, that is, oil tofu udon.

The soup is made with golden brown broth made from konbu from Hokkaido and mackerel from Kyushu Island, and the aroma is concentrated, and the taste is extremely light and delicious.

The oily tofu covered with udon noodles absorbs the flavor of the dashi stock without being soft, and the simplest oily tofu is the best way to taste the deliciousness of the dashi stock directly.

Speaking of the origin of udon noodles is still Youxi cut noodles in the Wulong River in China, the Kukai master who sent the Tang Dynasty to bring back the noodle making method from the Tang Kingdom, saving the local poor people of Sanuki who could not grow rice, and at the same time opening the history of eating noodles.

"Yo! Heiji, who is this girl? Is it your new girlfriend? Udon boss said with a smile.

Hattori Heiji jokingly asked, "Oh, like?"

Conan huffed and took a mouthful of soup, this Hattori, shouldn't he have any opinion of Xiaolan!

Mao Lilan quickly explained: "No, I'm from Tokyo..." Mao

Lilan suddenly felt hairy in his heart, feeling as if there was malice in his back, but looking back at nothing abnormal, how strange.

Next, Hattori Heiji took them to eat takoyaki, a famous Osaka product.

Osaka's takoyaki, each octopus ball contains a large piece of fresh octopus meat, its flavor is delicious and fragrant, the skin is crispy and tender, and the takoyaki in Tokyo is completely different.

Hattori said smugly: "This is the real takoyaki, and the takoyaki in Kanto is not takoyaki at all."

"Hey, where did the takoyaki in Kanto offend you?" Conan ate Kansai's takoyaki and did not forget to give Kanto a grievance.

"Because of the oil!" Rabbikawa replied, "Tokyo's takoyaki uses too much oil and it feels like croquettes, right?" "

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