Rabbit Chuan walked into the study of the owner of the blue castle, and there were two telephones on his desk.

If this had been in the past, it would have required Rabbit Chuan to call personally and directly let Miss Mary do it for her.

It's just a pity, Miss Mary she... Miss Mary she... Alas, it's tears to say too much!

Of course, it was Miss Mary's tears.

Due to the progress of the times, the development of technology, and the popularity of the Internet, Miss Mary hit the wall of the computer screen when climbing the telephone line.

As Dr. Agasa said before, it is still the era of dial-up Internet access, and once you use a computer, you will occupy the telephone line, and the phone will not be able to come in.

Miss Mary's initial rule of conversation was to keep talking on the phone, and then follow the telephone line to the other person's house.

But recently I can't get through the phone, even if I can't get through, I continue to climb along the phone line to the opposite computer screen, the key is that Miss Mary is not Sadako, it can't climb out of the screen!

So after Miss Mary learned that Rabbit Chuan had her own mobile phone and should not have trouble with it again, Miss Mary decisively chose to stay away from the city and return to the simple countryside, and let the birds fly from then on!

After Rabbit Chuan knew about this, he was stunned for a moment, he used to think that the IQ of Wei Talk was a little higher than that of the monster, but now he thinks....

Doesn't it not climb big brother, does it have to climb the phone line?

It's true that the dog can't change what to eat, and Miss Mary can't change the phone line.

Rabbit River waved his hand, forget it, let it fly first!

Rabbit Chuan picked up the microphones of the two phones separately, and both phones could actually get through, why did he feel a little strange.

But yes, after all, it is a special scene of the juvenile detective group, generally there will be no murder after the children find the body, and the murderer will be saved by the children even if there is a murder target, so there is no need for such a cruel storm villa mode.

Because the Blizzard Villa model is generally applicable to serial killings, it is to deter foreign aid from the police, or a state of artificial or natural isolation.

In other words, even if Rabbit River calls the police now, there should be no natural disasters such as heavy snow closures, heavy rain mudslides, flash floods, etc... Right?

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the sky full of stars outside the window... Early morning? Moon Black Wind... High?

Hey? Huh?? Wait, wait, where are all the stars in the sky?

He remembered that the weather forecast said that today was sunny, so Dr. Agasa decided to take them to camp in the countryside, why is it still raining now?

The young master nobleman saw that Rabbit Chuan did not move, but instead looked out the window with a solemn expression, and asked nervously: "What's wrong?" What happened?

"Nothing." Rabbit Chuan came back from the window and pressed the police phone, "I was just thinking that this is a plain, even if it rains, there should be no accidents such as a body landslide, right?" "

Mountains, landslides?" The noble young master smiled bitterly, "How is it possible, don't look at the deep mountains and old forests, in fact, the transportation is still very convenient."

"I hope so..."

In less than three seconds, a voice from the Twilight Police Department came from the other side of the phone: "Hello, I'm Twilight."

"Twilight Police Department, I'm Rabbitikawa ."

"Oh, it's Brother Rabbitchuan, it's so late to call, what's the matter... pieces?

Rabbit Chuan seemed to hear the cry of the police department refusing to work overtime on the phone.

How can the police department not work overtime at this age, how can people be promoted and raised without overtime, and how can they reach the peak of life?

Rabbit Chuan set a small goal for the Twilight Police Department in his heart, and strive to be promoted two levels in a row within three years and become a police officer!

Twilight Police Department: ... Directly hoped that he would be killed in the line of duty, and he was promoted two levels in a row.

He thought so in his head, but Rabbit Chuan's mouth did not stop, and he told the truth of the bloody incident in the Blue Castle four years ago to the Twilight Police Department.

Fifteen people were killed in the fire four years ago, but one of them is missing, and that person is the perpetrator of the arson, and has been living in the castle in place of someone, the person who was replaced is Mrs. Mamiya.

The murderer made himself into Mrs. Mamiya but was worried that his disguise could not be concealed from Mrs. Mamiya's biological daughter, Mrs. Mamiya, so she chose to do it on the night that Mrs. Mamiya returned.

A fire burned Madame Mamiya along with the servants who had served her, and killed the real Madame Mamiya in the secret passage of the castle.

The reason for killing Mrs. Mamiya alone was that Mrs. Mamiya's bones were deformed due to a leg disease, which was easy to identify, so it was impossible to mix the fish in the corpse.

In this way, she can inherit the castle instead of Mrs. Mamiya, as well as the treasure hidden in this castle in the last words of Mrs. Mamiya.

The Mamiya father and son, who heard the truth, looked shocked, but it was difficult to hide their deep pain.

At this time, outside the window, lightning and thunder, rain and snow flying, as if it was the mourning of the unjust death of the deceased.

At this moment, the blood case hidden in this dreamy fairy tale castle was finally revealed.

It is really rich and touching, and people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants.

Mrs. Mamiya definitely did not expect that his romantic jokes about his daughter and son-in-law before he died would actually kill his daughter.

The police department said that he would reach the castle as fast as possible, so that Rabbit River must be steady, do not wave, and wait for rescue.

Rabbit-Chuan: ......

"Twilight Police Department, I am very stable, you can rest assured!" Rabbitikawa in turn reminds the Twilight Police Department to drive carefully.

It's raining, and the mountain roads here are not easy to drive! Beware of flash floods, beware of mudslides, beware of meteorites... This is not enough, in short, be careful.

And just as Rabbit Chuan called, the juvenile detective team began to act again.

Rabbit Chuan wants to ask why, aren't they not interested in treasure hunting?

They weren't interested in treasure hunting, but they were interested in finding Conan!

Oh, it's saving Conan!

"If we say we want to help, Brother Rabbit and Dr. Rabbit will definitely not agree." Ayumi hugged the bread in her arms sadly, "However, I am still worried about Conan.

"yes, let's help too!" Mitsuhiko also followed, "One more person and one more strength!"

"And it's only Dr. Agasa and Brother Rabbitikawa ..." Genta summed up in his heart, "Can the two of them really beat the murderer?"

Haibara looked at Yuantai, the little fat man, sadly, he really got to the point.

In Haihara's mournful eyes, those two people add up to four words - old, weak, sick and disabled, maybe they will be directly knocked down by gangsters like Edogawa.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Haibara had no choice but to agree to accompany them to find Dr. Agasa and Rabbikawa and join the search for Edogawa.

But Haibara mourned that they searched around the castle, but did not see Dr. Agasa and Rabbitagawa figures.

Haibara looked out the window, rain and snow, such bad weather they should not go to the forest.

Haihara mourned his heart, shouldn't they also be brutally killed?

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