Doi Tucker is running desperately.

Hurry, hurry up, that little rabbit cub must not recklessly tell the truth in front of the murderer!

Doi Tucker quickly rushed into Kikue Tanaka's room, and just wanted to yell to stop, but found that the situation in the room was not the same as he expected.

Rabbit Chuan sat on the bed, holding a crossbow in one hand and dragging his chin with the other, and said, "Actually, when I learned about Mr. Hamano's magic trick from Sonoko's senior sister, I knew that you were Mr. Hamano's nursery, that is, the murderer who left Mr. Hamano alone. Kikue

Tanaka knelt in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in dismay, not expecting that the magic trick she had carefully prepared would be seen through like this.

Doi Tucker carefully observed, it seems that Miss Tanaka is not injured... Wait, it seems that something is wrong, right?

Rabbit Chuan looked at the panting Doi Tucker tree beside him, narrowed his eyes, what was wrong?

In fact, Kikue Tanaka has been surrounded by the army of snow boys outside.

If it weren't for Kikue Tanaka's quick instigation, Rabbit River would have directly asked her to go down to sleep in the snow with Toshiya Hamano, and by the way, let her see that real wingless humans cannot do impossible crimes.

Kihisae Tanaka said that she was not instigating, she just hadn't lost her heart enough to attack a child.

Of course, Rabbit River is just joking in his heart, because he knows that Kikue Tanaka is not some murderous demon.

Rabbit River said to Kikue Tanaka: "I remember a magician saying that if a magician is seen through a magic trick by his audience, then he must quickly pull down the curtain.

Kikue Tanaka looked at his hands, smiled with relief, and said, "You are right, when an audience sees through my magic tricks, that's when I have to leave the stage."

"Worthy of a detective!" Kikue Tanaka stood up and pulled the curtains behind her, revealing the stone hanging from the window with a rope, "That's right, as long as everyone gathers together and doesn't go out, you can block me in this villa, and I can't recycle my magic props." Seeing

the rope and the stone, Doi Tucker also understood that the sound of broken glass that I heard before was the sound of Kikue Tanaka pulling the rope and hitting the glass with a stone.

The arrow upstairs was shot by Kikue Tanaka herself, and the arrow downstairs was probably prepared by her in advance, in order to make everyone think that the murderer was outside.

In fact, if Rabbit River had not stopped him, Kikue Tanaka would have pretended to be angry and ran out of the villa, threw the crossbow in the snow while it was chaotic, and recovered the arrows that had been used in the pine trees, so that all evidence of the crime would disappear.

"Why would you do such a thing?" Morilan and the others also ran over, just in time to hear Kikue Tanaka's words.

Kihisa Tanaka's smile was tinged with sadness, and she said, "Because I am the granddaughter of Harui Kazeden, who was killed by you."


"You are from Harui Kaze

..." "Could it be

that the "Ikasama Boy" really is..." "That's right, that "Ikasama Boy" is my grandfather's screen name, and he used to use my account to chat online." Kikue Tanaka said helplessly, "I also found out about this when I was sorting through my grandfather's relics. After that, I checked the chat history and learned the reason for his comeback.


The chatterbox's heart was tangled.

"I know that you can't be blamed for this, and it was my grandfather who insisted on performing, but..." Tanaka Kikue's expression turned gloomy, "I can't forgive them, they laughed at my grandfather!" "

Escape King: He himself hopes

to die on the stage (^-^) Vanished Pani: It's pitiful for the old man to die in cold water (^-^)

Kikue Tanaka lowered his head and said with a little crying voice: "My grandfather originally wanted to surprise you after the magic was successful, but he didn't expect it... What waited was this mockery!

Miss Kuroda said dryly: "But they don't know that Harui Kazeden is the netizen we know..."

So online dating should be cautious, and you must think twice about sending an emoji in this world, and you may be killed one day when you face the base.

Of course, the deceased is big, and it is not a good thing for these two people to laugh at the grandfather who died in others, this is not looking for death!

So now there is one last question.

Rabbit River looked at Akami and leaned over to comfort Miss Kikue Tanaka, but actually took the opportunity to run to Doi Tucker on the balcony.

"In fact, there is another magician here who must be exited by the audience to see through the magic trick - the monster thief Kidd!"

"What?!" Sonoko Suzuki exclaimed, "Where is the strange thief Kidd?" Where is Lord Kidd?

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the window and said, "It's the Doi Tucker tree I mentioned earlier!" "

Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko instantly changed his face, just that fat man, what a joke ... Laugh?!

A white cloak, a white top hat, and a pair of monocles on his face.


"It's the strange thief Kidd!"

Sonoko Suzuki's eyes widened in disbelief.

"It's really ... Lord Kidd...," Kikue

Tanaka said with a clear expression on her face, "So that's the case, no wonder Red Herring sent a congratulatory letter to my grandfather. "

'Ikasama Boy' is the stage name of Harui Kazeden when he first debuted." The strange thief Kid looked at Kikue Tanaka, "I recognized you as the granddaughter of Harui Kazeden from the beginning, but I didn't expect you to kill people.

"Sorry to disappoint you."

"Go and turn yourself in!"

The strange thief Kidd sighed, it was his personal affair that affected his judgment, but...

The monster thief Kidd looked at Rabbit River, this little ghost should have known for a long time, right?

Haha, how is it possible!

"Sister Xiaolan! Run away! Well...... Hey? "

The forgotten Conan actually ran out on his own!

Conan was dumbfounded, what is the situation, isn't that big white to blame the thief Kidd? How did he get out?

Rabbit Chuan was also stunned, how did Conan run out? Is his fever-reducing medicine not working?

Humming sound from afar.

Rabbit River looked out the window, and the white monster thief Kidd stood out in the backlight.

It turned out that they had been busy all night, the sky outside the window began to light up slightly, and the Metropolitan Police Department rescue helicopter was coming towards them.

This strange thief Kidd was also dumbfounded, worthy of being a detective with someone above, this rescue came too quickly!

"Goodbye, detective." The monster thief Kidd lowered his politeness, "At the end of the century the bell rings... Wow! "

Rabbit Chuan threw a snowball out of nowhere, smashed it directly into the face, and knocked down the big white pigeon who was pretending.

Conan quickly ran to the window, and in the distance saw a white glider disappear into the glowing sky.


Rabbit Chuan is not impressed, hehe, the monster thief Kidd still wants to fly, climb down the snowy mountain himself!

Kidd the Monster Thief Who Fell in the Snow: Why is that!

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