The group came to Mr. Hamano's door, and Aranyoshi called Mr. Hamano and knocked on the door, but there was no response at all.

Arashi twisted the handle and pushed open the door, leaving the room empty.

The cold breeze outside the house passed through the hall, but the floor-to-ceiling windows facing the door were open.

Doi Tucker had a bad premonition in his heart, he ran to the windowsill to look down, relieved, he thought that the person had fallen!

But when he looked up, he saw a man lying in the snow in the distance outside the window, and that person's clothes looked a lot like Mr. Hamano.

Doi Tucker hurried downstairs, ran one step ahead of Mr. Hamano at a speed that did not fit his figure, and picked up Mr. Hamano and put his hand on his neck.

"Don't come here!" Doi Tucker yelled, "People are dead, I hope everyone doesn't destroy the scene." "


"Crime scene, of course." Rabbit Chuan walked over slowly, "The body is more than 10 meters away from the villa, and next to the body there are only footprints of the Doi Tucker tree. "

Yes, this is something that a wingless human cannot do..." Doi Tucker lowered his head to hide his expression of grief, "It is impossible to sin!"

"It is impossible to commit a crime?!" Others took a step back in fear.

Miss Tanaka pondered, "Indeed, how can there be no footprints to move the body to the center of such a wide courtyard?"

Rabbit Chuan silently looked at the snow boys around him who were spreading joy in the snow, this group of little fools who were completely integrated with the snow, probably did not know that they had been wronged.

Mao Lilan had tears in the corners of his eyes, "But why was Mr. Hamano killed?"

Doi Tucker carefully observed Hamano's body and said, "I can only tell that he was strangled by something like a string."

"I'm afraid only the murderer knows the reason." Rabbit Chuan replied, "After all, everyone gathered here today is just familiar strangers on the Internet.

Ara reacted and said, "Wait, do you mean the murderer is among us?"

"How else?" Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, "After all, it's just us here."

"No, the murderer may also be someone else." The taciturn Sukama suddenly spoke, "This person is likely to be hiding somewhere here beforehand.

Miss Kuroda asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Have you all forgotten? It is the "shadow mage" of the members of the Magic Lovers Alliance who was originally scheduled to spend the night here! "

The cold wind blew through, blowing the hearts of everyone present.

"What a joke! The one who doesn't know where to hide from the murderer? Miss Tanaka burst into emotions, "No, I want to get out of here immediately!"

"You can't run away." Rabbit Chuan said calmly, "The suspension bridge was burned by someone, just when Conan returned here.

Aranyi said in a panic: "Oh my God, if that bridge is broken, we can't go down the mountain."

Miss Kuroda also remembered the phone that could not be reached, and asked, "Could it be that the telephone line was also cut by the murderer?" Miss

Tanaka then suggested, "Then use the big brother to call the police..." "

It's useless, there is no signal here." Doi Tucker frowned, "In other words, the murderer completely isolated us from the outside world."

"How so?!"

Everyone else's faces were covered with a shadow of horror.

Only Rabbit Chuan said optimistically: "In other words, the murderer has also isolated himself from the outside world, and I don't think the murderer can spend the night in the icy snow."

Another cold wind blew through, and Rabbit Chuan rubbed his arm and said, "It's really cold, let's go back to the house first." Everyone

followed Rabbit Chuan back to the villa, and the eight people sat around the dining table, and the room was silent.

"It's all my fault," Suzuki Sonoko wept silently, "If I hadn't chosen Mr. Hamano as a guest, he wouldn't have gone back to his room alone, and he wouldn't have been killed."

"Yuanzi..." Mao Lilan tried to comfort her, but didn't know what to say for a moment.

When Rabbit River and Morilan were guarding Conan before, Suzuki Sonoko cooperated with Hamano to change a magic trick, Suzuki Sonoko pulled out three people to be the acting head of the room, the after-glow guest and the bathing water, Hamano's magic is to guess who she chose.

It turns out that Miss Kuroda is the acting head of the chat room, and Miss Tanaka is responsible for boiling hot water, but when it comes to the selection of the Yuxing guest, Hamano guesses wrong.

"It's not your fault." Doi Tucker said to Suzuki Sonoko gently, "You were blindfolded and randomly drew symbols, it's like touching the color and missing the shot, you can't blame the person who threw the dart." "

Tsuchi-san is right." Rabbit Chuan took a sip of hot tea, "If you want to blame it, you can only blame himself, after all, magic tricks are deceptive tricks, and success or not all depends on the good of childcare, right, Mr. Doi-ta?" The

atmosphere was all gone all of a sudden, the corners of Doi Tucker's mouth twitched wildly, when was this, why was this little devil still scaring him, wait, shouldn't he think he was the murderer?

It is true that this is something that a wingless human cannot do, but his gliding wing can easily do it.

Miss Kuroda was worried, and she said, "But what do we do now?

"Don't worry, Uncle Maori will definitely call the police." Rabbit Chuan affirmed, "Don't worry, we have someone in the Metropolitan Police Department, and a helicopter will pick us up at dawn."

"That's wonderful." Miss Tanaka also relaxed.

Arashi said suspiciously, "But why were Mr. Hamano and Mr. Nishiyama killed?"

"Could it be because of the previous discussion post?" Ms. Kuroda said, "That's the post they quarreled about."

"I remembered!" Ara Yi said loudly, "The Shadow Mage said, 'You caused the death of that great magician Harui Kazeden'. "

The Magic Lovers Alliance once happily discussed the escape magic of escaping Wang Chunjing Fengden, hoping to see it again, but did not expect that Chunjing Fengfax reappeared, but accidentally died in the magic show.

Rabbit Chuan said with great certainty: "I don't think the murderer is a shadow mage.

The others asked, puzzled, "Why?"

Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, "If the murderer is a shadow mage, then what is his purpose in creating this technique?" Is it just to perform magic?

"Yes, he performed a bloody magic trick in front of us." Doi Tucker clenched his fists and actually used magic in such a place under his nose.

"Hey, you give me a little more pragmatism." Tu Chuan couldn't help but kick him, "According to my experience in handling cases many times, the murderer's purpose must be to blame a non-existent person." "

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