"And this pseudonym you obtained, people who care will know what it is when they hear it." Rabbit Chuan rolled his eyes, "You're lying to a fool there!"

"Sorry, I didn't expect a detective to arrive."

The monster thief Kidd clasped his hands together, spread his hands and a large bouquet of small red flowers appeared, and sent it to Rabbit Chuan.

"Oh, less of this." Rabbit Chuan used his cane to snug the monster thief Kidd away, "Put away the anesthesia gun in your hand."

"Hahaha, look what anesthesia gun I have in my hand." The monster thief Kidd turned around and put the flower into the vase, and his heart became more and more nervous, this kid is really difficult to deal with!

"Don't worry, I don't plan to call the police to arrest you today." Rabbit Chuan fanned his hand to drive the monster thief Kidd out.

Tuchuan knew that the telephone line should have been cut off at this time, and this snowy mountain villa had no signal, in theory, even if he wanted to call the police, he could not report it.

The monster thief Kidd originally wanted to strike first and take down this detective who was in the way, but Rabbit Chuan's vigilance was too high, and he was just about to strike when he was discovered.

And now, the detective said that he would not reveal his identity, but the thief Kidd was still a little hesitant, but he had no other way but to believe his words for the time being.

Rabbit River remembers that Conan and Mori Kogoro will immediately hear the broadcast of the death of the "Escape King" from the radio, and then Conan will run over the burning drawbridge.

So if the drawbridge is burned down in advance, Conan sees a broken bridge, so will he not be able to run?

Rabbit Chuan opened the window, looked left and right outside, did not see the snow girl, and casually summoned a snow boy and asked it to teleport to the suspension bridge to set a fire.

Snow Boy: ......

Let the snow boy go and set fire to the mountain?

Snow Boy: Rabbit-sama is really cruel!

Rabbitchuan: You're all monsters, what kind of fire are you afraid of!

Snow Boy: Haha, instinctive reaction, instinctive reaction.

When it was time for dinner, the Escape King and the Shadow Mage still hadn't arrived at the party, or it should be said that he never did.

At the dinner party of the Magic Lovers Alliance, the topic of magicians was suddenly talked about, and someone asked everyone who is the favorite domestic magician?

Ara thought for a moment and replied, "Well, what I like is Kuroba Rogueichi.

Doi Tucker smiled and said, "It's a coincidence, so do I." "

Nonsense, because that's your dad!

Miss Tanaka said, "I like Yoshiro Kinoshita.

Mr. Hamano followed and said, "I like ninety-nine yuanyasu. "

Ninety-nine Motoyasu is the master of Yoshiro Kinoshita and the master of Sanada Kazuzo, who previously performed the strange thief Kid on the Suzuki Foundation cruise.

Rabbit Chuan thought about it, and originally wanted to say that the Black Feather Thief was scared and scared by the thief Kidd, but suddenly remembered the Hell Puppeteer Koto Harukaichi and decided to test the strange thief Kidd.

Rabbit River replied, "My favorite magician is Reiko Konmiya .

"Reiko Konnomiya? Why are all the dead people you like? Miss Kuroda complained, "I like Sanada Kazuzo, who is super popular now, how about you?"

"Do you still need to say that?" Sonoko Suzuki pretended to cut the steak, "Of course it's the thief Kidd!" "

Huh?!" Everyone who heard this was surprised, "But he is a thief?!"

Doi Tucker also said: "And I don't know if he is a native or not?" In

contrast, Rabbit Chuan gave Doi Tucker two words.


At this time, Conan was stepping on the burning suspension bridge, stepping over a sea of fire, and rushing towards the Snow Mountain Villa.

"Xiaolan !!"

After dinner, the "Escape King" and "Shadow Mage" were still gone, and Mr. Hamano picked up the phone again, but he couldn't hear even the busy tone on the phone.

Mr. Hamano kept pressing the buttons on the phone, but he still didn't answer the phone.

Rabbit Chuan came over, glanced at it, and said with certainty: "It's the phone line that is broken." "

Huh? So what to do? "

Panic." Rabbit Chuan patted Hamano's shoulder, "It's not a big deal, I haven't encountered a phone line that can survive the first night in the barren mountain villa I stayed in." "

Uh..." Mr. Hamano put down the phone, how did he feel more flustered?

As if sensing something, Maori Lan suddenly pulled the curtains and looked out the window.

"What's wrong, Xiaolan?"

"It's nothing, it's just like I heard someone calling me, I'll take a look outside the door."

"Huh? Who is in this barren mountain! Mao

Lilan walked out the door worriedly, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Conan lying on the snow outside the door.

"Ko, Conan!"

Mao Lilan immediately ran over and picked up Conan, touching Conan's forehead, which was already hot enough to boil eggs.

Run away, Xiaolan....

"Conan! You wake up! "

Run away... Xiaolan..." After

saying that, Conan completely fainted.

"What do you say? Conan cheer up a little! Rabbit

River sighed when he saw Maori Lan move Conan in, it seems that Conan still ran over, so did the snow boy fail?

The snow boy has learned through countless failures, that is, snow cannot be ignited!

Rabbit Chuan covered his face, he shouldn't believe that these monsters have intelligence!

Maori Lan moved Conan to his room, put a quilt on the bed, and put a wet towel on Conan's forehead.

Rabbit Chuan handed Mao Lilan the old white dried that had been prepared in advance, not no, it was a fever-reducing medicine and asked her to give Conan to eat.

The others, worried, followed to Mauriland's room.

"How could this kid show up outside the door?"

"I should have sneaked back, right?" Miss Kuroda guessed, "Didn't he still lie and want to stay here before he left?"

"I don't think so." Mao Lilan looked at the unconscious Conan worriedly, "Because Conan said to me before he fainted, 'Run away'..."

Mr. Hamano panicked again, he remembered the phone he had been unable to get through before, "What does this, what does this mean?"

Miss Tanaka guessed, "Shouldn't it have something to do with the Escape King and the Shadow Mage who are still coming?"

Rabbit Chuan asked strangely, "Miss Tanaka, why do you think that?" "

Huh?" Miss Tanaka was stunned for a moment, "It's just... It's strange why they haven't come yet, and we haven't been able to contact them.

The owner of the villa, Ara Yi, stood up and said, "Then I'll call the "Escape King" again!"

Arashi left Moriran's room, and the others followed, leaving only Rabbit River and Morilan to stay with the unconscious Conan.

Mao Lilan changed Conan into a wet towel again and asked, "Ichikun, what should I do now?"

"Sister Xiaolan, you don't have to worry." Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "Conan has always been with Uncle Maori, and if something really happens, Uncle Maori will definitely come to rescue us." Hearing

Rabbit Chuan's words, Mao Lilan was finally relieved.

Yes, Dad, will definitely come to their rescue!

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