Rabbit Chuan woke up a little late today, but there are serious reasons!

Before going to bed last night, Rabbit Chuan was still thinking, even if a Kanedaichi came, why did he bring a high and far away?

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that he had suffered a loss, and the more he thought about it, the more he lost money, and finally he couldn't resist personally going to fish a fragment back.

World consciousness: what broken pieces, no energy, eaten for nothing, and occupied.

Rabbit-Chuan: You can't always think about being full, I also want to eat food, and isn't there any superpower, magic or something behind this?

World Awareness: ... Where did a group of cooks get their magical magic!

Don't take bean bags and dry food, why can't the cook have special abilities? If you play tennis, you can also burst into a small universe!

Rabbit Chuan remembers that this thing is over, and finally a group of late-night chefs do not all use their powers to cook magical dishes, and then cause the worldview to collapse and directly cut the end.

The fragment that Rabbit River caught was the Far Moon Chaliao Cooking School in the Spirit of the Medicine King, including the teachers, students, and past graduates, as well as some of its subordinate institutions.

Rabbit Chuan has had enough of the weird Chinese food here, so he plans to change the current pattern of the culinary world.

Originally, I wanted to find a small master, but I couldn't melt in, and I couldn't support the world consciousness to death, and the era was too far away.

It just so happened that Rabbit Chuan met the Far Moon Academy and fished it back for the world consciousness for a night snack.

Come someone to wake up these cooks, what strawberry mapo tofu, rainbow sugar mapo tofu, to hell with it!

Now, start fighting, cooks, come and eat halberds, and those who fail will go home and grind tofu!

On this night alone, restaurants sprung up in Tokyo, as if they were mythical.

Time goes back to the present.

Just as the family went out for lunch, Rabbikawa took Kudo and his wife to Chinatown and casually entered a Chinese restaurant.

Rabbit Chuan inadvertently glanced at the Far Moon logo on the sign, feeling that he could look forward to it, right?

Rabbit Chuan and Kudo found an empty table in the hall, sat down, picked up the menu and started ordering.

Kudo Yukiko sighed: "It's only been a while since I left, how do you feel that Chinatown has changed a lot?"

Tu Chuan smiled and said, "Aunt, do you feel that Chinatown has become bigger?" Kudo

Yukiko pinched Rabbitakawa and smiled like a wolf grandmother, "All said, don't call me aunt, call me sister!"

"Oh, got it, Sister Yukiko!"

"Yukiko, don't make trouble." Kudo Yusaku closed the menu and handed it to them, "I ordered some dishes, see what else you need?"

"I can do it, Ichi-kun, take a look, do you want to add something?" Kudo Yukiko puts the menu back in Rabbitokawa's hands.

Rabbit Chuan opened the menu and looked, full of Jiang Hong, writing Chinese restaurant read as Sichuan restaurant, how is it all Sichuan cuisine!

After taking a closer look, I found that this is still a Chinese restaurant operated by the Yuanyue Chinese Cuisine Research Association, and the president of this Chinese Cuisine Research Association is a Sichuan spicy man, all spicy and unhappy.

Teruki Kume, president of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association, the eighth seat of the Ten Masters of Yuanyue, specializes in Sichuan cuisine in Chinese cuisine, mastering the balance of hemp and spicy to the extreme.

The Ten Masters of the Far Moon, the "Ten Masters of the Far Moon" composed of ten people with the highest level of cooking in the Yuanyue Academy, is the highest decision-making organ of the school, which can decide various affairs within the academy, and the power is so great that it can even remove the principal.

Kudo Yusaku ordered four dishes, saliva chicken, braised hollow vegetables, red oil dumplings and mapo tofu, the first two dishes are literally not spicy, but in fact they are still spicy dishes, let alone the last two dishes.

And they have now entered the realm of the spirit of the medicine king, under the effect of the medicinal effect, don't think about leaving if you don't finish eating, and it is estimated that the person is finished after eating.

Rabbit Chuan closed the menu and said to the bald waiter next to him: "I'll order two more dishes, one ant on the tree, and the other with boiling water cabbage." The

waiter was stunned, and immediately reacted and said, "But, these dishes..."

"Dim sum should be steamed in the river balls." Tu Chuan interrupted the waiter, "I heard that your restaurant is very good at Sichuan cuisine, and these dishes I ordered are all famous Sichuan dishes, can't you possibly make them?"

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the waiter, the waiter was a little hairy in his heart, this kid should not be here to smash the field, right?

"I, I see." The waiter withdrew the menu, "Please wait, we will serve the food as soon as possible." "

After the waiter bowed, he trotted all the way to the back kitchen, guild president, someone came to smash the field!

Kudo Yukiko asked worriedly, "Ichikun, will you order a little too much food?"

"No more, no more, you can eat it all." I just don't know if I can eat until my clothes are torn.

Kudo Yusaku keenly noticed the problem and asked, "Is there anything wrong with the dish I just ordered?"

Rabbit Chuan explained: "Saliva chicken is a traditional Sichuan dish, set spicy and fresh and tender in one, the reason why it is called saliva chicken is also because there are many peppercorns, eating will be numb to the mouth paralyzed can not help but salivate, and the red oil of red oil dumplings is actually chili oil..." Rabbit Chuan is

still working with Kudo Yusaku popular science Sichuan cuisine, but the back kitchen here turned the sky.

Since Teruki Kuga took over the Chinese Cuisine Research Association, the Chinese Cuisine Research Association has concentrated on the study of Sichuan cuisine and pursued the ultimate in Sichuan cuisine hemp and spicy.

The members of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association are even more closely following the president's footsteps, and they are completely replica tool people who will be trained by me for a long time.

But I didn't expect this kind of problem at all, and someone would come to the Sichuan restaurant to order a dish that was not spicy, and it was pointed out that this was a famous Sichuan dish!

The point is, he is quite right!

"President, what should I do?" The back kitchen was panicked, and they had never heard of this group of tool people.

Kuga Teruki roared, "Panic! This time I cooked it myself. "

Jiu I Zhaoki is worthy of being the Ten Masters of Yuanyue, he is not panicked at all, he is good at Sichuan cuisine, how can he not be Sichuan famous dishes, but these Sichuan dishes that are not spicy and not numb are all abandoned by him as waste.

Ant on the tree, also called minced meat fans, is named because the minced meat is attached to the vermicelli, resembling ants climbing on branches.

Steamed Jiangtuan is a traditional famous dish in Leshan, Sichuan, which is steamed using Jiangtuan fish and ham as raw materials.

But the most difficult thing is boiling water cabbage, which is not only a famous dish in Sichuan, but also a famous dish for state banquets.

The boiling water is not really boiling water, but a soup made with chicken, duck and ribs, seasoned with chicken and pork paste, and drizzled with chicken fat.

After the dish, it is fresh and elegant, like hibiscus out of water, fragrant and mellow, fragrant and refreshing, not greasy or greasy.

Kui I Teruki personally served the dishes, he wanted to see who dared to come to him and smash the field!

"Please use it slowly."

Rabbit River didn't expect to meet Teruki Kume so easily, a boy with brown and blond hair who looks like a bad boy, but in fact... A bit short.

Teruki Kume: Are you polite?

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