Serial murder cases look murderous, but there is also a point, just solve one of the cases to catch the murderer.

The murderer of the opera house murder killed four people in a row, but he never expected that a phantom disappeared to expose his traces.

"Isn't it!"

"You, Yumori..."

"Why would you do such a thing!"

"No, not me!" Yuji Arimori shouted in panic, "The murderer has jumped into the sea to die!"

"Who killed that Saotome that!" Matsuda Jinpei yelled.

Yuji Arimori retorted: "It was a trap set by the Phantom before jumping into the sea, we were all together that night, and no one had a chance to design a trap!"

Rabbit Chuan sighed: "With a flexible mind and clear and meticulous thinking, you are really smart." "

It is worthy of being a high-caliber student trained by the private Fudo Higher Killer Technical School, and even thought of this.

Then again, Rabbit Chuan remembers that the deviation value of this school is very low, and it is difficult to even enter the university... Alas, they are all smart children, why can't they use their cleverness in the right place!

"Huh, are you praising me?" Yuji Arimori smiled bitterly, "That doesn't mean I'm the murderer!"

"Obviously you made a mistake." Rabbit Chuan took out the photo of the window sill where the phantom disappeared, "The muddy footprints of the phantom in the photo disappeared under the window sill, but such a high window sill can't jump down without stepping on the window!"

"So the murderer didn't jump into the sea to commit suicide at all, he was still in the corridor!"

“?!" Yuji Yuji Yuri was shocked.

"Huh? Can't jump? "Matsuda Jinpei didn't think about this problem at all, but it was just a window sill a little higher than the waist, and it turned over with your hands?

Yuji Yuji Yuri was visibly relieved.

Rabbit Chuan looked at Matsuda Jinpei speechlessly and said, "You should be a jumping pommel horse, and you will pass it in one turn?" This is a cliff jump, and everyone will stand on the windowsill and hesitate.

"And a murderer like Phantom should at least say a famous line and die, such as... Hell, karma or something.

"The murderer just threw Phantom's clothes, shoes, and mask into the sea, creating the illusion that Phantom committed suicide, and then waited for Matsuda around the corner, pretending to rush from the other direction, and there was only one person who could realize this trick, and that was the first person Matsuda met around the corner."

Rabbit Chuan pointed to Yuji Arimori, "Only you can do it!"

"Indeed, only I can do it, but you can't prove that the murderer did not commit suicide by jumping into the sea just by footprints!" Yuji Yuji Yuri is now full of confidence, although he can't turn over that window sill, it doesn't mean that the phantom can't jump over!

Muggles! Rabbit Chuan now wants to curse, obviously Kanedaichi testified against the murderer like this, why can't he?

In fact, this is a misunderstanding, as long as the murderer thinks that no one can jump over, that is the iron evidence in his heart, all blame Matsuda Jinping, don't take the combat effectiveness of our side, measure the weak chicken murderer over there!

Although Shinichigo said that he uses reasoning to drive prisoners into a corner, then what is the difference between a detective and a prisoner, but Rabbit Chuan is not a detective, no, he is not a human anymore!


"And what about the motive for the killing?" Rabbit Chuan said word by word, "Everything stemmed from Fuyuko Tsukishima's suicide!"

"Those three women deserve to die!" Yuji Arimori burst out suddenly, "They killed Fuyuko!" "

Fuyuko?" The rest of the drama club was shocked, using such an intimate title....

"That's right, we're lovers!" Yuji Arimori began to confess, "It was the three of them who called Fuyuko to the science preparation room that day..."

In high school, it is not a good thing to be suddenly asked by a group of people after school, not only Rabbitikawa, but you can also imagine what happened next.

"They disfigured Fuyuko, but they had no intention of changing it, and even when they visited Fuyuko, they whispered outside the door, saying that Fuyuko was really hypocritical and did not tell the truth, and said that it was too good that there would be a big company to cast this show, so that they had one less competitor..."

"The next day, Fuyuko committed suicide !!"

Yuji Arimori knelt on the ground, looking at the ceiling as if he saw Fuyuko's figure.

"I can never forget the sulfuric acid eroded face that Fuyuko showed before she died, and the words she said before she died, I can only choose revenge!"

"Fuyuko, who died cursing her fate, poor Fuyuko who was possessed by a phantom, saw her shattered body, the fate I felt at that moment!"

"I want to be her phantom, and I don't need other heroines on her stage!"

Rabbit Chuan quietly hid behind Matsuda Jinpei, this stepping horse is a pervert! But he definitely can't beat Matsuda Jinpei!

Rabbit Chuan opened the script of the Phantom of the Opera, in which the Phantom let the chandelier smash on the heroine, and claimed that it was a curse, and that the stage did not need a heroine from now on.

"I am the Phantom of the Opera... Although I am in hell, I also yearn for heaven! Rabbit River poked his head out from behind Matsuda Jinpei and said, "Fuyuko Tsukishima did not die with a curse, but wanted to reach heaven before her pure heart was burned by the fire of ugly hatred!" "

Fuyuko..." Yuji Yuji Yumori froze.

"This is Fuyuko Tsukishima's suicide note." Rabbit Chuan took out a letter from his pocket, this is the killer tool he prepared, but the murderer's psychological defense line is lower than he thought.

"Fuyuko's suicide note?" Yuji Yuji Yumori looked at the envelope blankly.

"Before I came, I called Fuyuko Tsukishima's hospital, and I heard that Fuyuko Tsukishima had asked Miss Nurse to send a letter to the apartment where you lived before."

"So, you were sure from the beginning that I was the murderer because of the motive."

Rabbit Chuan shook his head and said, "I didn't open this suicide note, read it yourself!" Yuji

Yuji Yumori burst into tears, and Fuyuko's angelic face appeared in his mind, if he had seen this letter earlier... But with his hands stained with blood and trapped in the karmic fire of hell, he has long been unable to reach heaven.

Rabbit Chuan quietly poked Matsuda Jinpei and pointed at Yuji Yuji Yumori, Matsuda Jinpei immediately realized that he would definitely not let this weak chicken murderer commit suicide in front of his eyes, and arrest him now!

"You're under arrest!"

"Let go of me!" Yuji Arimori struggled, "Let me die!" I actually killed the innocent Ogata-sensei, it turns out that the person possessed by the phantom has always been me!

Just when everyone thought that the incident was perfectly solved, Rabbit Chuan suddenly said.

"So who is this phantom?"

"Huh?" The Twilight Police Department stopped in a relaxed and happy pace, "Didn't you say that phantoms don't exist?" "

It's true that Phantom doesn't exist, but don't you think Yumori is too familiar with this opera inn?" Rabbit Chuan looked at Boss Kurosawa, "Are you right?" "

Do you think Rabbit Chuan is here to solve the case?

No! He came to solve the island!

This toxic opera house must not exist in his world!

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