Rabbit Chuan stood up with the photo and said to everyone: "What I want to say is that this murderer was not within the murder distance when he pulled the murder weapon out of the deceased's chest, he should be farther away, in order not to let the blood of the deceased splash on himself."

"How is this possible?" The police department asked in surprise, "If the murderer is not within the distance of the murderer, then how did he kill someone?"

Rabbit Chuan thought that a famous quote should be inserted at this time, saying: "Exclude all the impossible, even if the remaining one is incredible, it is the truth!"

"Because the murderer does not hold the murder weapon with his hand, but with the help of tools, such as fishing line, as long as the fishing line is tied to the murder weapon, and then pull the fishing line to achieve long-distance knife pulling."

Tuchuan picked up the evidence bag containing the murder weapon and showed the dagger inside to everyone, "The evidence is the handle of the murder weapon, you see, the handle of this dagger is stained with the blood splattered by the deceased."

The police department looked closely at the blood on the murder weapon and said, "Indeed, if you hold the knife in your hand, there should not be so much blood on the handle."

Conan was also observing the murder weapon, and his gaze fell on the bottom of the knife, where there was a thin blank area that did not splash blood.

It seems that the old brother's analysis is correct, the murderer did use some kind of prop to ensure that he would not splash blood when he pulled the knife.

Conan pointed to the murder weapon and said: "You can see that there is a blank fine mark here, and the murderer should not have tied the murder weapon with a thicker rope instead of fishing line." The

Twilight Police Department took a closer look, it was really like this, and then looked at Rabbit Chuan.

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said, "That's right, I think that rope should be the rope that strangled the neck of the deceased before."

Then Tuchuan sighed helplessly and said regretfully: "This murderer is really unprofessional, if he followed what I said before and tied the murder weapon with fishing line, he would not have left such obvious marks."

Rabbit Chuan finally concluded: "It is clear that this is a premeditated murder, although I don't know what the murderer's premeditated plan is for, the scene is full of loopholes." "

One of their famous rice flower fishing line, small and slender, excellent toughness, strong and durable, can pull up 100 tons of steel, national patented technology products, is actually a necessary artifact for home travel, killing people!" Why not use it!

The Twilight Police Department asked, "Yes, what is the meaning of the murderer going to such great lengths?" "

There is still a sentence in the Twilight Police Department that he dare not say, he really wants to shout, Brother Rabbitchuan, please don't check the prisoners for the gaps.

Conan raised his hand to touch his chin to think, suddenly saw the blood on his hand, he had not touched the items on the scene, when did this get stained?

This can only be stained when he jumped above the toilet door and found the deceased, but according to the reasoning just now, there is no blood on the murderer, and even if he turns out of the toilet, he will not leave blood stains on the door, so why is there blood above the toilet door?

yes, that's how it is!

Conan suddenly realized, just wanted to say it, but was preempted by someone.

Fei Yingli also figured out the key and stood up and said: "I think the murderer should want to create a scene that looks like an outsider committed the crime, and once the police analyze the possibility of an insider committing a crime, you can also induce the police to make a judgment that the murderer left through the gap in the ceiling, so that he would not be suspected." "

The Twilight Police Department still doesn't understand, these people can't say something that ordinary people can understand.

Fei Yingli affirmed: "Because it is not the murderer who turned over from the top of the bathroom, but the deceased!"

"What?! Is it the deceased?

"The murderer killed the deceased outside the door, and then threw the gap above the deceased into the toilet, the slender figure of the deceased easily passed through the gap above the toilet, and finally pulled the rope outside the door to pull out the murder weapon, which is the trap set by the murderer."

After speaking, Concubine Yingli looked at Rabbit Chuan and said, "Am I right, little detective?"

Tuchuan applauded, Concubine Yingli is worthy of being a lawyer, flexible and clear, thoughtful, he just mentions it, and deduces the truth.

Rabbit Chuan stood beside the Twilight Police Department to add a little sense of security and prevent the murderer's retaliation.

"Lawyer Concubine is right, among all the suspects, the only person who needs to set this trap to avoid suspicion is a tall strong man who can't pass through that narrow gap."

Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand, "The murderer is you, Mr. Tsuyama!" Hearing

the old brother point out the murderer, the police department did not think of an order, and shouted: "Very good, arrest him immediately!"

"Hey, wait a minute, you guys!" Dianshan said calmly, "This is just that little ghost's fantasy words, he has no evidence at all." "

The twilight police department slipped under his feet, indeed Rabbit Chuan said for such a long time only reasoned out the modus operandi, but did not say the key evidence to correct the murderer.

"That's true, if there is no evidence, even if you arrest him now, just hire a better lawyer." Fei Yingli said confidently, "For example, if I defend him, I can immediately acquit him."

Concubine Yingli looked at Tuchuan again and said, "So what should I do now?" Little detective.

Concubine Yingli's expression was very relaxed, because she saw that this little detective was calm and calm from the beginning, and it seemed that she did not put this murderer in her eyes at all.

It is worthy of being a famous detective who has recently been rumored in the market, and it seems that there is indeed some real material.

The Twilight Police Department quietly walked to Rabbit Chuan's side and asked in a low voice: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, do you have any evidence?"

"Of course I have proof, I'm going to say it soon." Rabbit Chuan glanced at the Twilight Police Department, "It's you who moved too fast, Twilight Police Department." "

Haha, this," Twilight's smile was a little reluctant, "I didn't intend to strike first."

Rabbit Chuan cleared his throat and said, "I said before that this murderer is really, really, really unprofessional!" "

Rabbit Chuan is helpless, this murderer really has a worrying IQ, and he dares to kill people in Yonehua Town with this IQ.

And the reason why he killed was because the deceased was his affair object, and the other party was entangled and wanted to force him to divorce, and he was afraid that his wife would know about the East Window incident, so he directly killed people.

Just this IQ and what kind of affair ah, directly put yourself into the game.

It seems that it is not the murderer who needs the help of lawyer Fei Yingli to defend, but the murderer's wife, and this kind of person is estimated to be able to leave the house directly.

Rabbit Chuan felt that this case did not need reasoning at all but needed to complain, and asked, "Mr. Tanyama, can you tell me which finger you injured?"

Conan jumped out and said, "I heard Mr. Tenzan talking to his boss, the finger with the wedding ring."

Dianshan stretched out his hand and said as a matter of course: "Yes, it's the ring finger, what's wrong... Yes!? "

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