"This black lucky cat was originally the lord of the powerful forest, and it used to distribute its power to inferior youkai and let them live in the forest, so the youkai in the forest were very grateful to it and worshiped it."

"But the Lord of the Forest was accidentally sealed by humans during an attack on domestic animals, and his whereabouts have never been known."

Rabbit Chuan tells Natsume Takashi about the black lucky cat.

"Those inferior youkai who live in the forest hate the humans who sealed their masters and are always looking for the sealed place of the lord of the forest."

"Finally, tonight, they decided to attack the human village at night and rescue the sealed Lord of the Forest."

"Now those inferior youkai have been carried away by anger, and they are bent on saving their masters, and are sharpening their knives and heading towards the human village."

"Now if you bring their owners to them intact, of course, you can successfully stop them, otherwise..." Rabbit Chuan said, "you can only get rid of them one by one." "

Natsume Takashi finally understands why the cat teacher is so afraid of this child, this kid's way of talking is indeed a little... Larger than life.

But now that things matter, Natsume Takashi quickly removed the backpack of the black lucky cat, and sure enough, the backpack was the friend account that had been taken away.

Natsume Takashi thought to himself that the black lucky cat had taken his friend's account in front of him, probably in order to lure him here and retrieve his name to stop his yokai from attacking the human village.

Natsume Takashi gently touched the black lucky cat's head and said, "Don't worry, I will return your name to you."

Natsume Takashi opened his friend's tent and stopped, saying that he still didn't know the name of this youkai!

The way to find the name of the yokai is to think about the appearance of the yokai in your head and say "the one who protects me, show his name".

However, because this youkai is sealed in the lucky cat, Natsume Takashi does not know what the yokai really looks like, so he cannot find the name of the yokai through the friend account.

Natsume Takashi thought about it, since this black lucky cat led him here, it means that there are people here who know his name... Yokai, or gods?

Natsume Takashi's gaze silently shifted to Rabbitagawa's body, since he is a god of wisdom who knows everything in the world, he should know the name of this youkai, right?

No, would Lord Kamime really take such a small matter to heart?

Rabbit Chuan looked at Takashi Kamimme and nodded, "Well, yes, I know his name, but I can't say it directly."

"Why can't you say it?" Natsume Takashi asked suspiciously, wait a minute, did I just say the words in my heart? How could Lord God know what was going on in my mind? Could this be the mind-reading technique of Lord God?

"I can't read minds, but Natsume's expression is too easy to read." Rabbit Chuan explained, "And you don't need to call me Kamei-sama, just call Rabbit Chuan because we are the same age." "

Rabbit River... My lord. "Natsume Takashi is really embarrassed to call him by his first name.

Rabbikawa then answered Natsume Takashi's previous question, "The name is the shortest spell, although I am a weak god of wisdom, but I am also a god, once I call out the real name of the youkai, it is equivalent to bonding with the youkai."

"For youkai, bonding with humans increases loneliness, and bonding with gods is the same."

So Rabbit Chuan never asks the youkai's real name, and he doesn't want to have another pet that wastes food.

"Then please write it down directly..." Natsume Takashi denied his answer as soon as he said it, "It doesn't seem to work, just write it down, then it will be the same as a friend's account."

Rabbit Chuan thought that later he would equip the useful youkai with a communicator, and when necessary, a phone call would be made, and he would not need to be summoned by a friend's account, and he would still be on call.

The method of summoning monsters in the Friend Tent is very troublesome, first you must know the name and appearance of the monster to be summoned, then draw a formation on the ground, put on a white cloth and stand in the middle of the formation, put the name and mirror in the Friend's Tent in the middle of the formation, drip blood on the mirror, and finally chant the spell with your hands together.

So troublesome, how can it be convenient to call.

Natsume Takashi thought of another good idea, took out the friend tent and put it in front of Rabbitikawa and said, "Can you please turn its name out of this friend account?"

"What are you doing! Natsume! The cat teacher was so angry that he jumped to his feet, "The friend's account is mine, you can't give the friend's account to others!"

"Cat teacher, don't make trouble." Natsume Takashi retorted, "I can sense that Rabbit-sama has no interest in the friend account.

Rabbit Chuan denied in his heart, no, he was actually very interested, such as the surrounding area of the friend's tent, but now this thing is really useless to him.

The friend account is called the friend account in the hands of Natsume Takashi, but in the hands of Rabbitikawa it may be called Shikigami, and Rabbikawa does not want to raise a group of inexplicable Shikigami at all.

"Even if he wasn't interested, he saw all the names!" The cat teacher jumped up again, "Absolutely not!"

Natsume Takashi said to the cat sensei, "But even if you don't look at it, Rabbit-sama knows the name."

Rabbit Chuan put the cat that jumped up again and urged: "If you don't hurry, it's too late!"

Then he said to Natsume Takashi: "Natsume, you turn over your friend's account, I came to find the name."

"Oh, good!"

Natsume Takashi answered, then spread out his friend's account, and a piece of paper with the name of the monster quickly passed in front of Rabbitakawa eyes.

"Found it!"

As Rabbit River's voice fell, a piece of paper stood on the friend's tent.

Natsume Takashi tore off the contract, bit it in his mouth, clasped his palms hard, and concentrated his mind.

'Tanuki, now return the name to you, please take it.

As Natsume Takashi exhaled, the words on the contract emerged, burrowed into the body of the tanuki, and the seal of the lucky cat instantly collapsed, and a pair of white wings broke out of the cocoon.

Oh, my God! Draw out the SSR!!

This look, it went to the wrong set, right?

Is this an angel, or a big white dog?

Rabbit Chuan used the mask in his hand to block his mouth that was wide in shock.

He regretted it a little, who said that the friend account did not have a powerful youkai, there was once an SSR placed in front of him, although it was a big white dog.

"No, it's obviously a big dove!" The Mist Tengu came to Rabbitchuan's side and said faintly, "We don't have white dogs in the Big Tengu family. Realizing

the status crisis, the white crow quickly flew to Rabbitakawa 's shoulder, spread his white wings and held his head high, saying, "Don't worry! Rabbit-sama, I will definitely become a youkai even more powerful than Lord Tanuki in the future!

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the small wings of the white crow, and then looked at the tall tanuki chasing like a mountain.

Discouraged, forget it, they don't need big monsters in the world of Ke Xue.

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