The wheel of fortune keeps spinning, always watching you....

"One, two, three, what did you just say?"

Dr. Agasa parked the car and turned to look at Rabbitikawa who was sitting in the co-pilot, this kid had just said excitedly that he was going to eat roast chicken and pizza, why did he look unloveable now?

Rabbit Chuan sighed: "Oh, I said fate ~ fate ~

" Rabbit Chuan got out of the car in a trance, muttering in his mouth: "The dangerous moment of flowers and greens is around you~"

Then Dr. Agasa saw that Rabbit Chuan casually took out a bomb from the fire hydrant behind the load-bearing wall of this underground garage.

"Eight, eight eggs?!"

"Eight eggs!"

"An egg!"


A loud echo echoed through the empty underground garage.

"Shh, Doctor, you whisper." Rabbit Chuan said to Dr. Agasa, "Be careful of being heard by others. Dr

. Agasa immediately covered his mouth to prevent causing panic among others, but fortunately there was no one in the underground garage at this time.

Rabbit Chuan is helpless, he just has a meal with Dr. Agasa, why did he eat in the bomb den?

That's right, this is the Mihua City Building, a famous landmark building of Mihua!

As for why Rabbitikawa and Dr. Agasa are here, of course they came to eat, otherwise they could still be sent to death!

Dr. Agasa thought that Rabbitikawa must be very scared when he encountered a bomb today, and in order to calm the child's wounded little heart, he decided to take the child for dinner!

Rabbit Chuan squinted at the car for a while, and the car was parked in the underground garage of the Mihua City Building.

Good or bad, tonight's meal is not going to be eaten.

Dr. Agasa asked in a panic, "Why is there a bomb here?"

Rabbit Chuan said while searching for other bombs, "Because here, this Mika City Building is also a building designed by Teiji Moriya before he was 30 years old, and it is the same target of prisoners as the Sumida Canal Bridge on the roundabout." "

Rabbit River confirmed that there was no second bomb at the scene, but there was no need for a second bomb here.

This is the garage, and since today is the holiday, the garage is full of cars, and just one bomb can cause a chain explosion in all the cars.

"What now?" Dr. Agasa asked, "There are only two minutes left in the countdown to this bomb."

"Anyway, let's take this thing apart first." Saying that, Rabbit Chuan took out a small scissor from the Walkman and was about to dismantle the bomb.

Except for the largest bomb in Maori Lan, which had a complicated line, the rest of the bombs were ordinary impact detonator bombs.

After all, time is tight, Moriya Teiji is still a person who likes to do crafts himself, how can he have time to make so many complex bombs.

Dr. Agasa snatched the scissors in Rabbit Chuan's hand, or he come, this kid is good at everything, but his fingers are not very flexible, and his hands are shaking even when cooking and putting salt.

Rabbit Chuan did not fight with Dr. Agasa, although he has Matsuda Jinpei by his side to open and hang, but Dr. Agasa is also a professional scientist, even making rockets, and dismantling an ordinary detonator in his hands is like dismantling a toy airplane.

Rabbit Chuan took advantage of this time to call Matsuda Jinpei, and now it happened to be the time when Moriya Teiji revealed that he was going to blow up the building.

Matsuda Jinpei, who received the call, was taken aback and shouted, "What?! You are now in the Mihua City Building! Hurry up and get out of there!

"What happened, Officer Matsuda?" Conan asked anxiously.

Matsuda Jinpei replied, "Rabbitagawa-kun and Dr. Agasa found a bomb in the Yonaka City building. "

How unlucky this man is, he encounters bombs twice a day.

"What?! Rabbit Chuan and Dr. Agasa are also in the Yoneka City Building? Conan was flabbergasted.

Moriya Teiji laughed loudly: "Hahaha, that's really good, now it's less than a minute before ten o'clock until the explosion time." "

Hearing Moriya Teiji's voice, Rabbit River is a little hot, who said that you can't do anything in a minute?

Rabbit Chuan got into the cab of Dr. Agasa's Beetle, drove the car to Dr. Agasa's side, and shouted, "Dr. Agasa, get in the car!"

Dr. Agasa hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, I'll go and press the fire alarm, and now evacuate the crowd immediately."

Rabbit Chuan immediately stopped: "No! Teiji Moriya installed a bomb at the emergency exit, and once the siren went off, it was bad for everyone to rush to the emergency exit, and it was safer to keep it as it was. "

The purpose of Moriya Emperor II is to blow up buildings, not people, so except for Mao Lilan, the rest of the bombs are placed in hidden corners with few people, and the actual casualties are not large.

There was no time to hesitate, Dr. Agasa picked up the detonator and got into the car, Rabbit Chuan stepped on the accelerator, and the beetle rushed out of the garage.

The moment they rushed out of the garage, they heard a violent explosion behind them, and the debris on the building crackled down.

The violent explosions continued one after another, and even the two families of the Moriya Emperor could feel the tremor.

"One, two, three! Doctor! Conan roared hoarsely.

On the other side of the phone, Rabbit Chuan's energetic voice said, "Don't worry, the doctor and I came out safely."

As soon as Conan breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Rabbit Chuan continue: "However, the building continues to explode, and it is only a matter of time before it collapses, and Miss Xiaolan should still be in the hall in front of the movie theater on the fifth floor." "


Matsuda Jinpei carried Conan and Mori Kogoro and the Twilight Police Department all the way to the front of the Yoneka City Building.

Conan jumped out of the car directly, and got into the Mihua City building that was still exploding, without anyone noticing.

Wait for me, Xiaolan!!

Matsuda Jinpei followed, but was stopped by Rabbitagawa as he approached the building.

Matsuda Jinpei said in surprise, "Rabbit-kawa-kun? It's great that you're okay! It's dangerous here, you get out of here quickly, I'm going to go in and save the others now."

Rabbit River looked at the unprotected Matsuda Jinpei and said, "Do you want to defuse the bomb or do you want to send it to death?" You just went in? Matsuda

Jinpei thought that Rabbit Chuan was here to send him equipment, and had long heard that this kid had a lot of props, but Rabbit Chuan only gave him a small pair of scissors and a building structure diagram.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the structural map of the building and said: "This is the distribution map of all the bombs in the building, and the bombs are basically on the fifth floor.

Matsuda Jinpei smiled when he saw it, and said, "Didn't someone say that he was reincarnated, why did he come back to grab jobs with living people?"

Kenji Hagiwara was dumbfounded, and he asked Rabbitagawa, "Can he see me again?"

Rabbit Chuan said to Kenji Hagiwara, "Now he can't see you." "

After all, Conan is here.

Then Rabbit Chuan took the black tie directly from Matsuda Jinpei's pocket and tied one end to Matsuda Jinpei's wrist and the other end to Kenji Hagiwara's wrist.

Rabbit Chuan nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, so you can see it!" "

Kenji Hagiwara and Matsuda Jinpei looked at each other, thinking that they would be a little embarrassed when they parted from life and death and never saw each other again.

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