The group of guys were discussing hotly, but Rabbit Chuan couldn't stop sighing.

Rabbit Chuan watched everyone's reasoning become more and more deviated, if he didn't know the truth, even he would have believed it.

This group of indisputable guys, how many times has he said, to believe in the power of light, is the power of light, and the wind has a relationship of a few cents!

Time continued to pass by minute by minute, and Rabbit Chuan felt that he should inadvertently give Conan a little inspiration, just like Ayumi and Miss Xiaolan who casually prompted.

Rabbit Chuan silently turns on the volume of the TV, trying to stimulate their brains with the signature light of a certain warrior of light to trigger a new brainstorm.

"Now insert an urgent news..."

Rabbit Chuan was dumbfounded, a certain giant of light on the TV just made a decisive move, and the next second the picture was switched to the Dongdu Ring Line.

"It's 4:40 p.m. Tokyo time, everyone please look at the Dongdu Loop Line next to me, it has been more than half an hour, and there are no train stops..."

The reporter in the news is broadcasting the current situation of the Dongdu Loop Line in real time, the perspective of the screen switches to the air, on the circular railway, 21 trains run fast like snakes.

"For this abnormal situation, the Dongdu Railway and the Metropolitan Police Department only announced that it was an emergency..." 30

minutes have passed, reaching the limit of the police's blockade of news to the society, and if it continues, it will definitely cause panic in the society.

Matsuda Jinpei turned up the volume of the TV to a suitable sound, and said to the colleagues sitting there with a solemn expression: "There is not much time left for us, and we must solve it as soon as possible."

"yes, there isn't much time left for me." Rabbit Chuan's voice trembled a little, and the person who disturbed him to watch TV was unforgivable!

Rabbit Chuan thought that if he had to find this bomb now, he wondered if the TV would continue to broadcast the previous episode.

Rabbikawa left the TV and sat down at the conference table, his gaze swept from Matsuda Jinpei to Dr. Agasa, and finally fixed on Officer Takagi and said, "Go and bring me the map of the Toto Ring Line."

Officer Takagi immediately replied, "Yes!" Officer

Shiratori, who was standing next to Officer Takagi, looked at him with a black line, how did he see such a silly boy as his love rival?

Conan saw the angry expression on Rabbit River's face, but there was no panic in his eyes, could it be said that he had solved the puzzle, but why take the map of the Dongdu Ring Line?

"Could it be that Brother Rabbit Chuan has already deduced the location of the bomb?" Conan asked.

Tuchuan nodded and said, "Yes, I already know everything."

Matsuda Jinpei was shocked and quickly asked, "Where was the bomb placed?" At

this time, Officer Takagi brought the map of the Dongdu Ring Road, and Rabbikawa spread the map on the table, and took out the pen and ruler in the pen holder.

"The answer is between tracks." Rabbit Chuan gave the answer directly.

"Between tracks?" Everyone thought about this answer and made some sense, "But why is your answer between tracks?"

Rabbit River said while drawing: "Think about it, there are a total of 21 trains running on the Dongdu Ring Road, and there are only 5 bombs, how do you say to distribute them to ensure that each train has at least one bomb?" Sato

, Takagi, and Officer Shiratori looked at each other, and Dr. Agasa couldn't tell.

Officer Takagi said tentatively, "One bomb every four trains?"

Rabbit Chuan smiled, good, at least he didn't say cut a bomb into quarters, a quarter per car.

Officer Sato slapped Takagi on the back and retorted, "No, then there will be one more train." "

Officer Sato is right." Officer Shiratori stood up and said, "First of all, the prisoners cannot guarantee the order of the trains, and secondly, the total length of the circular line is 34.5Km, and each train is 1.6km apart, even if one of the trains explodes, it will not affect the other four trains."

"That's why you said it was between tracks?" Matsuda Jinpei and Conan suddenly realized, "Because all trains are on the same track."

Rabbit Chuan tapped his map with his pen and affirmed, "That's right, this is the common point of all trains on the Circular Line."

Officer Shiratori's mind raced and said, "It's possible to say that above the platform, because all trains pass through the same platform."

Matsuda Jinpei denied: "It can't be on the platform, where there are dense crowds and patrols on duty, and bombs can be easily discovered."

Conan also analyzed: "And the platform is not part of the circular line, and the speed on the platform cannot be felt, not only the speed... Why did he say that the sun will explode when it sets?

Rabbit Chuan stopped his pen and replied categorically: "This is the power of light!" Hearing

Rabbit Chuan's words, two words flashed in everyone's minds for the first time, transformation, iron guts train man!

No, no, it's a shinkansen, quickly shake your head and throw it out.

Rabbit Chuan put down his pen and continued: "This involves a classic fifth-grade math problem, a train is known to be 200 meters long, it travels at a speed of 60km per hour, may I ask after a few seconds the train completely passes above the bomb?" "

Sunset? Completely passed? Light?

Conan and Matsuda Jinpei had the same lightning slashing expression on their faces, and they finally figured it out.

"It's a photochronometer!!" The two said in unison, "The timer on the bomb will start as long as the sun does not shine, so the sunset will explode."

Conan began to calculate the problem and said: "The prisoner requires the speed of the train to be 60km/h, which translates to a speed of 16.7m/s, a train is 200 meters long, and it takes at least 12 seconds for the body to completely pass above a bomb."

Matsuda continued: "And this 12 seconds of not shining sunlight is the buffer time of the bomb, and once the train slows down and passes above the bomb for more than 12 seconds, the bomb will explode."

Rabbit Chuan applauded, very good, saving him to explain.

Now that he knew the answer, Matsuda Jinpei immediately commanded: "Sato, you call the Twilight Police Department in the railway command room, and Takagi you go and report to the Matsumoto management officer, as long as the train leaves the ring line, there will be no danger."

But Matsuda knew that unless a bomb was found, there was still a risk in this practice, but without giving hope, the spirits of passengers trapped on the circular were now on the verge of collapse.

"Matsuda, there is still time, you can search these five places first." Rabbit River handed the circular line map to Matsuda Jinpei, "Those five bombs should be near these five corners."

Matsuda took the map and looked at it, and it was drawn with a huge five-pointed star, falling on the ring line, and the five corners represented five bombs.

Matsuda Jinpei asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"It's simple!"

It is known that this circular line is really round, and one of the bombs must be on the Sumida Canal Bridge, so the location of the remaining four bombs, will it be difficult to identify?

Tuchuan pointed to the map and said: "Look at my five-pointed star drawing, how average, how reasonable, how symmetrical!" "

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