Rabbit Chuan's gaze glared vaguely at the jokers behind him, saw them shake a few times, and withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

These people don't know how to converge a little when they talk outside, they really owe a lesson, and they don't know how to become celebrities in human society, should they do something that shouldn't be done?

Rabbikawa took the piece of paper handed over by Teiji Moriya, which contained the information of three people, and the password was a word made up of five katakana associated with three people.

The pieces of paper wrote the names, blood types, dates of birth and hobbies of the three men, but the only really useful information was the year of birth.

The three people were born in the Year of the Monkey, the Year of the Rooster, and the Year of the Dog, and the Monkey Chicken Dog happened to be Momotaro's follower, so the answer is Momotaro "ももたろう" mo mo ta ro u.

If you show such a simple code to the monster thief Kidd, it is better to show it to any deceased who leaves a death message before death, and you have to despise the symmetrical perversion of death.

Such a simple thing, he is also embarrassed to use it as a code in the theatrical version, but they are desperately thinking about the code!

Moriya Emperor said proudly: "Everyone at the scene can also guess together."

After that, Moriya Teiji sent the information to every guest present, took out a timekeeping hourglass and placed it on the table, flipped the hourglass upside down and announced: "Three minutes of timekeeping, now, start!"

After speaking, Moriya Teiji had a confident expression on his face, and he took out his pipe from his pocket to relax next to him.

This was originally a code word that he specially prepared for Kudo Shinichi, and these people were afraid that they would not be able to think of it if they wanted to break their heads.

But before he took two steps, he saw Rabbit Chuan casually put the piece of paper on the table next to him, picked up the teacup and drank tea, and his leisurely and relaxed appearance was in sharp contrast with the Maori Kogoro who was racking his brains next to him.

Moriya Teiji stopped, this Kudo Shinichi's younger brother should not give up directly, right? Isn't he a famous juvenile detective recently?

Moriya Teiji asked tentatively, "Did Rabbitikawa-kun already think of the answer?" It's really Kudo Shinichi's younger brother! Moriya

Teiji just wanted to provoke Rabbitikawa a bit, but he didn't expect Rabbit Chuan to answer unceremoniously: "Yes, this kind of puzzle for children to play, even children can think of the answer, right, Conan?" "

Hmm!" Conan raised a bright smile, "I'll work hard!" The

guests laughed and took their attention off the puzzle, wanting to see if the child could solve the puzzle more than to solve it themselves.

Maori Kogoro on the side was so angry that his hands and feet trembled, this hateful bastard boy, don't increase the difficulty casually!

Moriya Teiji was also so angry that someone was so dismissive of the puzzle he had worked so hard to come up with.

But as an elegant gentleman and also the host of the tea party, Moriya Teiji did not show any dissatisfaction.

And from Rabbit River's words, Moriya Teiji could hear that this kid had indeed solved his puzzle.

The mystery is...

"Momotaro!" Conan spoke first, "Because the zodiac signs of the three people's birth years are monkey chicken dogs, they are Momotaro's henchmen. "

Hahahaha!" Maori Kogoro suddenly burst out laughing and said forcefully, "That's right, it's Momotaro!" It's really a puzzle for children!

Moriya Teiji said in a surprised tone: "Exactly right! You're so smart, little friend. The

guests also applauded.

At this time, Moriya Teiji said: "Then as a reward for guessing the puzzle, I will invite the children to visit my exhibition room!" Miss Xiaoran and Rabbitikawa Jun also come together!


Mao Lilan accepted it gladly, and Rabbit Chuan naturally did not refuse.

Why refuse the evidence that the prisoner personally sent to the door?

In fact, this is the purpose of Moriya Teiji's puzzle, which is to create a chance to spend time alone with Kudo Shinichi and his relatives and friends, so that he can inquire about something.

Moriya Teiji opened the door of the exhibition room and asked, "This is my exhibition room, please feel free to visit." "

The exhibition room is a room on the second floor, and on the wall of the exhibition room are pictures of architectural works designed by Teiji Moriya.

On the table in the middle of the exhibition room, where there should have been a model of Moriya Teiji's most satisfactory work, it is now empty.

Conan and Morilan carefully looked past a picture, Rabbit Chuan following behind them.

Conan suddenly stopped in front of one of the photos and shouted, "Sister Xiaolan, come and see this picture." Mao

Lilan looked at the familiar house in the photo and remembered that this was not the Kurokawa family that he had visited not long ago.

"I heard that Mr. Kurokawa has been killed." Moriya tried to join the topic of young people, "Actually, this house was also designed and built by me, but it was my work when I was immature, and the subsequent works were all designed when I was 30 years old.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said with a slight irony: "That's really a coincidence, I didn't expect that this house designed by Mr. Moriya when he was immature has now become a murderous house, and I am afraid that no one will live in it for a long time in the future, and I appreciate Mr. Moriya's clumsy work." "

Conan and Mao Lilan are a little embarrassed, and what one two three said is really unkind!

Unexpectedly, Moriya Teiji completely agreed with Rabbitakawa and said, "Indeed, if I give such a clumsy work to others, my conscience will be disturbed." "

Hearing Rabbit Chuan is powerless to complain, does this person really have a conscience?

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost the same, Moriya Teiji stepped forward and asked Moriran: "By the way, Miss Koran, are you familiar with Kudo Shinichi?"

Mao Lilan replied without thinking: "Yes, we both grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and we were classmates until high school."

"It turned out to be a childhood sweetheart, how good!" Emperor Moriya said meaningfully, "Did you grow up with Rabbitikawa Kun, the three?" "

Which of these two brothers is closer to this little girl?

"It's not." Rabbit Chuan denied, "I moved to Tokyo from the countryside only three years ago, and before that, I didn't know my brother or sister Koran. Conan

shrunk his neck, did he mess with his brother somewhere? I feel that today's younger brother is very unkind!

Moriya Teiji said: "That's the case, but I feel that your brothers have a good relationship, and they are both famous high school detectives."

Rabbit Chuan snorted angrily and said, "Hmph! Seeing that the brother who had forgotten his brother, he disappeared silently for so long and did not go home, nor did he call me, but he made phone porridge with Sister Xiaolan every day. "

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