Mrs. Ikemura

walked up the stairs and happened to meet her father-in-law, the old man of the Ikemura family, who wanted to come down from the second floor.

She said in surprise: "Dad, why are you here?"

Old man Chimura asked rhetorically, "Huh? Didn't you ask me to come over because you said you wanted to talk to me about fishing, Gongjiang? The

old man Chimura also complacently showed the fish extension to his daughter-in-law.

"Look, isn't this fish I caught very fat!"

Mrs. Ikemura smiled sarcastically, "Yes, Dad, then please come to the Japanese room and wait for me first, and I will go right away." Mrs

. Ikemura breathed a sigh of relief, this old man would really add to the chaos, fortunately this Maori detective fooled the past with a few words.

Mrs. Ikemura led the group to Mr. Ikemura's study, and she knocked on the door a few times, but there was no response inside.

Mrs. Ikemura looked for the key in her bag and said, "Strange, isn't there anyone?"

Rabbit Chuan looked down at Conan all the time, feeling that Conan's state was not bad, and it seemed that it would take a while to load before he could land on the tuba.

Mrs. Ikemura found the key from her handbag, opened the door, and led some people into the study.

That's right, the group, Maori Kogoro, Hattori Heiji, Mori Ran and Rabbitikawa, and finally a Conan child, one by one, was taken into the diplomat's study by Mrs. Ikemura.

Is a diplomat's study something that can be entered by any person?

Rabbit Chuan is speechless, this wife's acting skills are very good, but the script is too bad, can't you put more snacks on the details?

In the study, Mr. Ikemura sat at his desk, his head pressed on his hands as if he were asleep, and there was a stack of books on the desk blocking his body, and a loud opera sound came from the disc player next to him.

Just as everyone was attracted by the video player, Mrs. Ikemura suddenly exclaimed: "Husband——!

Everyone quickly turned around when they heard this, but saw that Mr. Ikemura had fallen from his chair to the ground, unconscious.

"Husband! Husband, cheer up a little! Mrs. Ikemura shouted vigorously.

Hattori Heiji put his hand on Mr. Ikemura's carotid artery and said to Mrs. Ikemura regretfully, "It's useless, he's out of breath."

"How so?" Mrs. Ikemura's eyes were full of tears of sadness, "Husband

, woo-woo..." Hearing Mrs. Ikemura's exclamation, the rest of the family rushed to the study.

"What happened to the wife?"


Seeing that several people were about to step into the study, Maori Kogoro immediately shouted to them: "Don't come in!!" No one is allowed to enter the study until the police arrive!

Maori Kogoro turned to Mrs. Ikemura in the study and said, "Mrs. Ikemura, please don't move now."

The old man Chimura asked, "What happened?" Maori

Kogoro said with a serious face: "The owner of this family, Mr. Ikemura Hoon, has passed away!"

The four people at the door seemed to be drunk on the head, and exclaimed: "What do you say?!!

"Anyway, call the police now!"

Mori Kogoro turned to look for the phone, only to see that Rabbit had already called and gestured OK to him.

This kid is quite eye-catching!

Rest assured that the matter of calling the police was handed over to Rabbitikawa, Maori Kogoro and the two major high school detectives of the East and West began to investigate the scene together.

Rabbit Chuan, who was on the phone, looked at this situation, and the three detectives investigated the case together, and this Chicun really died.

Rabbit Chuan called so proactively, of course, not only to call the police, but also for another matter.

While the detectives' attention was on the corpse, Rabbit Chuan dialed another phone number.

After connecting the phone, Rabbitikawa blocked the microphone and whispered, "Hey, is it Mr. Goki?" I'm Rabbit Chuan. "

'I heard it, what are you looking for me for?'

"I want to know the information of Ikemura-hoon, as well as information about Yamashiro Kenji 20 years ago."

"Oh, Ikemura... Ikemura-hoon?! Hey, hey, that's a diplomat, right? You asked lightly, this is not simple information."

"What does it matter, anyway, Chimura has just died."

"What? Ikemura is dead! That's big news!'

"So you don't say?"

"Uh... Actually, I don't know much...'

Rabbit Chuan said nonchalantly, "It's okay! "

Anyway, he knows a lot! No one knows more than Rabbitikawa anymore!

But Rabbit Chuan can't explain why he knows so many things, so he can only learn Conan and find an intelligence backer.

Conan can throw problems to TV and the large Kudo Shinichi, but Rabbit River can't also throw it to Kudo Shinichi.

Yosuke Gogi is the freelance writer that Rabbikawa met before Sorrowful Lake.

is the most well-informed person among the people Rabbitikawa knows, and in the plot of Kanedaichi, he also often provides information for Kanedaichi, so he is most suitable for being this pot man!

Yosuke Goki, unknowingly, inexplicably becomes an omniscient intelligence trafficker.

On the phone, Yosuke Gogi told Rabbit Chuan what he knew, and finally warned Rabbit Chuan that he must not tell others that he had revealed this information.

Rabbit River promised that there would be absolutely no wind leakage, and as compensation, he gave Yosuke Gogi a large melon.

Yosuke Goki was overjoyed, and the wealthy ethical revenge suspense murder! Tomorrow the front page headlines are there!

Rabbit Chuan hung up the phone, and the Twilight Police Department over there had already arrived.

The incident has progressed to the point where Hattori Heiji said that it was a murder in a secret room.

The deceased died of homicide, and the murderer stabbed the deceased in the back of the ear with a poisonous needle, which is a poison that can instantly paralyze the nerves and suffocate to death.

"And according to the temperature of the body, the time of death of the deceased is within 30 minutes, which means that the murderer is among you!"

At this time, Hattori Heiji had already turned his hat around, and the whole person was scrappy.

Hattori Heiji looked back at the so-called famous detective Maori Kogoro, that muddy look did not look like a detective at all, so it must be Kudo secretly helping him solve the case, and this time it must be the same!

Very well, Kudo Shinichi, let's fight the winner! See who solves this secret room murder mystery first!

Rabbit Chuan moved to the chair in front of the desk and sat down, saying sorry to the scrappy Hattori Heiji.

His new brother's big number is about to go online, and time is urgent, so he needs to leave more time for his childhood sweetheart.

"Ahem!" Rabbit Chuan cleared his throat and said, "I think I already know who the murderer is." "

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