The long-lost campus life began with the announcement of the results of the quiz exam.

"History 39 points? Why?!!! Rabbit Chuan shouted in disbelief.

He had answered the answer with the class leader after the exam, and it was clear that the correct rate was very high, and it was impossible to fail!

Rabbit Chuan's hands trembled, and a raging fire burned in his eyes, as if he wanted to set the report card in his hand on fire.

Nanako Nanako Nanaji walked up to Rabbitakawa and analyzed it: "Could it be because of the new textbook released this year, so the grading standards are different?"

"No matter how the textbook is revised, the history will not change..." Wait

a minute, Rabbit Chuan thought unsurely, this is really not necessarily ah....

The Monster Thief Kidd incident has just ended, and now it's April when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, which is the first year of school.

Although there is no further education event on the timeline, and there is no graduation ceremony in March and enrollment in April, one thing has not been omitted, that is, the opening of school and the issuance of new textbooks.

Science textbooks are okay, after all, the formula is still that formula, change the value to change the question type, in short, you can change the soup without changing the medicine.

Liberal arts textbooks are difficult to say, such as Kokumon, last year's text was Rashomon by Ryunosuke Wasagawa, and this year's text was replaced by The Tale of Genji in the Purple Shikibu.

Another example is the history class, last year's focus was on Oda Nobunaga's Bubu Tenchi, and this year's focus was changed to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Kyushu Conquest.

Rabbit Chuan has a hunch that in the future, the teaching materials will change every year, and there will be new courses every day, so whether this education committee is too idle.

Board of Education: You're welcome, you're polite, after all, you've been working for more than 20 years, and you can't get paid for nothing, can't you?

Alas, no wonder the students here have not found any problems in more than twenty years of class, it turns out that because of this, it is really endless learning, endless learning, and tears flowed.

Rabbit Chuan was lying down, but even so, he didn't think about skipping a grade, jumping from a leisurely senior year to a busy senior year, he had a picture, and he didn't have a hole in his brain.

As for skipping to college and then graduating, please, even if he graduated from college, he is still a minor and cannot inherit an inheritance.

What's more, only high school students are invincible here, and as a brave person who saves another world, this identity buff must not be lost!

Rabbit Chuan is rotten, is it not that history fails, failing is failing, he is not afraid of being found parents, teachers have the ability to personally go down to find them.

Three classes in the morning, two classes in the afternoon, then club activities, and go home directly after the end, what a beautiful and leisurely life for high school students!

Except, occasionally need to save the world.

"You can't give up, Your Highness Rabbitchuan! History it really changed! A

yellow flower-faced fox descended from the sky and landed with its face, landing in front of Rabbit Chuan, who was about to get up and leave the classroom.

In the next second, the fox immediately sat up straight and hurriedly said, "Your Highness Rabbitikawa is Kitsunosuke, the government of time... Well?

Rabbit Chuan ignored the ugly fox and looked out the window.


Looking against the light, Hanako-kun held a kitchen knife and stepped on the window in the classroom, staring at the ugly fox and smiling playfully.

"Lord God, do you want to eat fox udon noodles today?"

"Babble——! Is it a grudge——! After

a one-sided beating without suspense, Hanako-kun easily tied the intruder into a ball.

Hanako-kun carried Kitsunosuke and happily floated around in the air.

"Udon! Udon! Fox udon!"

"Don't! Don't! Under is Shikigami Foxnosuke, not a fox! "

Udon! Udon! Fox udon!"

"Don't! Rabbit-sama, save Kitsunosuke!

Rabbit Chuan was unmoved, ignoring the farce in front of him, and calmly left the school.

Hell, where did the MLM boss come from, digging people into his head!

Kitsunosuke, a Shikigami created by the government of time combining technology and Shinto.

In 2205, historical revisionists sent retrospective marches to various eras in an attempt to change history.

In order to stop this evil deed, the government of time selected several groups of young people with spiritual powers from the present world.

They are called "God Examiners", endowing "things" with "thoughts", summoning Fu from the sword, and going back to history to fight the historical revisionists.

The yellow ugly fox was right, when Rabbit Chuan got the 39-point history roll, he realized that history had changed, because he didn't score a single point in his last essay question.

But anyone who has played some historical games knows that Oda Nobunaga died in the fire of the change of Mitsuhide Honnoji Temple.

Rabbit Chuan walked into the bookstore and casually opened a book about the Warring States period.

The history in the book becomes that in the midst of the fire of Honnoji, Sunran Maru rescues Oda Nobunaga and covers Oda Nobunaga's escape from the secret passage.

Oda Nobunaga fled all the way to Azuchi Castle, escaping the betrayal of Mitsuhide Wise, but did not escape the fire of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and eventually died in the fire of Azuchi Castle.

This history is now regarded as the correct history, replacing the old history in people's minds and written records under the influence of world consciousness, and no one except Rabbitikawa has discovered anomalies.

For example, in the previous history quiz, the answers about the old history written by everyone were replaced with new history, and only Rabbit River's answer was still the old history.

Rabbit Chuan huffed, it doesn't matter if history can't be changed, but this bastard world consciousness is too much! Why only his answer has not changed!

World Awareness: I @&#£&... That must be able to be changed!

Rabbit Chuan's ears again world consciousness this crying voice, explain to explain, in short, he really wants to change, especially want to change, want to change all into full score answers, but unfortunately he can't change the words written by Rabbit Chuan.

Rabbit Chuan rolled his eyes, he really thanked him!

Whether history has been changed or not, how it has changed, Rabbit River and world consciousness really do not care, because this world has the existence of Rabbit River, and God is the only existence.

Rabbit Chuan closed the history book in his hand and said, "Everything now is history based on correct choices. "

It is not history that can change, but the present and the future.

"But... God examiner, heh, the tone is really not small! Walking

out of the bookstore, Rabbit Chuan left the story of the ugly fox behind and went home.

Rabbit Chuan had just turned into the alley, and before he reached the door, he saw a man wearing green clothes and carrying a blue travel bag from a distance, talking to Akemi Miyano at the door, the key was to wear this white baseball cap.

Look at the hat to recognize people, yo, isn't this Hattori Heiji who can cut six with one knife from the old curator?

Wait, the first encounter with Hattori Heiji means... Kudo Shinichi's big size is coming back!

"Gee, at this timing, Kudo Shinichi's luck is really good!"

Rabbit Chuan immediately turned around and took a taxi on the street to go to the Maori detective office, and there was a good show again.

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