"Hmph!" Nice, rule out an error option.

The Nakamori Police Department let go of his hand, turned around and continued to scan everyone on the scene to see which soft persimmon could be pinched.

Maori Kogoro quickly took two steps back, rubbed his face, came to Mrs. Suzuki's side, and asked quietly, "Who is that person?"

Mrs. Suzuki replied, "He is Officer Nakamori of the Metropolitan Police Department's Search Division 2, and he is a criminal police officer who specializes in the case of strange thief Kidd." Like Mr. Māori, today he is also the guardian knight of the "Night Star".

"But Mrs. Suzuki," said Maori Kogoro, rubbing his hands in embarrassment, "There are now more than 500 'Night Stars', and all of them are exquisitely made, and it is difficult to distinguish between real and fake, you don't tell me where the real thing is, how can I protect it?"

"Hmph, no matter how exquisite the workmanship is, the imitation is an imitation after all, and the person who recognizes the goods can still tell the difference."

Mrs. Suzuki turned the black pearl pinned to her neckline with a smug look.

"And I have entrusted the black pearl that won my grandfather's favor with its peacock green hue to the person who best matches it."

Maori Kogoro listened with his eyes clouded, completely unaware of the meaning.

Conan also began to brainstorm, among the more than 500 people here, the most suitable person, what exactly did Mrs. Suzuki judge?

Mrs. Suzuki leaned over slightly and smiled at Rabbit-Chuan, "Please too, Little Detective Rabbit-Kawa." "

Wow, Mrs. Suzuki's high heels are too high, Rabbit Chuan looked up slightly enough to see the black pearl she was wearing on her collar.

"Yes, it does not live up to your trust." Rabbit Chuan gave a gentleman's salute, "The most beautiful lady of the stars tonight."

A hint of surprise flashed in Mrs. Suzuki's eyes, and she smiled with satisfaction: "It is worthy of being a detective Rabbit, it is really worthy of the name!"

"Hahaha, over the prize!" Rabbit Chuan forced a smile and nodded.

Since Rabbit Chuan acquiesced to the identity of the detective in front of Yosuke Gogi, the realization that "Rabbit Chuan is a detective" spread like a virus in Yonehana Town, as if overnight he became a detective more famous than Maori Kogoro.

But fortunately, life is no different from before, after all, in Yonehana Town, there are detectives per capita.

Maori Kogoro began an adult greeting.

"Sure enough, it's Mr. Māori! Long time no see, last time things thanks to your help. Maori

Kogoro subconsciously shook hands and thought for a while: "You are from the Kei Group..." The

one who came to greet Shoji Keimoto, the chef of today's cuisine and a French restaurant.

This person is the survivor of the "Serial Murder of Luxury Passenger Liners", and the deceased is the head of the Keimoto family, that is, his father.

"Today's meal is also arranged by me, what do you think of the taste?"

"Very good, very good!"

"What a pity!" A man with a light look and a small braid came over and said, "Chairman Suzuki is temporarily absent, and you are in vain with these dishes that shoot and walk horses!"

Shoji Keimoto jokingly punched the man and said with a smile: "Mifune, why are you still such a poisonous tongue!"

"Haha, I'm kidding!" Takuya Mifune dodged with a smile.

Takuya Mifune, the son of Mifune electronics industrialist, is also one of the fiancé candidates for the deceased Reika Shisui in the "Entrepreneur Senjin Murder Incident".

"What? You said Ayako didn't come? An honest-looking man suddenly shouted.

Sonoko Suzuki explained awkwardly: "Well, my sister has something to do with her temporarily, haha..."

Tomizawa Yuzo looked lost.

Yuzo Tomizawa, the fiancé of Ayako Suzuki, the eldest miss of the Suzuki Foundation, and the third son and suspect of the Tomizawa Foundation's family who was the victim of the "triplet villa murder".

Rabbit Chuan looked a little dizzy, this is really an entrepreneur's banquet, not some exchange meeting for the families of the victims?


"It's the monster thief Kidd!!"


In the midst of an exclamation, a man in a white suit cloak appeared on the ceiling, and then Mrs. Suzuki took out a pistol and fired three shots with lightning speed, the gun hit, and the monster thief Kidd smashed down from the ceiling with a snap, blood splattered.

"Ah——! Kill! "

The Chamu police and the Nakamori police department immediately rushed over.

Chaki said in a cold sweat: "Mrs. Suzuki, you will make it difficult for us to do this..." Mrs

. Suzuki laughed loudly and said jokingly: "Hahaha, don't worry, people are still alive." As

soon as Mrs. Suzuki's words fell, I saw that the bloodied "monster thief Kidd" sat up directly, took off his white suit jacket, and revealed his true face.

"This is the genius magician I invited to perform the fun, Mr. Iszo Sanada." Mrs. Suzuki loudly introduced the guests, "Please give a warm applause to this gentleman who performed the tragic end of the strange thief Kidd!" There

was applause.

Another acquaintance, he officially appeared 2 times in Conan, was mentioned 4 times by others, and appeared longer than Hagiwara, but unfortunately he is not handsome enough.

The next official appearance is "Cornered Detective Two Consecutive Murders", a filial piety who helps the junior sister who killed the teacher to hide the evidence of the crime, although the teacher is not a good thing.

Conan is still looking for the real "Night Star", and his small eyes swept over these laughing guests.

Rabbit Chuan rubbed Conan's dog's head, looked at the presidents of the enterprises in front of him who were entertaining the monster thief Kidd, and sighed.

"Brother Rabbitchuan?" Conan looked up at Rabbit River suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking, these rich presidents who came today have a good life."

Alas, how can these people not know gratitude!

If it weren't for the visit of the strange thief Kidd today, the Grim Reaper would have chosen one of you corporate presidents to die at random.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and asked, "Did you say that?" Conan? "


Conan looked dazed, how could the old brother sigh and laugh for a while today.

Conan looked left and right and asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, have you seen Sister Xiaolan?" "

Isn't Sister Xiaolan there?" Rabbit Chuan reacted and looked before and after, "It should have been ready long ago according to the time, what about people?" "What about Kidd, the strange thief?

What Rabbit Chuan didn't know was that the strange thief Kidd had already passed through the gate three times and did not enter, and he was in a hurry at the door.

Poker face. Poker face. Poker face......

Ma Yay! That eye, no, how did that little rabbit get in?!

Won't put the "Night Star" in your eyes again this time, right?

No, no, no! Don't panic! "Night Star" is still on Mrs. Suzuki's clothes!

Composure! Calm down! Poker face!

You are no longer the rookie thief you used to be, but the battle-hardened international thief Kidd!

"Sister Xiaolan, what are you doing here?"


The monster thief Kidd turned stiffly, it was a little bunny!!

Tuchuan stepped forward in a good mood and asked, "Sister Xiaolan?" "

The same bleak moonlight, the same cute smirk, the same little bunny.

"Ha, ha, ha..." "

Don't you come over!!

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