That night, like an April Fool's joke, surrounded by brilliant fireworks and police, the strange thief Kidd turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared, leaving only a card pinned with pink roses.

"On April 19th, I will go to the Queen Serisabeth from Yokohama to take the real night stars."

The strange thief Kidd didn't make a fuss this time, and wrote the time and place characters very bluntly, and he almost didn't write the cause and result.

Hehe, the strange thief Kidd can't help it!

The strange thief Kidd never expected that the code he painstakingly designed was actually not understood.

Kidd is also an international superstar-level monster, carefully prepared and repeatedly practiced to ensure that the performance is foolproof, looking forward to the time when the time comes, and then make a gorgeous appearance, blinding the eyes of the dogs.

The result? And the result!!

The dark rooftop was empty, only a small douding was setting off fireworks, and the heart of the strange thief Kidd was cold.

Moreover, the brand Fang Suzuki family does not talk about credit, and made a fake to fool people with international thieves.

Blame the thief Kidd an international superstar, cough, international thief, people don't want cards!

Suzuki Foundation, huh?

He blamed the thief Kidd for writing it down, and in the future, this gem, one is counted as one, and he blamed the thief Kidd for wrapping up!

Rabbit Chuan was embarrassed by the monster thief Kidd just thinking about it, and he could only let Dr. Agasa set off some fireworks and make it a little suitable for the landlord.

April 19, Port of Yokohama, Queen Serisabeth.

Nakamori Ginzo Police Department had a black face and stared at every guest who boarded the ship to participate in the party at sea.

Tonight is the Suzuki Foundation's 60th anniversary party, and the guests are all celebrities from all over the world, and even the police cannot search every guest in a rude manner.

Chamu police officer said next to the Nakamori Police Department: "Pay attention to the expression, Nakamori, the little prince and the little miss among the guests are almost scared to tears by you."

The Nakamori Police Department roared like a lit cannon fight: "Chamu Police! Our job is to catch the monster thief Kidd, not to be a babysitter for this group of boys!

Chamu took two steps back in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Haha, take it easy, even if you let the monster thief Kidd get on the ship, what does it matter." "

Because it takes three hours for the ship to leave from Yokohama Port to Tokyo Port, even if the strange thief Kidmon gets on board, he can't escape the Queen Serisabeth, which is like a prison at sea, am I right, Mr. Police?"

Chamu police officer and Nakamori police department turned back together, and Chamu police officer asked suspiciously: "Who are you?"

"You're that imp from Yuki Kudo!" The Nakamori Police Department exclaimed.

That's right, the person who came was Rabbitagawa who came to the Suzuki Foundation on behalf of Yusaku Kudo, and because he came to the consortium's party, Rabbit Chuan could change into a formal dress.

Chamu asked in a low voice, "Nakamori, do you know this little prince?" The

corner of the Nakamori Police Department's eyes twitched, as if he had thought of something, and his face looked painful.

He pointed to Rabbit's right eye and said, "I know his eye, it's Blue Giant Of the Qient!"

Chamu's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Isn't that it?!" The

Nakamori Police Department nodded sadly: "That's right, that is the largest gem-quality sapphire known in the world, and it is also the only gem that the monster thief Kidd has missed so far-the Oriental Blue Giant."

"No, no, Nakamori Police Department, you are so polite!" Rabbit Chuan denied that he would blame Kidd for failing more times in the future.

Nakamori police department angry headache, is he being polite?

The Oriental Blue Giant, weighing 486.52 carats, is currently the largest cut sapphire in the world, and it looks clear and shining, and its rare car corn-like color adds a touch of mystery.

The sapphire was secretly collected by an Amika collector after it was discovered, and it has never been known, but it is somehow targeted by the strange thief Kidd.

The collector's son, an acquaintance of Yusaku Kudo's, enlisted the world-renowned mystery novelist to protect the precious sapphire.

Kudo Yusaku was a little crying and laughing after hearing this, and asked him to catch the current monster thief Kidd, isn't that just bullying other children!

But due to human favor, I couldn't help but go, so I had to take Rabbit Chuan, who came to Amika for follow-up treatment at that time, to the appointment and let the children play by themselves.

Rabbit Chuan came to the collector's mansion and was happy.

Coincidentally, this is not an old acquaintance! It's only been a few months, how can this Broadway star age so quickly?

Sith Flockhart, once the chief actor of Broadway and the handsome vampire count, now looks like an old man who has lost his life.

Looking at the familiar little guy in front of him, the fatal wound on Sith's chest was still faintly painful.

So far, the Sith has not figured out how he overturned in the first place, he almost died!

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand politely, wherever, come all the way and bring you some rice flower souvenirs, but unfortunately it is not authentic enough, otherwise you can really die.

After that, the Nakamori Police Department, which came from the Far East to jointly enforce the law, witnessed a dimensionality reduction and crushing, not against the strange thief Kidd, but for the collector of the stolen person.

The Nakamori Police Department heard this little rabbit cub say that he would hide this sapphire in a place where he would not dare to take it even if he was seen.

This is then the world's largest cut natural sapphire, which has been recut by collectors and set in a prosthetic eye.

When the appointed time came, the monster thief Kidd crossed the layers of blockade and quietly descended on the Vampire Count's Mansion.

The candlelight in the mansion was dim, and the dim moonlight shone through the window on the miserable white cheeks of the strange thief Kidd.

Because he heard the detective dressed imp in front of him point to his eyes and say to him: "The gem is here, Kid, the monster thief!" The

detective imp squinted his eyes and smiled cutely, but the words he said were extremely terrifying.

"One is a real eye, the other is a gemstone eye, it is your words, you should be able to tell the difference, right? So dig it out and see? "

Compared with the strange thief dad, the current strange thief boy is still very tender in terms of technology and mentality, and he is overwhelmed if he is just a little scared.

The monster thief Kidd is full of question marks, what to dig? Eye? Jewel?

After finishing the calf, the light is too dim for him to tell at all, no, no, he can't get his hands off!!

Rabbit Chuan walked step by step to the stiff monster thief Kidd, and smiled wickedly: "It's so easy to see the gem, are you moved?" Blame Kidd! "

Not impressed! Don't dare to move!

The monster thief Kidd took several steps back in fright, silently chanting Poker face in his heart! Poker face! Losers don't lose!

Faux pas, leave!

In the end, the monster thief Kidd retreated, and the sapphire was pocketed by Rabbit River as a trophy to repel the monster thief Kidd.

Collector Vampire Count Sith: "Wait for that gem..." It's a Philosopher's Stone!

Rabbit: "Huh?

Sith: "Send, send you, you go slowly." "Don't come again!

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