This man who looked fierce and domineering, and frightened everyone to tremble was actually Yamato Daisuke of the Nagano Prefectural Police.

Rabbit Chuan felt that he was trembling, not because he was scared and trembling, but because the wheelchair was shaking, so that he had to passively join the shivering army.

As soon as Rabbit Chuan turned his head, he saw that the hand on his wheelchair was shaking, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Zhufu Jingguang's expression of indignation and forbearance.

What's going on with Zhufu Jingguang?

How is this a bit like seeing Shuichi Akai's gray plains?

Isn't this your brother's infantile tame?

Isn't it blind in one eye, two more scars on the face, lame leg, wearing a bohemian black suit, and you don't know people?

Speaking of this black suit Rabbit Chuan remembers, Yamato Ginsuke was once mistaken for a bad guy by Dr. Agasa and Haibara Sorrow, and later used by Conan as a suspect of Rum N, a member of the organization.

Could it be that Zhufu Jingguang also suspected that Yamato Dare Suke was a member of the organization because he saw the black suit?

What is this, red per capita black PTSD?

Fortunately, Rabbit River wore Kudo Shinichi's iconic blue suit in order to pretend to be Kudo Shinichi today.

Don't ask the useless question of whether the size fits or not, Conan's little can find the right size, and of course Rabbit Chuan can also find it.

Otherwise, Zhufu Jingguang was afraid that he would be sick at the first sight.

Rabbit Chuan thought of the love story of the Nagano County Police, no, this description is not accurate, it should be said that it is the love and hatred of the Nagano County Police.

Yamato dares to help this person's life is not good, and the hit is green.

Six years ago, Yamato Daisuke's beloved senior was killed by someone, and in order to find out the truth about his murder, Yamato Daisuke suffered an avalanche while searching for a fugitive whose whereabouts are unknown.

His childhood sweetheart and subordinate Yui Uehara thought he had died in the line of duty, and had to marry someone else in order to fulfill Yamato's last wish to find out the truth.

Only his friend Takaki Zhufu firmly believed that Yamato Daisuke would not die easily, and kept searching until half a year later that he found the unconscious Yamato Daisuke in a hospital.

It's so miserable, it's okay if you're blind and lame, the key is that when you wake up, your wife is gone!

Imagine that Maori Lan married Kurosawa Jin in order to find out the truth of Kudo Shinichi's death, and as a result, Kudo Shinichi came back alive a year later, what kind of human tragedy!

Rabbit River thinks about the timeline, Zhufu Jingguang is likely to know the news of Yamato Daisuke's death, and then start an undercover mission, so he does not know the fact that Yamato Daisuke is not actually dead.

Moreover, in order to save Yamato Daisuke, Zhufu Gaoming disobeyed the orders of his superiors, and was demoted from the Nagano Prefectural Police Station to the local police station, and is still serving in the Shinno Agency, even if Zhufu Jingguang went to find his brother, there was no intersection with the current Yamato Daisuke.

Rabbit's gaze moved from the light of the scenery to Eiji Tono, then swept over all the people of the tour group, and finally fell on Yamato Daisuke.

Yamato dared to walk step by step in front of the group of people who traveled to the lake of sorrow, and sternly looked at everyone present.

Just a few hours earlier, he had received a call from his friend and archenemy Zhufu Gaoming, who said that a bomb had been planted at the Lake of Sorrows resort where his brother was going on vacation.

In principle, even if it is a friend's younger brother, but without evidence, it is impossible to mobilize the explosive team of the county police mobile team based on the words of one person, not to mention that this is still private territory and nature reserve, unless it is a special situation, otherwise the vehicles and equipment of the mobile team cannot enter the nature reserve at all.

But emotionally, Yamato Daisuke still took a leave of absence from his boss, and in a private name, he and Zhufu Gaoming rushed to the Lake of Sorrow Resort in a hurry march speed.

When they arrived at the Lake of Sorrow, the entire resort revealed an eerie silence, it was clearly a resort under development, but the entire resort was empty.

And as far as he knows, today there is a group of tour groups to simulate sightseeing, but there is not a single service staff in the hotel, only food and necessary daily necessities.

After a professional search, the two were shocked to find bombs in the hotel that were enough to blow up the entire resort, all of them remote-controlled bombs.

Zhu Fu said solemnly: "Dare to help Jun, contact the county police headquarters, and send a mobile explosive ordnance disposal squad."

"I know, don't give orders like me as your subordinate!"

Yamato Daisuke picked up the phone irritably, fortunately the phone line had not been cut yet, and Yamato Daisuke called his boss directly.

Once detonated, not only the Lake of Sorrow Resort, but even the surrounding nature reserves will be devastated, which is no small matter.

Yamato Daisuke hung up the phone, and now the explosive ordnance disposal squad of the mobile unit of the prefectural police headquarters is on its way.

Until the explosive team arrives, all they can do is stop the tour group and catch the bomber hiding inside.

But what reason should be used to interrupt the tour group and catch the prisoner without alarming the prisoner?

"Dare to help Jun, you listen to this."

Zhu Fu Gaoming pressed the switch of the radio, and a piece of news came out of it, which made the eyes of the two brighten.

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