Gogi Yosuke was interested, and arched back, trying to squeeze the other side of the aisle into the seats inside.

Zhufu Keiguang took the opportunity to get up and sit in the back seat near Eiji Tono.

Yosuke Gogi crossed the aisle and began to introduce the members of the car to Rabbitikawa .

"This trip to the Jury of Lake of Sorrow Resort invited nine members, as well as a tour guide, Shotaro Kujo, who had just spoken."

"The remaining nine members are, me and you, as well as Sayuri Kawasai, a high school sophomore who just said hello to you, Eiji Tono, a junior high school student, and Soichi Kurata, a college student who looks very anxious, and Seisaku Koda, a doctor who is very anxious."

Rabbit Chuan added in his heart that college student Soichi Kurata was the victim who was killed on the first night, and the wolf ambushed outside to randomly kill a villager, and Soichi Kurata slept until the second half of the night to release water alone, and then... There will be no then.

The murderer killed Soichi Kurata with an axe, and chopped Soichi Kurata's face off, so that the person who found the body mistakenly thought that it was Jason, the face-chopping murderer, who committed the crime.

Very good, the next thing is that the telephone line is gone, the suspension bridge is gone, and the entire resort becomes a hunting ground for murderers, the familiar Blizzard Mountain Resort mode.

Gogi Yosuke pointed to the couple in the front row and introduced, "The middle-aged couple sitting in the front row are Saburo Kaoyama, president of the real estate company, and his wife Seiko Kaoyama. Saburo

Kaoyama, the president of the real estate company, was the victim who was killed the second night.

Because the suspension bridge was burned down, everyone could not return the same way, and Saburo Kasayama, who did not want to passively wait for death, decided to take the initiative to find death, and he wanted to leave the resort alone over the mountain.

Please close your eyes when it gets dark, and Wolf Kill once again randomly kills an innocent villager.

After Saburo Kaiyama was killed, the murderer also chopped Saburo Kasuyama's face and hid the body in the refrigerator, only to be found the next day when he made breakfast.

Gogi Yosuke continued: "The guy who sits alone over there and doesn't speak, feels gloomy, his name is Kobayashi Seiji, he is a curious painter who specializes in painting dead people. "

Kobayashi Seiji is a villager who was killed by the wolf on the third night, but before that, there was another victim, that is, the wolf destroyed himself Eiji Tono, but the body was actually Shigeru Tachikanawa's.

Eiji Tono originally invited Miyuki Nanase's cousin Shigeru Tachibanagawa, but because the time of the trip conflicted with the time of the make-up exam, Shigeru Tachikawa sent the invitation to Miyuki Nanase and Kazuichi Kaneda, and he did not come.

Eiji Tono made a trap in the woods with rope and an axe, trying to seriously injure a random villager, and ended up injuring Miyuki Nanase.

If this is replaced by his Xiaolan sister, heck, the serious injury may be the axe.

Miyuki Nanase was slashed with an axe, and her life was in danger.

Why say again? Because Miyuki Nanase is dying again.

Really, the heroine should resign as such, don't compare with Kanedaichi for a long life.

In order to save Miyuki Nanase, Eiji Tono volunteered to row a boat alone through Lake Sorrow and go outside for help.

When the boat returned from Lake of Sorrow in the evening, there was only one unrecognizable corpse wearing Eiji Tono's clothes.

In general reasoning dramas, as long as there is a disfigurement and beheading plot, you all understand, right?

After Tono Eiji found out that Shigeru Tachibana had not come in person, he immediately called Shigeru Tachibana and asked Shigeru Tachibana to the outside of Lake Sorrow, and then created an opportunity to leave alone, rowed outside to kill Shigeru Tachibana, gave him his own clothes, chopped off his face, and rowed the boat back, so he faked his death and escaped.

When it got dark, he sneaked into the house and killed the fourth villager, Kobayashi Seiji.

At this point, the plot has developed to the time of gambling grandfather.

Kanedaichi, who bet on his grandfather, identified the murderer... Well?

Rabbit Chuan counted seriously, it seems that only 4 people died, oh, by the way, the last person is the murderer himself.

After being revealed by Kindaichi, Eiji Tono threatens Kindaichi to kill the person he really wants to kill, or he will detonate the bomb planted in the resort and die with everyone.

But the questioning of Shirayuki's stand-in Nanase Miyuki caused the murderer to hallucinate and have a mental breakdown, running to the middle of the lake of sorrow and blowing himself up.

Although Eiji Tono is a wolf, his mental quality is not very good, and his brain is not bad, and he has not killed the main lord after killing a string.

Rabbit Chuan wants to change it to him, he has already planted the bomb, and he directly pulled the string and exploded it together on the first day, or he got it.

Again pretending to be a murderer, another chopping of the face, another fake death, making those bells and whistles, there is no use!

Yosuke Goki waited for a while after speaking, and did not wait for Rabbit Chuan to answer, reaching out and poking Rabbit Chuan.

"Detective, what did you find interesting?"

"Huh?" Rabbit Chuan came back to his senses, "You said so much, haven't you found it yet?"

"Found what?"

"It's Mr. Shinsuke Kimura."

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