Rabbit River knew that the Lake of Sorrow Resort was located in a nature reserve, the land was sparsely populated, remote and desolate, but he didn't expect it to be so desolate.

As far as the eye can see, it is all woods, let alone villages, there are no individuals, there are no modern facilities, there is no public telephone booth, there is no place to escape for help.

And because it's so desolate that communications companies haven't built base stations here, portable phones have no place at all.

Rabbit Chuan and Zhufu Jingguang had to return to the platform and borrow the landline in the platform to call Zhufu Jingguang's brother.

Tsukumaki's older brother, Takaaki Zhufu, was a police officer at the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters and was demoted for disobeying orders from his superiors, and is currently working as a criminal officer at the Shinno Office in Nagano Prefecture.

It just so happens that Lake of Sorrow Resort is within the jurisdiction of the Shinye Agency.

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone over there, Zhu Fu Gaoming's expression was solemn, if what Jing Guang said was true, this was not something that the police station in the jurisdiction could do.

Zhu Fu Gaoming did not put down the phone and quickly pressed another string of numbers.

"He who knows will do what he can, as he does."

『...... What do you mean?'

"I asked you if you have a holiday today?"

"Huh? Are you looking for fault?'

At this time, Zhufu Jingguang hung up the phone and pushed Rabbit River out of the station again, and a tourist bus had stopped at the bus stop next to the station.

Seeing Rabbit River in a wheelchair, the tour guide on the bus, Kujo Shotaro, was stunned for a moment, and then his excellent professional professionalism made him immediately regain his composure.

I really don't know how to choose the people at the headquarters, how can everyone come?

Kujo Shotaro immediately greeted and said, "Hello, may I ask you?"

Rabbikawa took out the invitation letter and handed it to the tour guide, Shotaro Kujo, and said, "I am Shinichi Kudo, an inspector who was invited to participate in the tour of the jury of Lake Sad Resort. "

Kudo Shinichi?!" Kujo Shotaro exclaimed, "Are you the famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi in Kanto?"

"That's right, I'm Shinichi Kudo, don't you feel like the photos in the newspaper?"

Kujo Shotaro took a closer look, and then thought about the pictures he had seen in the newspaper, it seemed to be really the same person, but it was a little different.

Whether it is true or false, what does it have to do with him, the other party takes out the invitation, then treat him as such!

"And who is this one behind you?" Kujo Shotaro asked the man standing behind Rabbitagawa again.

Rabbit Chuan introduced: "This is the person arranged by the family to take care of me, and it can also be regarded as my detective assistant, Mr. Zhufu Jingguang.

"Hello." Zhufu Jingguang smiled shyly, "It's causing you trouble."

"Hello." Kujo Shotaro saluted back and said to Rabbawa, "Please get in the car, Kudo-san." With you, our tours are complete. The

driver opened the rear door, lowered the straight ladder, and Zhufu Jingguang directly pushed Rabbit Chuan, who was in a wheelchair, to get into the car through the back door.

Zhufu Jingguang put Rabbit Chuan in the first row of the back half near the rear door, folded the wheelchair and fixed it to the side, and finally sat next to Rabbit Chuan's aisle.

During the whole process, Rabbit Chuan did not move his legs.

That's right, it's all acting.

From the moment he got on the bus in Tokyo, Rabbit Chuan discussed the good character with Zhufu Keiguang, who in the eyes of these people were high school detectives with reduced mobility and his young detective assistants.

After getting into the car, Rabbit Chuan's gaze swept over everyone in the car.

Well? Why didn't you see Kazuichi Kaneda and Miyuki Nanase?

Did you say....

Rabbit Chuan looked at the invitation in his hand.

Did Kudo replace Kazuichi Kaneda, who was supposed to appear?

Or was it because Kinda Kazuichi could not appear, so this letter was sent to Kudo Shinichi under the influence of some consciousness?

The door closed, and the tour guide Shotaro Kujo stood at the front of the car and said, "Then, since everyone has arrived, we will leave for the Lake of Sorrow Resort now." I am the tour guide of this tour of Lake of Sorrow, and I am Kujo Shotaro of Kangetsu Travel Agency, so please take care of you.

To applause, the car drove off the platform.

Rabbit River looked out the window at the scenery that kept going away.

The girl sitting in the front row turned around and said, "Hey, you're Shinichi Kudo, a high school detective?" "

The girl has a ball head, butterfly earrings, and a plaid skirt, and her personality is very lively.

"I'm Sayuri Kasai and a sophomore in high school, it's great to meet my peers! I thought it was all uncles who worried me badly! Hearing

Sayuri Hexi's words, the man next to him who looked very anxious and a little lewd couldn't help but speak: "Hey, hey, you can't say it's all uncles!" My name is Soichi Kurata, I am only 20 years old this year, and I am still a college student.

Sayuri Kasai said in disgust, "I don't want you!" Then

she ran to the seat behind Rabbit Chuan and sat down.

Kurata snorted and said unwillingly: "Cut, what's so good about this stinking detective imp."

"It's much better than you no matter how you look at it!" Sayuri Kasai smiled at Zhufu Jingguang beside Rabbit, "Did you say so, Mr. Zhufu."

Rabbit Chuan smiled and snorted in his heart, it turned out that he saw Zhufu Jingguang.

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