The next day, Kudo House.

"Miss Yami is saying that you met your own doppelganger, and then she knocked you out and snatched another 1 billion from your bank, and finally the 1 billion was absconded by someone?!"

Tuchuan picked up the newspaper, and the headline on the front page was "The whereabouts of the prisoner who stole 1 billion yuan are unknown, and the police are fully wanted", and the accompanying photo is the wanted warrant of three robbers wearing black hoods.

"Yes, Mr. Rabbitikawa I don't know how to be good right now."

Akemi Miyano sat opposite Rabbit River, her head bowed, and there was a faint sound of sobs.

Rabbit Chuan feels as if he is in another world, this process is too hasty!

The whole incident became full of grooves through Akemi Miyano's telling, whose pot is this?

Well, his own.

"Miss Masami, do you know how the doppelganger was born?"

"Huh?" Akemi Miyano looked up.

Rabbit Chuan took out an empty teacup and placed it on the table, and next to the cup stood a mirror, and an identical empty teacup was reflected in the mirror.

"A doppelganger is an individual who appears out of thin air in the real world, looks exactly like the body, and can be seen by people."

Then Rabbit Chuan snapped his fingers, pulled the mirror back, and slowly the teacup in the mirror appeared in reality out of thin air.

"The doppelganger is generated by the powerful grievances of the body, such as when Miss Masami has to make a choice, the constant struggle in her heart generates resentment, and a new self is born in these grievances."

Rabbit Chuan picked up the teapot on the table and poured the same tea into two cups.

"When the doppelganger was born, it shared a common memory with the entity. But after appearing in the real world, it will have its own memories, and the new memories will not be shared with the ontology, and likewise the ontology will not share the memories generated after this to the doppelganger.

Rabbit Chuan swapped the two cups repeatedly, and Akemi Miyano was dazzled.

"In the eyes of outsiders, they are like twins, others cannot tell the difference between ontology and doppelgängers, and even some doppelgangers mistake themselves for the real ontology."

Rabbit Chuan pushed both teacups towards Akemi Miyano at the same time.

"Miss Masami, can you tell the difference between these two teacups now?"

Akemi Miyano asked suspiciously, "What does this mean?"

Rabbit Chuan casually picked up one of the teacups and said, "I just want to say, don't think too badly of the doppelganger, it is another you in the world, you have the same memory, the same thoughts, the same soul, and even the same person."

"But it is written in literary books that doppelgangers are the evil side of their own moral decay." Akemi Miyano was a little dizzy when she heard it.

"Literature is all fiction!" Rabbitikawa said categorically, "The doppelganger was originally born of solitude and is a spiritual solace for discovering the same kind.

Akemi Miyano picked up another teacup and thought thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Akemi Miyano probably understood why the doppelganger was born and why he would complete the task instead of her.

Although Akemi Miyano is a member of the organization, unlike her younger sister, who inherited her parents' research, Akemi Miyano has always lived an ordinary life and has never taken over the tasks of the organization before this.

For the organization, Akemi Miyano is not like the organization's own person, she is more like a hostage.

It is probably the resistance and anxiety in her heart to the organizational task that will give birth to the doppelganger.

Akemi Miyano smiled and said, "Mr. Rabbit River knows a lot!"

Rabbit Chuan replied: "Because I was the president of the Paranormal Detective Agency in my country, I have studied these strange stories very well, and I have published a book, which is this one." "

Akemi Miyano took the book in Rabbitchuan's hand, and the title of the book was "Detailed Explanation of the Seven Incredible Strange Talks of the Emperor Dan".

She turned the first page, which is the eight of the seven incredible?

Isn't it seven incredible, why are there eight?

Eight of the seven incredible things, those who know all seven incredible and strange talks, will be devoured by the strange talk and become people on the other side.

Instantly felt that the book could not be turned over, Miyano Akemi is not a person who loves to die, so she chose to ask directly.

"Is there also a bizarre story about doppelgangers in this book?"

Rabbit Chuan shook his head and said, "No, what does Miss Yami want to do next?"

Akemi Miyano closed the book and said in a depressed mood: "I don't know what to do, but I must get that money back!"

Rabbit Chuan suggested, "If we want to recover 1 billion cash, we need more clues, such as finding out about the situation with that Miss Masami Hirota."

Akemi Miyano thought about it and thought that this was indeed a method.

"But how are we going to find her?"

Rabbit Chuan analyzed: "The doppelganger and the body cannot be too far apart, and the maximum range of survival is 1.5 kilometers, and if it exceeds the distance, it will disappear.

"Assuming you think the same way, then she will probably also find a detective to solve the problem, 1.5 kilometers from the detective agency here... Probably it can only be there..."

Rabbit Chuan got up and dressed, and saluted Akami Miyano.

"Miss Masami, I wonder if you have the honor to drink a cup of coffee?"

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