"Of course there's no problem, today was originally to celebrate you, Brother Jintian. "

Nobuo Iwama nodded with a smile as if he wasn't going to be angry.

Keizo Kaneda naturally climbed up the pole, turned his head and ordered food with Kyoko Anzai.

"That's it, please give us three servings of puffer fish caviar. "

"Okay, right away!"

Anzai Kyoko nodded and left, if someone wants to be the wrongdoer, how can he refuse?

"Alright, let's go to the room. "

Nobuo Iwama smiled and walked with Ryuichi Arai and Keizo Kaneda towards the private room upstairs...


"Hmm...... Who's that guy down there, Kaneda? That sounds annoying!"

Mori Kogoro glanced down with his eyes open, and felt that the tone of the arrogant guy just now sounded very 29 untidy!

"This kind of person generally has a lot of enemies, and it should be quite dangerous in normal times. "

Ye Fei blinked his eyes and said somewhat casually.

"Teacher Ye, you're not going to say anything like a life case again, are you?"

Conan couldn't help but show his half-moon eyes and asked rhetorically with some uncertainty.

After all....... I've been in a similar situation several times, and the most important thing is that-

It seems that Ye Fei has been right every time.

Thinking so, Conan couldn't help but stare and glance down.

Soon, however, Conan took his gaze back.

What are you kidding?!It's all a coincidence!

There can be no such thing as a person who dies if there is a contradiction.

Otherwise, how many people will you get?

Hypnotizing himself like this, Conan's thoughts quickly calmed down.......

"Hmm....... Seriously, it's very likely!"

Ye Fei couldn't help touching his chin, looked at Conan with a smile and asked rhetorically.

"How's that, Conan, do you want to make a bet?"

"Teacher Ye, you are such a teacher, what do you say about betting or not. "

Conan rolled his eyes directly and said in a rather helpless tone.

No matter whether Conan believes Ye Fei's words or not, it's impossible to bet on this kind of thing, okay?

I'm not the gambler of Maori Kogoro!

No—Mori Kogoro wouldn't bet on such a thing!

"I think someone should have some weird Grim Reaper constitution or something. "

"After all, it feels like there's nothing good going on every time I see you, there's always a murder or something. "

Gray Yuan Ai bowed his head slightly and took a bite of food, hiding the emotion in his eyes.

Brandy lets himself test a temporary antidote with Conan.......

Although I was going to find a chance to try it, I always felt that it was not a good thing to give the antidote to Conan.

Gray Yuan Wai just doesn't have to think about it, he can know if Conan really recovers-

No matter how long it takes to recover, there will definitely be something that will happen!

For example, if there is a murder, the so-called "Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era" may appear in the newspaper again.

Even brandy doesn't seem to have the idea of stabbing the side effects of APTX4869 into the organization right now.

But what if....... What if someone else in the group finds out?

This made Gray Yuan's mind a little chaotic, and he kept thinking about what to do.

"I'm really sorry that I didn't bring disaster to the school. "

Conan glared directly at Gray Yuan Ai and said angrily.

Although because of the difference in thinking styles, Conan's relationship with Gray Hara is not very good.

But...... Conan didn't expect Gray Yuan to mourn a scientist, why would he believe Ye Fei's outrageous words? (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Conan, you don't dream of blowing up schools or something, do you?"

Ye Fei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and looked at Conan teasingly and quipped.

Speaking of which....... Conan didn't blow up the school, but he hit the school in a helicopter!

It can only be said - worthy of the Grim Reaper schoolboy.

"Teacher Ye, don't make fun of me, okay?"

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro suddenly glanced in the direction of the door with some surprise.

couldn't help but say: "The three people of 960 just now happened to be in the room next to us." "

"It's just a coincidence. Conan said nonchalantly.


When the meal was almost finished, a hurried voice suddenly came from the next room.

"Hmm, where have I gone, why can't I find my contact lenses?"

"Ah, that's terrible. "

"Here, just find it!"

Listening to this movement, Ye Fei and the others heard it at once.

The one who made the sound was probably the professor who was downstairs before, who was in charge of entertaining. []

Just when Mori Kogoro couldn't help but look out with some curiosity.

I just happened to see the sound of the window closing next door, and the force was quite strong.


"What the hell is going on with this professor? Why doesn't he look stable at all!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning, almost startled by the sound just now.

"Dad, leave no one else. "

Maori Lan glanced at Maori Kogoro a little helplessly.

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