"Conan, what are you talking about?"

Mao Lilan glanced at Conan a little strangely, and subconsciously wrote.

"I ...... I'll just say it haha. "

Conan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and the anger in his heart suddenly dissipated.

You can't tell Mao Lilan directly, Ye Fei thinks he is a god of death, right?

Conan couldn't help but glared at Ye Fei secretly, blaming Ye Fei....

But....... Ye Fei didn't feel that there was a problem with his words at all.

even raised his eyebrows with a smile and said a little casually.

"Actually, it's my problem, I just told Conan—"

"Eighty-three-three" feels like every time he encounters Conan, he can encounter a murder. "

"Coupled with the other two customers who came in from the dessert shop just now, there seems to be a contradiction. "

"In this case, it always feels like something bad is going to happen. "

After speaking, Ye Fei also deliberately glanced in the direction of the person who only had one table left for the time being.

Suddenly, Moriran and Suzuki Sonoko felt their surroundings cold.

Gray Yuan Ai also glanced at Conan with a rather strange expression.

Though....... As a scientist, Wai believes in science.

But I have to say that there is nothing wrong with Ye Fei's words.

At least from Gray Plains' point of view, every time I run into Conan-

It's true that there are always homicides or attacks and things like that......

"It should be a coincidence, haha. "

Mao Lilan couldn't help but snort, and said with some uncertainty.

"No, now that I think about it, this little imp is indeed very prone to murder. "

Sonoko Suzuki glanced at Conan with a narrow eye and said thoughtfully.

"And—Xiaolan, I remember that Uncle Maori seems to have been in the newspapers a lot because of the murder during this time, right?"

"Do these detectives have any attributes such as the Grim Reaper, how can they encounter murders every once in a while. "

"This ......." Maolilan was inevitably a little embarrassed.

But if you think about it, you can't think about it.

"Xiaolan, by the way, every time Mr. Maori solves a case, is Conan there?"

Ye Fei blinked his eyes and asked casually.

"That's what you say....... Seems to be true!"

Mao Lilan nodded thoughtfully, looking at Conan's eyes and couldn't help but change.

"That's a case calling for a detective!" Conan said through gritted teeth.

"Conan is a little detective. Ye Fei's smile was meaningful.

Just when Conan was almost sweating profusely when Ye Fei said it, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly covered his stomach.

"Oops!" Sonoko Suzuki quickly got up and walked towards the restroom.

"I shouldn't have eaten ice cream just now, and my stomach suddenly felt so uncomfortable. "

"Sister Yuanzi, there seems to be someone in the bathroom!"

Thinking of what happened just now, Conan couldn't help but hurriedly remind.

Suzuki Sonoko subconsciously raised her hand and did not put it down, but knocked on the door of the bathroom.

"Is there anyone in there?"

However, no one in the bathroom seemed to respond.

And the door of the bathroom seems to have been locked from the inside.

"Something must have happened to the people in there, right?"

Ye Fei couldn't help but squint his eyes and said with some concern.

"Probably not......" Mao Lilan was also a little worried.

Fortunately, soon the door to the bathroom was opened. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kazuo Ohara walked out of the bathroom unhurriedly, as if he hadn't seen Suzuki Sonoko-

Walked straight to his seat........

Seeing the other party sucking his index finger with his mouth, Ye Fei subconsciously frowned.

Well...... When you come out of the toilet, you suck your fingers.......

What exactly is this?

Probably affected by Ye Fei's words, Conan also looked at Kazuo Ohara, who had returned to his seat, with some curiosity.

Regarding what Ye Fei said, the murderous aura in Kazuo Ohara's eyes or something, Conan didn't see it.

It's just that it can be seen that this Kazuo Ohara has always used his left hand before going to the toilet.

As a result, after this time it came out, it was suddenly changed to a right hand.

After all, there are not many people who can use two hands at the same time.......

When Sonoko Suzuki came out of the bathroom, she happened to pass by a bus that was clearly retouched outside the window.

I couldn't help but stop by the window and look at it a few times, and said thoughtfully.

"There is just a bus passing by, but I feel that the bus here is completely different from the 5.7 in the city!"

"Indeed, it feels like this bus is much cuter than in the city!"

Mao Lilan nodded, and when he turned his head, he just saw the figure of the bus leaving. []

"Probably for sightseeing, after all, it's the airport nearby. "

Ye Fei smiled and guessed simply.


"I think I lost the lighter, I'll go back and look for it. "

Kazuo Ohara took a cigarette out of his pocket and put it in his mouth.

He raised his hand and touched his pocket several times, but he didn't find his lighter.

I can only get up, and the moment I turn around, I turn around.

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