[Gin: A guy who is about to get a code name, and he has what the organization wants. 】

When I saw this message, I happened to run into a red light.

Ye Fei couldn't help but tap his fingers on the steering wheel, his eyes narrowed slightly.

A newcomer who doesn't even have a code name?

What should this possession be? It is worth the danger that Gin had!

I have to say that Ye Fei is indeed interested.

But instead of continuing to send a message to Gin, he directly sped up the car.

"Gin, I'll be around in about three minutes to report the location. "

Ye Fei connected to the communication channel of Gin and the others, and said bluntly.

I have to say that the fighting over there is quite fierce.

As soon as Ye Fei saw the outline of the No. 3 warehouse, he had already heard the obvious gunshots.

In this case, Ye Fei directly let the destruction invade all the surrounding surveillance.

Gin's reply followed.

"Near the warehouse, a lot, you 26 choose your own sniper point to cover the newcomers. "

Ye Fei didn't bother, and directly parked the car in a nearby alley.

Immediately after, he took out a piano case and walked towards an unfinished building not far away.

While going upstairs, he began to assemble the gun very skillfully.

As for the piano case, it was thrown into the system space.

Actually, as someone who likes the three holes of the cunning rabbit.

Ye Fei is system space alone, there are a lot of weapons!

This includes the leftover bombs from playing at the lighthouse....

"The police will arrive within ten minutes, allowing three minutes to evacuate—"

"Give the newcomer five minutes, you can't break through in five minutes, just wait for death!"

When the words fell, Ye Fei was already half-squatting on his sniper point.

Over here....... It's a full kilometer away from the direction of the warehouse!

But the vision is very good, coupled with Ye Fei's own perverted eyesight.

Even if he looked at it with the naked eye, Ye Fei could easily find the target.

I have to say, that newcomer has something on him.

Near the entire warehouse, as far as Ye Fei could see, there were about a dozen people.


Ye Fei couldn't help but hook the corners of his mouth and fired his first shot.


"Five minutes is enough, I'm in the warehouse now, against the wall. "

"I need you to tear a hole open for me. "

Hearing this voice, Ye Fei's hand that pulled the trigger did not pause in the slightest.


But I thought about it quickly.......

This voice has never been heard, nor is it a voice changer or a disguised voice.


"Newcomer?" Ye Fei said meaninglessly.

The newcomer's voice was a little cold, but it was not the same as Gin's coldness full of murderous intent.

The newcomer was like a robot with no feelings.

Ye Fei commented in his heart.

"Huh, brandy?"

Ye Fei's fingers tapped on the gun.

When the muzzle of the gun was turned, the appearance of the newcomer had already appeared in Ye Fei's field of vision. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Well...... Nothing special, just a pure, obvious oriental face.

As for the appearance, it is above average?

It's not recognizable, and there's no trace of intolerance.

"Gin, next time, don't just say my code name in front of the people who are staying at the door of the ghost gate. "

Ye Fei chuckled and said meaninglessly.


Two shots fell in quick succession near the newcomer, tearing a hole in the newcomer's neighborhood.

As for Ye Fei's words, neither Gin nor the newcomer gave any reply.

Under the sniper level of Gin and Ye Fei's perverts, let alone tearing a gap-

It only took three minutes for the nearby enemies in the warehouse to be completely emptied.

"Close!" Gin said bluntly.

As for Ye Fei, he had already put away his gun and walked down.

However, Ye Fei didn't go looking for his car.

Instead, he walked directly to the Porsche of Gin, which he had observed earlier.......


The sound of the car door being pulled open made the body of Vodka, who had already sat in the driver's seat, tremble.

Subconsciously turned his head to look at Ye 260 Fei, and said unconsciously with a little trembling.

"Brandy, why are you here?"

"Come to support!" Ye Fei said as a matter of course.

"Uh....... Where's your own car?"

Vodka couldn't help but swallow his saliva and asked cautiously.

"Thrown. Ye Fei opened his mouth and came.

Immediately, Ye Fei's body suddenly leaned forward, and his arm climbed in the direction of the co-pilot.

Looking sideways at vodka, he said with a grin.

"Vodka, aren't you going to drive to pick up Gin and the newcomer?"

"In a few minutes, the police are coming!"

Vodka was stunned by Ye Fei's voice, and subconsciously stepped on the accelerator.

As for Ye Fei, he had already been prepared, and his hands had already been held steadily.

I was even in the mood to watch the vodka and tease.

"Vodka, you can't do it with this mentality, it's a shame that we haven't fallen into the encirclement yet!"

The corners of Vodka's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help wailing in his heart.

Who is it because I was scared like this!.

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