Ye Fei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and immediately thought of what the jewelry was this time.

The dark stars of the Suzuki Foundation are considered heirlooms of the Suzuki family!

[When the moon separates the two, I will hear the name of the dark star.] 】

[With the invitation of the waves, go and receive him!]

At the bottom of the teaser letter, there is also an exclusive payment for Kidd, a monster thief.

It's Kidd the Thief's signature, and a version of Kidd the Thief's avatar!

In a sense, Kidd's version of the Monster Thief is also an anti-counterfeiting logo...

"Why is this letter broken like this, was it torn apart?"

Ye Fei put the advance letter back on the table and subconsciously asked.

Well...... Not to mention the obviously untidy edges and corners, which is the middle of the notice letter-

There are obvious traces of shattering.

However, the quality of the glue used by the repairer is estimated to be quite good.

If you touch it with your hands, it is difficult to find traces of repair.

"Yes, it's Sister Yuanzi's father!"

Conan shrugged his shoulders slightly, and explained slightly casually.

"I heard that when he received this letter, he was quite angry and tore it up. "

"This letter is like this now, and it was glued by Sister Yuanzi afterwards. "

"April 1st? -- two days later!"

Gray Yuan Ai glanced at the time above and said thoughtfully.

"Is it the date when the strange thief Kidd made his move?" Ye Fei said subconsciously.

As if thinking of something, the corners of Ye Fei's mouth couldn't help but hook.

April Fool's Day.......

In fact, Ye Fei was quite curious, whether the strange thief Kidd really wanted to play a trick on April Fool's Day.

Or - if it hadn't been for Shiro Suzuki putting things away in advance, Kidd would have taken advantage of the situation!

"I guess so. Conan nodded.

"But this date....... It's kind of interesting!"

Ye Fei's gaze swept over the notice letter and said meaningfully.

April 1st April Fool's Day!

"What's the matter, Mr. Ye, do you understand the meaning of this code?"

Conan didn't see Ye Fei's deep meaning, but his eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask.

Although Ye Fei is not a detective, he is still quite smart.

"Not really. Ye Fei spread his hands and did not remind Conan of the meaning of April Fool's Day.

Anyway, it will be Conan who will run for nothing at that time, and it has nothing to do with Ye Fei!

The most important thing is -

Even knowing it's April Fool's Day might just be a joke.

Conan will also go, after all, the detective will not let go of any possibility!

"Teacher Ye, are you interested in playing that day? Sister Yuanzi should invite you. "

Conan wasn't disappointed, but just asked in passing.

"No, I had something to do on April Fool's Day. "

Ye Fei shook his head without the slightest hesitation.

Let's not say that the strange thief Kidd didn't officially steal this time, but the time point on the notice letter-

It is also destined that Ye Fei is not interested in going.

In the middle of the night, after half past twelve.......

I also have to run to the rooftop to blow the cold wind, which is really idle!

"So, you'd better go play by yourself. "

"Anyway, we've seen Kidd the Strange Thief before, haven't we?" (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes....... But Mr. Ye, are you not interested in what the monster thief Kidd really looks like?"

Conan couldn't help but touch his head and asked a little strangely.

"Not very interested, and-"

"If I'm not mistaken, Kidd the Thief on April 1 probably won't do it. "

Ye Fei touched Conan's head and helped Dr. Asa put the dinner into the tableware.

"I can't. Conan frowned subconsciously.

"Judging from Kidd's previous information, once the notice letter is sent. "

"It's impossible not to do it!"

Although Conan had never fought the monster thief Kidd head-on before, he also asked Dr. Asa to help him check a lot of information.

It is clear that none of Kidd's invitations to the Monster Thief are superfluous!

"Yes? maybe. "

Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders slightly, and didn't explain much.

"Still, I don't think Kidd the Thief will be caught that day, either way. "

"What! Kidd the Thief is just a thief......."

Conan couldn't help but stand up and complained with some dissatisfaction. []

"Whether it's the police or I'm going to catch that thief!"

"Really, Conan is a great little detective!"

"I'm so confident in catching Kidd the Monster Thief. "

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and glanced at Conan meaningfully.

What I was thinking about was the scene where Conan and the monster thief Kidd fell in love and killed each other.......

The two of them looked like their destined opponents at first, but actually—

In the back, the two can be called each other's sea!

Even, Kidd the Monster Thief often helps Conan cover or something.......

I have to say that this made Ye Fei think deeply.

As a bottle of real wine that is not real, but it is definitely not popular, Ye Fei is not interested in letting the strange thief Kidd still have such a good relationship with Conan.

In that case, it is better to ....... Kidd's reputation as a monster thief!

ps: The Kidd people are very good, but they are weirdly red.

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