Ye Fei knew what Belmode wanted to say, but he wouldn't bring it up.

Instead, he blinked and gave Belmode a "sincere" look.

"Look, you're pretty good at talking to Black Death. "

"Get out!" Belmode directly threw Ye Fei's mobile phone back.

It seems to be annoyed and angry, but in fact-

Ye Fei's mobile phone landed firmly on Ye Fei's lap, and he didn't suffer the slightest damage!

Coincidentally, just at this time, Ye Fei's mobile phone lit up.

[Hiroki Sawada: Brother, I'm going to go to Sakura Country in three days, is it okay?]

Hmm?Ye Fei raised his eyebrows.

I subconsciously glanced at the system time, and corresponded to the time of the Thomas Group's press conference in my mind.

There is still a month to go.....

Probably afraid that Ye Fei would not agree, Sawada Hiroki then came with another message.

[Hiroki Sawada: Brother, I want to go to Sakura Country for an extra 240 months, is it okay to follow you?]

Hiroki Sawada, who was holding his mobile phone, couldn't help but grit his teeth, looking a little nervous.

For the cherry blossom country that brought him depression, Hiroki Sawada actually has no good impression at all!

I never thought it would be a time to go back again.

However, this time is different.

Ye Fei, who brought new life to Hiroki Sawada, stayed in the country of cherry blossoms.

Although Sawada Hiroki doesn't know what Ye Fei is doing in the cherry blossom country, he can also guess-

Ye Fei will probably stay for a long time, mainly in the Cherry Blossom Country.......

This made Hiroki Sawada's mood somewhat depressed and nervous.

Plus what will happen in a month.

Hiroki Sawada couldn't help but want to ask to see if he could go over early.

[Ye Fei: Yes, let 007 help you arrange the plane, and the school will directly ask for a long vacation. 】

If you want to play, I'll wait until it's over. 】

Ye Fei knocked his fingers on the steering wheel, looking at the distant gaze with a little smile.

Hiroki Sawada is actually a good helper, but there are some places where you can't use it.

But if Hiroki Sawada wants to come to Sakura Country for a while, it's fine.

Anyway, there is a gray plain mourning ....... at home

Although it is said that Ash Yuan Ai is a tomboy, his actual age is several years older than Hiroki Sawada.

But both of them are geniuses, so they don't have to worry about getting bored or anything when the time comes.

[Hiroki Sawada: Thank you, brother!]

"What are you talking about, I see you're in a good mood?"

Belmode raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ye Fei, and asked with a smile.

When Ye Fei replied to Hiroki Sawada, he didn't need Belmode's help.......

"The mood is really good, there is a child who is going to stay for a while. "

Ye Fei glanced sideways at Belmode and said with a smile.


Belmode tilted his head to look out the window, but didn't say anything more.

It didn't take long for Ye Fei and Belmode to change their disguises and come outside the research institute.

As always, the brightly dressed Black Death Wine was waiting at the door.

After seeing Ye Fei.

Black Death Wine directly ignored Belmode next to him and gave Ye Fei a big hug.

"Stinky brother, do you miss your sister?"

Black Death Wine exhaled in Ye Fei's ear, and asked in a bewitching voice.

Black Death Wine didn't deliberately lower his voice when he said this. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At least for Belmode, who was standing not far away, it was a clear sound.

Belmode rolled her eyes, but couldn't make any additional moves.

"Of course I think about it, I can't sleep every day. "

Ye Fei blinked, his face was not red, and his heart was not beating.

Belmode couldn't help but roll his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

took a step back directly and raised his hand against Ye Fei's upper body.

The tone unconsciously said with a bit of resentment.

"Really? Then why didn't I see dark circles under your eyes? "

After speaking, Black Death Wine also used his index finger to draw a few circles under Ye Fei's eyes.

The force is very light, as if it has been slashed by a feather.......

"It has to be because my skin is good. "

Ye Fei hooked the corners of the black death wine's mouth, lowered his head and kissed it.

Because of the location, one touch is the difference.

"Really? It seems that Belmode didn't appease you, and it actually kept you awake. "

Black Death Wine leaned himself into Ye Fei's arms very naturally, and looked at Belmode with a smile in his eyes. []

"Black Death Wine, please change places to complain. "

Belmode rolled her eyes directly and said angrily.

"Sister, how can you say that about me? I'm so sad!"

Black Death Wine suddenly blinked his eyes and said with a white lotus face.

This sister's shout made Belmode's face distort slightly, after all-

Belmode is about twice as old as Black Death, hiss!

The next second, when neither of them reacted.

Ye Fei suddenly took two steps in the direction of Belmode with the black death wine, and wrapped his big hand-

Belmode was like Black Death Wine, leaning on Ye Fei's arms one left and one right.......

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Belmode only symbolically struggled for a moment and gave up.

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