By the time Ye Fei and the three girls had eaten almost enough, the ducks on that table were almost ready.

Just as Kogoro Mori was about to enjoy his meal, an accident happened at the table....


Isokaizo, who couldn't wait to eat a bite of duck meat, suddenly stood up with a painful face, and howled twice without making a sound.

He pinched his collar and fell in the direction of the tabletop......

Looking at the hideous look of the other party, Mori Kogoro and Conan were very skillful and stepped forward to check it.

"The person has passed away, Xiaolan, call the police!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Mori Lan with a serious expression.

"Okay!" Mao Lilan nodded subconsciously.

"Was he poisoned and died?" Ye Fei blinked his eyes 21 times and blurted out.

OK....... I've already eaten it here, and this death time card is good!

"Well, how do you know?" asked Shiro Kawabata, frowning.

Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders slightly, as if he was accustomed to it.

"Get used to it, how did I feel about the last time we went out to dinner-"

"I've been in a similar situation. "

When he said this, Ye Fei turned his head to look at Sakurai Nuo and said.

"Yes, and Mr. Maori was there at the time. "

Sakurai Nuo squinted his eyes and glanced at Ye Fei, this guy ....... I expected it a long time ago!

But-could it be that the experimental subject is really the same as Ye Fei said, what strange "Death" physique there is?

Although Sakurai Nuo is quite materialistic, he has encountered it several times in succession.

It's hard not to suspect that there's something strange about that subject.

It's no wonder that he became a test subject because of A!


The speed of the police is still quite fast.

However, this time it was not the old acquaintance Officer Mudui who came, but a flat-headed cross-ditch reenlightenment!

"The deceased's name is Isokaizo, 46 years old, and he is a film director. "

"The cause of death was suffocation due to potassium cyanate poisoning. "

The forensics department quickly conducted a preliminary survey of the scene and briefly reported the results.

"Really...... Lately it's either potassium cyanate or arsenic, or caustic soda—"

"Where did the latest gangsters get so much poison? "

Yokogou Shigego glanced at the deceased with disgust, feeling that the recent murders were simply more and more and more troublesome!

Ye Fei, who was not far away, couldn't help but nod slightly, cyanide, fishing line, eight eggs.......

These things are simply going to become the standard for everyone in the Kexue world!

I heard that in the world of Kexue, in addition to those who do white things, they are the most profitable.

It's the most profitable thing to sell these prohibited items.

No, fishing line doesn't seem to be a contraband.

Of course, it's also very profitable!

"Did you eat anything before this deceased died?"

"It's Kyoto roast duck. The forensic officer pointed directly to the roast duck that had not been touched much.

By the way, he added the result of his inquiry just now.

"According to the waiter who served the food, Isokai hid after putting something in his mouth—"

"I grabbed my neck for the first time, showing a painful expression......"

"Heh! Take the roast duck in Beijing as the last dinner, it's really luxurious!"

Yokogou couldn't help but roll his eyes, deeply expressing his jealousy of the rich.

Merely....... What is that?

"How can there be a copy there....... Duck shelf?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Yokozo Shigego raised his finger and pointed to the roast duck on the other food truck, which had been almost eaten.

couldn't help complaining: "Are these people eating the second roast duck?"

"No, Mr. Officer. Ye Fei couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Kindly explained: "Actually, this roast duck was eaten by several of us. "

"Of course, strictly speaking, it was also the deceased's treat. "

"It's just that a few of us are sitting at the next table, not with the deceased. "

600 When he said this, Ye Fei also raised his hand and pointed at Mao Lilan, Sakurai Nuo and Judy next to him.

"Really?" Henggou Chongwu couldn't help but glance Ye Fei up and down thoughtfully.

"What is your relationship with the deceased, and if you are together, why don't you sit down and eat together?"

Ye Fei briefly explained the relationship between the two parties, and then added as a matter of course.

"If you sit together, it's crowded, so it's split into two tables. "

"Oh!" nodded Yokozo Shigego.

I couldn't help but complain in my heart: It's good luck, sit at a table with three girls to eat!

It was just at this time that the forensic personnel had a new result.

"But in fact, we didn't detect a toxic reaction on the roast duck in Kyoto. "[]

"And we also searched the waiter, and we didn't find any poison. "

"Therefore, the deceased probably got deadly poison on his hands in other places before grabbing the roast duck in Beijing. "。

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