Mao Lilan couldn't help but glance at the crack on the wall that seemed to have just appeared.

couldn't help but glance at Ye Fei quietly, Ye Fei shouldn't have noticed the problem, right?

"yes. The enthusiastic Judy cut straight into the topic.

"I heard Ye Fei say that the dishes here are good, so we came together. "

"What's wrong with you?" Sakurai Nuo was still thinking about the conflict just now.

"Actually, it's nothing, but this restaurant seems to have a bit of a problem, and the meal coupons don't seem to be used. "

Mao Lilan touched his head a little embarrassed, and frowned and glanced at the store manager next to him.

"Huh?" Ye Fei was a little puzzled.

"No, in fact, you can take a look at the line of words under this meal coupon~-"

The store manager finally found an opportunity, and hurriedly raised his finger and pointed to the meal coupon in Maolilan's hand.

"Ah, Sister Xiaolan, there is indeed a line of small words on it. "

Conan subconsciously took the meal coupon in Maolilan's hand and glanced at it, and soon found the problem.

"It's only available on Sundays and holidays, but it's too small. "

Although it is said that the precautions are written in several lines -

But the position occupied by these few lines is not even half of the position occupied by the two big words!

Ye Fei's eyes couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

This thing...... It's exactly the same as the "specific amount is subject to the actual amount" under some money-making mini-games before Ye Fei crossed over!

"Really. Mao Lilan couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

It's really not a holiday, it's just that you don't have to go to class....

"Oh, we should check the situation before we go out!"

Maori Kogoro couldn't help frowning and said with some dissatisfaction.

After all, the prices of Sakura Kuni's restaurants are still quite expensive.

If it weren't for the meal voucher – Mori Kogoro wouldn't have come to eat easily!

For Maori Kogoro, it is better to use this money to bet on horses!

"That'...... Do you want to continue to eat here?" the waiter said, "Nice," he asked, looking at Mori Kogoro.

Obviously, they really want to give up on these customers.

"We ......"

Before Mori Kogoro could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice that suddenly appeared.

"This gentleman, if you don't dislike it—"

"Why don't you come and dine with us?"

Isokai Kura poked his head out directly from behind Mori Kogoro and proposed with a smile.

"Of course, we'll be the ones to treat. "

"And since you all know each other, why don't you come together. "

Although the words were said to Maori Kogoro, Isokaizo's eyes were more on Maori Lan, Sakurai Nuo and Judy.

After all, the appearance of these three girls is quite high!

It's a pity that Judy is a foreigner and her features are too obvious......

And in the film that Isok Haizang is going to make recently, there are no foreigner characters at all!

Ye Fei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and glanced at the visitor, a little familiar.......

But if it was just a face, Ye Fei didn't think of it at the first time.

The only thing that is certain is that since this man dares to invite the Grim Reaper to dine with him-

Then, this person and this person's companions will face the "curse of death!"

"Uh...... This, of course!"

Mori Kogoro only hesitated for a moment, and then couldn't help but nod his head again and again.

Although people like this who suddenly invite strangers to dinner are most likely for some purpose.

Ask for flowers

But after Maori Kogoro glanced at Maori Lan and Ye Fei, he didn't have any worries at all. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, your own combat power is here, so you don't have to worry about it at all!

"That's great, my companions are over there. "

"If we eat together, it's going to be lively!"

Isokai turned around and pointed to the table not far away, and added with a smile.

And a few friends from Ji Haizang also seemed to be very interested in Ye Fei and the others, and their eyes fell like an inquiry.

After seeing the appearance of those people, Ye Fei immediately squinted.

Well...... I guess I remembered.

"We don't need it. Ye Fei glanced meaningfully at Ji Haizang.

Although Ye Fei likes white prostitution, it also depends on what he is facing.

Although, most of the poisons in the world of Kexue will only be directed at murderers.

However, Ye Fei was not interested in letting himself go with Sakurai Nuo to eat a meal that might contain poison.

"But ......."

Ji Haizang was about to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Fei.

"And the table size in this restaurant can accommodate up to eight people—"

"If we were together, it would have been crowded, and the dining experience would have been average. "

"It's better for Xiaolan and Mr. Maori and Conan to join you, and I will give Nuo and Judy a word. "

"I'm sitting next to you. "

"That way, it's not too crowded, and it doesn't affect the dining experience. "

Ye Fei directly smiled and pointed to the table next to those people.

I have to say that the layout of this restaurant is still good.

The store manager himself is a flower planter, and the layout of the store -

It also looks more like the style of the flower planter, which makes Ye Fei feel quite comfortable.

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