"Yes, the seafood on Mermaid Island is fresh and delicious, and it is very popular!"

Sachiko Katsuragi also nodded with a smile and agreed.

Obviously, although unfortunately there was an earthquake today,

Sachiko Katsuragi and Takazan Tsujimura should have enjoyed good seafood!

In addition, because of the earthquake, Sachiko Katsuragi probably didn't know Regarding the murder of her friend Saori Monkyo and the serial murders on Mermaid Island,

Sachiko Katsuragi was in a happier mood.

However, Kogoro Mouri's face suddenly dropped, and he said with some regret.

"That's it. It's a pity that I didn't enjoy it at all because of the case!"

Originally, it was because of the commission that Hattori Heiji received, and there was no travel guide or anything like that. Coupled with the sudden murder, Mouri Kogoro has been busy solving the case for the past two days.

There is no chance to go there at all. Enjoy the food!

Not to mention this seafood feast......The food for these two days was rice balls and bento boxes18!

"Fortunately, we went to the sea yesterday morning and ate a lot of freshly caught seafood."

"But - the freshly caught seafood is really delicious, and it’s also fun to grill it yourself!"

Mao Lilan smiled happily, and turned her head to look at Ye Fei, Huihara Ai, Yuan Shan and Ye with some excitement.

After all, yesterday, Ye Fei took a few girls to play together!

Not only did I gain a lot while going to the sea, but after I went to the sea, I also borrowed a barbecue grill from a hotel on the coast and had a barbecue on the seaside.

It can be said that the happiness completely offset the pain caused by the murder. Depressing feeling!

"Yeah yeah."Toyama and Ye also nodded happily.

While happily sharing their happiness, they also did not forget to make a sarcastic comment to the detectives.

"Fortunately, Ye Fei knew much better in advance, otherwise, if we only relied on those detectives,——"

"You may have to miss these delicious foods and beautiful scenery!"It's really thanks to Ye Fei's reminder!

"Therefore, if you want to go out and play, you can't bring a creature like the detective with you!"

Ye Fei said with a smile, his eyes specifically passing through Conan and Maori Kogoro.

Hmm........Detectives can solve cases if they like. After all, everyone should have fun and eat!

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but stamp his feet and said angrily.

"what the hell! We were working hard to investigate the case, and you actually went out to play?"

And if it's on the beach,......If you go there, you might be able to see a lot of beauties in bikinis.

It's really - what a pity!

Although Conan didn't regret that he didn't eat seafood, he felt that his identity as a detective had been"slandered."

He couldn't help but look at Ye Fei sadly.

Really.......I don’t tell anyone when I go out to play. Even if I don’t go, I should tell everyone at least!

"Mr. Mori, there is nothing we can do about it. After all,——"

Ye Fei couldn't help but shrugged and joked in a casual tone.

"We are not the police or detectives. Instead of following you to cause trouble, why not go out for a walk?"

"In this case, my trip was not in vain........."

Um......For creatures like detectives, it’s better to just keep doing boring things like solving crimes!

As for myself and the cute girls - of course I want to go out and play happily!

After you finish playing, you can bring it back to kill people and make them feel sad.

"Really, forget it about going out for fun, and you didn’t even think of bringing us some seafood."

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but curled his lips and muttered.

"Mainly because I didn’t expect that we just borrowed tools and grilled food at the beach."

"The uneaten ones were sold directly to the restaurant next door, and I gained a lot!"

Mao Lilan smiled and rolled her eyes, and said as if she didn't care about Mao Li Kogoro's heart being riddled with holes.

"What? You would rather sell it than leave it to us?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Maori Kogoro stared, feeling even more sad.

I originally thought that even if Ye Fei and the others went to catch the sea, the harvest might be just like that.

As a result.........There are actually more than 217 seafood available for sale? How inconsiderate!

"Of course, who told you two to ignore everything when a case comes up?"

Mao Lilan couldn't help but squeeze his fists, and together with Toyama and Ye who looked equally dissatisfied next to him, Haibara Ai could be ignored.

It made Mao Li Kogoro instantly scared.....

"Catch the sea. We never thought we could go to the sea before."

"What a pity, I missed an opportunity for a great harvest!"

Sachiko Katsuragi didn't notice Kogoro Mouri's weird mood, but held her heart with both hands with regret.

"no problem. Tsujimura Takazan waved his hands indifferently and comforted:"After the reconstruction of Mermaid Island is completed, we can do it again.""

"No, if I have a chance next time, I will do it again!"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but stamp his feet, feeling that he would try it next time!

It doesn't matter whether he can catch the sea or not, what matters is the seafood feast!.

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