"I'm fine." Hattori Heiji took a deep breath.

He originally planned to follow Conan up the mountain to find traces of Shimashiro Kimie.

But - feeling the pain coming from his limbs, Hattori Heiji gave up.

"You go quickly and don't worry about me."

Conan couldn't help gritting his teeth, but he didn't hesitate much. Instead, after nodding, he turned around and ran towards the other side of the mountain.....

"Um? Why did Conan run away?"

Ye Fei and the others just happened to come over from a short distance away, and glanced at Conan's leaving figure in surprise.

Just when Mao Lilan was hesitant to pull the people back, Hattori Heiji quickly stopped him and said

"Conan is just going out temporarily, it'll be fine."

"Even if you want to go out, you shouldn’t choose now.——"

Ye Fei glanced at Hattori Heiji with disapproval and said in a deep voice

"Not long after the earthquake, there could be aftershocks on 777 at any time."

"What if Conan gets lost and encounters some danger?"

Toyama Kazuha also looked at Hattori Heiji with disapproval and said in a bad tone.

"Really, since you brought Conan out, why do you let a child run around?"

After saying that, Toyama and Ye glanced at Mao Lilan with some embarrassment.

After all, Conan is also a person who lives in Mao Li Detective Agency.

"It's also Conan's own problem, this kid——"

"He likes to run around all day long and is not afraid of danger."

Mao Lilan frowned, worried and angry.

Looking at the reactions of the two girls, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but feel guilty.

Just now, after thinking that Shimashiro Kimie was probably still on the mountain,

Hattori Heiji and Conan were full of thoughts. I found the poor murderer. I had forgotten all about the earthquake just now!

Now, I was reminded by several people.

Hattori Heiji finally realized how dangerous this thing is.

"No matter what, I'd better go and bring Conan back first."

"In this situation, it is too dangerous to run around."

Ye Fei shook his head slightly and said with a serious look.

He felt guilty. Knowing that Conan went to find Shimadai Kime -

Hattori Heiji naturally couldn't let Ye Fei really go and bring Conan. When I came back, I could only lie quickly.

"No, Conan is actually going to see Mr. Mori to see if there is anything he can do to help."

"Mr. Mori will definitely take good care of Conan, we don't have to worry."

As if to cover up his guilt, Hattori Heiji's tone was urgent.

Mao Lilan and Toyama Kazuye couldn't help but frowned, but they didn't doubt this.

Mainly because.......Conan really likes to hang around Moori Kogoro!

"Ye Fei, there’s no need to chase him anymore."

"There are people who saw it, Mr. Mori, so Edogawa should be fine."

Haihara Ai couldn't help but (bibi) tugged at the hem of Ye Fei's clothes and whispered.

Based on Haihara Ai's understanding of these detectives, of course he knew that Hattori Heiji lied!

But what does this have to do with Haibara Ai?

Conan Love If you wish to die, just wish to die. Anyway, Haihara Ai doesn't want Ye Fei to be in any danger because of Conan........

"Well, Mr. Mori should be able to control that boy Conan."

Ye Fei nodded thoughtfully after a brief pause.

Thinking that Maori Kogoro was not used to Conan at all, Mao Lilan also quite agreed.

This time, the rescue team was indeed quite fast.. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Indeed, he arrived"as promised" within half an hour.

In addition to moving away the wounded who were not suppressed, the most important thing was Dig people -

In fact, because earthquakes are common, many building materials in Sakura Country are earthquake-proof.

It does not mean that they will not collapse, but after a collapse - it is more convenient for rescue and survival.

Therefore, the rescue operation went quite well. Quickly.

However, what the rescuers did not expect was that many of the buried bodies clearly looked like they had been killed by bombs or burned to death.......

Although there are many such corpses, in previous earthquakes.

Some people also died due to gas explosions caused by earthquakes.

It's just that in this earthquake, the number of people who died due to this situation was over 100 million.......

Therefore, the rescuers did not care too much about this.

Then there is the serial murder case that happened on Mermaid Island.

Because of the disappearance of Shimashiro Kimie and"Longevity Woman", even the police searched the entire Mermaid Island.

No matter how reasonable Mouri Kogoro's reasoning is, it is not supported by a sufficient and complete chain of evidence.

The police couldn't completely believe Kogoro Mouri's reasoning.[]

There is no way to directly place a wanted order on Shimashiro Kimie, so we can only find a way to find someone to summon him first.

In the end, the case could only be temporarily shelved in the file and was temporarily designated as an unsolved case..

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