At this moment, Mao Lilan didn't even think about looking for Conan and Hattori Heiji. Instead, she skillfully took out her mobile phone.

"Great, there’s still a signal!"

Probably Ou Huang, Mao Lilan directly dialed the rescue phone number.

Ye Fei came back from thinking about the bomb and couldn't help but touched his chin.

Although Mao Lilan has a soft personality, sometimes Because I do bad things with good intentions.

But when it comes to dealing with many things, I can be afraid and do better than professionals at the same time.

"Very good!"Mao Lilan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief after hanging up the phone.

Then she glanced at Ye Fei and the others with bright eyes, and"603" shared a piece of good news.

"Although the Seismological Detection Bureau stated that no earthquake was detected,"

"However, this earthquake did not cause more incidents, and the rescue team could arrive in half an hour."

Um......Probably because it's not Ke Xue's regular murder case, but there is no Blizzard Villa mode this time!

"That's good."Maori Kogoro couldn't help but nodded.

Immediately after briefly explaining a few words to Mao Lilan and asking Ye Fei to help take care of Mao Lilan, he turned directly to Nakagi Ryuji to see if there was anything he needed help with.

After all , ——That police department looks really unreliable!

"Sister Xiaolan——"Conan suddenly shouted and ran over.

His eyes passed over several people:"Teacher Ye, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it looks like you're not hurt either."

Given Ye Fei's stature, looking down at Conan feels quite condescending.

In addition, Ye Fei's status as a teacher.....

Being looked at by Ye Fei like this, Conan felt inexplicably panicked.

"without.......I'm not hurt."

Conan shook his head repeatedly and almost forgot what he wanted to say.

"Then where did you go just now? Do you know that we are all worried about you?"

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and looked at Conan seriously and asked.

"I......I was just inside the shrine, haha."

Conan touched the back of his head, trying to fool him.

"Yeah?"Mao Lilan couldn't help frowning and glanced at Conan.

"Then why did you come out so late? Could it be that you went somewhere to cause trouble again?"

"without!"Conan immediately denied it.

His brain ran wildly for two times before he found a reasonable excuse.

"I am.......Just because everyone was running too fast, I was afraid of being knocked down, so I slowed down a bit."

Hai Yuan Ai, who was still in Ye Fei's arms, couldn't help but curled her lips and didn't want to pay attention to Conan's poor acting skills.

"leaf.......Ye Fei, let me down. It's safe for now."

Hui Yuan Ai patted Ye Fei's shoulder and said with some embarrassment.

Although Ye Fei's embrace was very warm, Hai Yuan Ai was also worried about tiring Ye Fei's arms.

Hmm.......It has nothing to do with doubting whether I am fat or not, I just feel sorry for Ye Fei!

"Okay, then be careful and follow me so you don't get distracted by others."

Ye Fei did not refuse, but gave a few gentle instructions.

"good."Hui Yuan Ai nodded obediently.

After a brief hesitation, Hui Yuan Ai directly hooked Ye Fei's finger with his little finger........

Ye Fei moved his fingers slightly, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

Immediately, Ye Fei stretched out his palm and directly wrapped Hui Yuan Ai's little hand.

Hui Yuan Ai's body couldn't help but stiffen..........

This feeling is a bit strange.......Miyano Akemi was the only one who had ever treated Haibara Ai with such care before.

Because of this, Hui Yuan Ai didn't want to let go, but continued to be greedy for the warmth brought by Ye Fei. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"By the way, Teacher Ye, have you seen Brother Heiji?"

"It seems that Heiji brother has not been seen since the afternoon."

Conan couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and asked in a rather worried tone.

In fact, when he ran out just now, Conan had been calling Hattori Heiji.

Unfortunately, he called more than a dozen times in succession - all the time It's turned off!

This makes it really hard for Conan not to worry.

After all, if Hattori Hei is really still on the mountain, what if he is buried due to an earthquake?

Even with the police, in the face of a natural disaster.......Manpower is also very small!

"I didn’t see him, but Mr. Maoli said he was on the mountain with the police."

Ye Fei frowned slightly and said hesitantly.

"If the phone is turned off, could it be that the phone just ran out of battery?"

The bomb Master 1.4 installed by Pramya and Shimadai Kimie was in a residential area.

After all - because of yesterday's three murders, many residents were not at home.

Instead, they were helping to keep vigil, and some even participated in the search........[]

But because of the existence of earthquake sensation, the previous vibration can affect the other side of the cliff.

It's just like the situation at the shrine.

Unless the mountain structure has long since decayed and is on the verge of collapse.

Otherwise, the possibility of a similar situation like mountain collapse is actually not high.

In other words, whether Hattori Heiji can survive mainly depends on whether Hattori Heiji, who is missing one kidney, has enough physical strength to support Hattori Heiji to grab the tree!.

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