Conan didn't know that the image of Mermaid Island had been ruined in the hearts of the Maorilan people.

I don't know why, but Conan always has a bad feeling in his heart.

Thinking of the longevity woman who was resting in the police's mouth, Conan couldn't help grinding his teeth and said quickly

"No matter what, let’s find the longevity woman first."

As soon as these words were spoken, many people echoed them.

"Yes, I also want to find out whether this is true or false."

Except for some islanders who know the truth about Changshou Po, many tourists still have a dubious attitude.....

No matter what, as long as you can see the longevity woman - if you verify it, you can be sure that the mermaid is real or fake, right?

With this thought, everyone stood up and prepared to walk outside.

But, what no one expected was.

Before everyone could leave the shrine, there was suddenly a violent roar and vibration outside.

"Boom - bump——"

Feeling the trembling of the ground, many people subconsciously showed a bit of fear in their eyes.

"this.......What's this? Was there an earthquake?"

Probably because they were used to the frequent earthquakes in 233, many people reacted quickly. They hurriedly ran outside, shouting loudly at the same time.

"earthquake! Run!"

"dad?"Mao Lilan couldn't help but turned around anxiously.

Due to reasoning, Mao Lilan was at the innermost position of the shrine.

Mao Lilan subconsciously wanted to rush in, but - because everyone wanted to escape, even if The number of people was not enough to cause a stampede.

It was not enough to support Mao Lilan, so she ran directly against the flow of people.

"Xiaolan, don't worry, (bibf) Mr. Maoli has woken up."

Ye Fei held Haiyuan Ai in his arms and raised his hand to hold Mao Lilan's clothes.

At the same time, he looked towards the inside of the shrine with very obscure eyes.

Hmm.......The sleeping Kogoro had already woken up when the first shock began.

What a coincidence!

Although - even if Mouri Kogoro didn't wake up, he wouldn't die!

It’s not because of the protagonist’s aura or anything like that, but because the shrine cannot collapse!

After all, this is no ordinary"earthquake".......

It was a"surprise" prepared"carefully" by Ye Fei, so naturally he had to calculate everything.

When Ye Fei was in Tokyo, he tested a bomb made by Ye Fei in front of Gin.

In addition to being able to exert the power of ordinary bombs, the bomb at that time could also simulate seismic vibrations due to the vibration caused by the explosion.

However, in order to make the simulation realistic enough.

Ye Fei actually didn't like the power of that bomb so much that he wanted to throw it into the warehouse to collect dust.

Of course, Gin Jiu and other members of the action team often asked Ye Fei for help.

After all, as long as this thing doesn't explode in front of professionals - there aren't many traces of the explosion left afterward, and it can easily be covered up as a collapse accident or even an unpredicted small earthquake.

Later, after taking Pramya under his command.

Ye Fei gave the first version of this bomb to Pramya. Unexpectedly, after a few months, Pramya actually made a bomb with greater power and more realistic shock wave simulation!

Just like the earthquake just now, the improvement is indeed very effective!

This time, let Pramya bring this kind of bomb and ask Shimashiro Kimie to help install it.

It was also a coincidence of Ye Fei's impromptu decision. After all, the emergence of a"new product" always requires practical results. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Especially this kind of special weapon.

Once you get good at it, maybe make a big one.......Next time I can try it in more places in Sakura Country!

After all, Sakura Country is a country prone to earthquakes!

I have to say that Pramya's talent in bombs is indeed very good!

At least, Ye Fei's hands can be freed on the bomb.

"Yes, Xiaolan, Mr. Mori is also walking out.——"

"If he saw you running back for him, he would definitely be worried."

Yuanshan and Ye also nodded quickly and took Mao Lilan's other arm.

"I understand, thank you."

Mao Lilan took a deep breath, knowing that running back would only cause trouble.

Therefore, after a brief struggle, she followed Ye Fei and others and ran out along with the flow of people........

"Ye Fei, please put me down, I can go by myself."

Hui Yuan Ai patted Ye Fei's arm and said with some worry.

"Xiao Ai, no need, you are not serious either"[]

Ye Fei looked at Hui Yuan Ai seriously and shook his head slightly.

"And if so many people run out together,——"

"I put you down, and once you fall it's over."

Remembering that I am just a child's body now, it is not convenient to do anything else.

Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then sighed a little and could only nod.

Even if there is no way to help reduce the burden, then Don't cause trouble to Ye Fei.......

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