"Someone came to rob the tomb."Shimashiro Kimie said simply.

When she said this, Shimashiro Kimie's face looked ugly.

In the eyes of others, Shimashiro Kimie probably hated those tomb robbers.

But For Ye Fei, who knew Shimadai-kun~e, it was naturally very clear that Shimashiro-kune looked ugly entirely because of his mother.

After all, the so-called mermaid corpse was still a middle-aged woman. No matter what the corpse is.

It is actually the body of Shimashiro Kimie's mother!

In order to fulfill his mother's last wish, the legend of Mermaid Island continues to be passed down.

Shimashiro Kimie cannot hold a ceremony for his mother in an aboveboard manner. That's it for a real funeral.

You have to watch these people mention and slander your mother from time to time. Some people even steal their mother's grave for their own selfish purposes.....

How could this make Shimashiro Kimie feel good?

If Shimashiro Kimie was really that generous - there would be no way he would want to devise fancy tricks to take revenge!

After briefly observing Shimashiro Kimie, whose acting skills were almost broken, Ye Fei couldn't help but touch his chin.

Although his eyes were still on the people not far away, his thoughts had already wandered off.

Since of course there are a lot of tomb robbers,.......

In order to confirm whether the mermaid really exists, is it possible that Gin is also one of the tomb robbers?

Thinking like this, Ye Fei sent a message directly to Ginjiu

【Brandy: Gin, did you go to the tomb to confirm the identity of the mermaid? 】

Although he knew that Ginjiu might not give the answer, this did not prevent Ye Fei from laughing at Ginjiu.

【Gin: Is this what you mean by having read the original information? 】

Seeing how Gin Jiu didn't answer the question, Ye Fei curled up the corner of his mouth in an incomprehensible way.

Tsk! It seems that Gin really went to rob a tomb, haha.

To be honest, Ye Fei really couldn't imagine the scene of Gin sticking his butt out and digging a grave with a shovel.......

But - if there is vodka, I guess I don’t need gin for this job!

【Brandy: But the information doesn’t seem to mention you going to rob the tomb. I’m not afraid that you might have missed something.】

【But——Gin, there is something that needs to be discussed carefully.】

【I heard a lot of rumors about tomb robbing on Mermaid Island. You didn't handle the ending well! 】

Ye Fei actually didn't question Gin's professionalism at all, he just made a few jokes.

After all--the organization's topkiller has some tricks up his sleeve in regards to Kudo Shinichi's matter.

It's impossible to dig someone's grave and leave any clues.

It just happened that there were too many tourists wanting to dig graves at that time........

【Gin: Brandy, if you are free, I still have a lot of tasks on hand that are suitable for you! 】

Tsk! Ye Fei turned off his phone directly.

Most of what Gin called suitable tasks were intelligence tasks that Ye Fei didn't like to do very much.

Although it is not difficult for Ye Fei, it is still annoying enough!

Ye Fei still prefers action missions of fighting and killing. After all, he can kill everyone........The person who deserves to be killed!

"Um?"Hattori Heiji raised questions about tomb robbing.

"Many tourists want to pry open the tomb and steal the mermaid's bones."

"Those people believed that the mermaid's bones were also the elixir of immortality."

Shimashima Kimie slightly restrained her eyes, hiding the hatred flashing in her eyes.

"Therefore, last year, my great-grandmother asked someone to privately move the tomb to this forest for burial."

"Then who did your great-grandmother ask for help?"Moori Kogoro asked subconsciously.

"I don't know about this, I just know that he was a person my great-grandmother trusted."

Shimadai Kimie shrugged slightly and said as if he didn't care very much. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) I'm afraid only Ye Fei and the person involved know how much Shimashiro Kimie cares. this matter!

"Hey - it doesn't matter if it's suicide, homicide or an accident."

Mouri Kogoro pinched his eyebrows and sighed.

"What we need to do now is to get Miss Shoumei’s body down from the mountain first, and wait for the police to arrive at the scene."

"Do more research."

Although there are not any large beasts in the mountains and forests now, it is indeed not suitable to leave the body of Hisumi Ebihara alone here.

"snort!"Rokuro Fukuyama couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Even if it was his death, then there is something wrong with Shou Mei carrying everyone here at this time."

"Ah! Shoumei is also your fiancée after all."

Naoko Kuroe rolled her eyes and said with disdain.

"Just after someone had an accident, you became like this. You are really cold!"

"Um? Fukuyama Rokuro is Ebihara Hisumi's fiancée?"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but squinted his eyes and glanced at Fukuyama Rokuro, and asked thoughtfully.[]

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